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Posts posted by calculusdesola

  1. Hello there!

    I have come to report a bug discovered by myself and several other ETs (namely Jason).


    GMs and even ETs it seems can spawn in full sets of armor on armor stands, which promptly has no weight but is still fully equippable all the same. 


    I suspect this bug has been used to dupe en mass.  Alternatively as some players have pointed out it can drop off zombies, though in the hordes of zombies I've personally killed I've not received any weightless equipment.  If that's intended then my apologies.


    Would appreciate it if this could be investigated and fixed.  Thanks! (:


    (Sorry if this is already a known exploit)

  2. Apologies for taking a while to get back to this.  With the rise of more and more powers in the conflict, it seems this feud has already faded into relative obscurity.  That said I'm gonna cancel the warclaim.  Please move to denied. :  )

  3. Well, use of terrain to the advantage is absolute, but we can't have your side or my side hiding in trees the entire battle not engaging one another (which is what is going to happen).  Maneuvering through forest/mountain/etc is one thing.  Hiding in it for 30 minutes+ and not coming out is Fringe-tier non sequitur which I would like to avoid.  That's all that rule 6 addresses. 


    Also, the only problem I have with the fortifications is that it would seemingly metagame our impending arrival.  I had also hoped for a field battle before either one of us is besieged.  So long as we are able to have the same fortifications set up near our starting point I don't have an issue scrapping rule 5. 


    Let me know how all that sounds.

  4. 3r1nWI8.jpg

    The feudal war between the House of Vladov and the House de Sola continues, accelerating to a bitter openness.

    Having taken a fall from the walls of Dour Watch during a Vladovian foray, the young Clement de Sola, still but a boy only finishing his squiring days, and Baron Titus' heir, has been captured.  His present fate remains unknown, but artefacts of his torture - a fingernail pried from the flesh coupled with the threat of flaying - have already been received.
    Though many a coward and profligate may sit tidy in their beds for such barbarism, the Men of Dour Watch will not.  We will ride out in force for the east for our own vengeance.

    The time has come to destroy these mad brutes, disloyal to their God, disloyal passionately to their King and their Country, most blatantly, and holding no respect for proper Orenian ways -- for us.

    The Lancers of Dour Watch will fight through the lungs of hell to liberate yet another captured kinsman, to end his torment.

    In order to make a move for the Vladov's well fortified castle of Barrowyk, de Sola must capture appropriate flatland on the west bank of the northern Adrian riverlands on which to mount siege engines.

    The land in question would equal the edge of one of the river's several tributaries flowing from the southwest ((x: 695, z: -2427)) to the borders of the hinterlands to the northeast ((x: 975, z: -2682)), and roughly along the western banks of the river across from the Vladovs' castle.

    A preview of the general terrain in question.




    Type of Battle: Field battle

    Time: 8/2/2015.  Sunday.  To occur the weekend after this post.  Time to be decided, will work out what works for defenders.

    Attackers: House de Sola

    Defenders: House of Vladov

    Location and Boundaries: The field region just across the river from Barrowyk.

    From: x 695, z -2427 in the southwest

    to: x 975, z -2682 in the northeast

    (Would like GM to screenshot overhead area to map out the battle space to be more precise on said region.  Will elaborate if necessary)

    Terms of Victory
    Victory for Attacker: Defenders are killed or driven from the battle area
    Victory for Defenders: Attackers are killed or driven from the battle area


    Attackers win: de Sola continues to mount an offensive on Barrowyk and promptly lays siege to it, raising a war camp in the aforementioned territory and constructing siege engines.
    Defenders win: Vladov turns the de Sola offensive back and no siege occurs.


    1. All server rules must be followed.

    2. This is a feudal, intranational war between de Sola and Vladov, I would like to see it kept as such.  To avert a massive influx of mercenaries or alts to either side I would like to see both sides capped at 30 players.

    3. I would also like for one day alts with no real purpose behind them except for tactical OOC warfare to take a hike.

    4. No strategic OOC warfare or dirty tactics.  Pokings on teamspeaks during critical moments, screwing with statuses, DDoSes, wandering soul spying/commanding, returning to battle after death, use of hacks, and what have you are all cowards tactics and I expect my side as much as the other to recognize this.  It should go without saying.

    5. No scarring the earth of the aforementioned territory in any way from the posting of this warclaim, nor modifying the river(s).

    6. Hiding in forest or trees and refusing to engage the other party forfeits the open grasslands (the territory being contested) and thus cedes victory to the other side.


    (let me know if ive made any discrepancies in the post.  dont be afraid to PM me im not as unreasonable as some think.)



    (format shamelessly stolen from ark)

  5. Baron Titus knew what this meant.  His Kaedreni kin to the east had been assaulted and nearly destroyed by agents of Vladov with less justification than that of the bloodshed at Wett Castle, and thus, he felt, might grow more affectionate to his camp.


    In his chambers, with a shaking, callused swordhand he dipped a quill into an ink pot.


    "Damage controllio."

  6. Octavian screams out to the man in disgust "No you filthy ******* peasant you dont understand. Three good Vladov nobles were slain as witnesses to a trial and all we get is a war between two houses? What the actual ****."


    "What are you afraid of?" inquires Titus in a low, wispy rasp.

  7. 7b3d8dea5d.png

    "Slaughter when my family destroys rebels holding my brother captive and disgracing my name, pure coincidence when Sergius de Bar be near murdered." Titus would one day remark, rubbing at his once wounded left shoulder in thought.  "I was expected to sit by idly while my kinsmen be held under duress... by scum who have provoked me on several occasions, and sought my downfall for the Adrian crime of being born de Sola."

    Titus the Bloody Baron remains affluent and unafflicted, having taken the lives of men for whom the bell tolled, men openly disloyal to his King, in his eyes.


    "They misunderestimated me."

    -Titus W. De Sola

  8. Eddy is known to be an inclusive but virtuous individual who is always a pleasure to work with.  He is up front and fair, two very diverse, open minded qualities that fit the niche of the app team perfectly.  +1

  9. Drak'Lur pats his Lur wolf mount on the head as he rides along the desert, noting that the orcs were the first combat horse-riders of this current age in his mind.

    "May we one day let the battlefield decide."  Titus would one day grunt, gripping his reins in a steely vice.  With a free hand he slurped from a floppy flask of wine.

  10. With the conclusion of the Duke's War as a Loyalist victory, the officers of the Lancers of Dour Watch have converted the band, with approval by the King and numerous historians, to the Order of the Imperial Knights of Saint Thomas


    Differing vastly from simple holy orders, the Imperial Knights' goal is to re-establish the old Orenian Empire once again and drive it to its previous greatest extent, as well as preserve the Imperium's sacred knowledge.

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