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Bedrock VIP
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Status Updates posted by Eleatic

  1. I'm in everquest landmark beta. woo.

  2. tsu likes guybutt -_-

  3. [07:19:00] s: I'm attracted to turtles.

  4. your profile image is satanic.

  5. Hey, saw you active. I wanted to genuinely apologize for Asulon, man. I was a spiteful prick, and intentionally OOCly harassed you and the Volsung into leaving me and me inactive little island alone. Not sure if you remember, but since I saw you post on ski_kings status, I felt comepelled to apologize. So yeah.

  6. daily reminder dread knight korea best korea.


  8. 4.0 is being delayed by a month?!

  9. What do you need?

  10. Welcome to LoTC. Please take a look at the racial guides, and re-read the rules while you wait for implementation.

  11. Welcome to Lord of the Craft. Happy to have you. Remeber to follow the rules! PM me with anything you need, or are curious about.

  12. Good evenin, folks

  13. Welcome to LOTC. It was a pleasure to review your app. Sorry for the time implementation is taking.

  14. ●▂▂▂▂●

  15. Just made Peanut Butter cookies with a smidge of sugar and an almond on top. R u jelly

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