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Posts posted by Heff

  1. A tiny halfling child rides up to you on a pig, he's a little round near his bottom.

    "Do me!"

    He tosses the man a sack of 60 minas... not really caring for minas. 



    He puts his arm over the large pig and smiles, a toothy grin with a few missing teeth. His curly hair has one curl going in the middle of his face and he has two big eyes. He wears a smooth, but dirty, vest. On the pig's saddle is a wrench hanging off. He also has two big, warm, cheeks and a small nose, fat nose.


  2. Watching all the older halflings drink, Fumble goes into his backpack, pulling out a fake mustache. He walks up to the man...

    "Me 'ave two p'eese!"

    Bu' no competition p'eese."

    He drinks two bottles of the ales (mixed) and begins to blink furiously.

    "D-d-d-da' pre'y good fo' a big-hic- ale..." He turns and stubs his toe, tripping and falling into the bushes.


    He starts to sing... But instead passes out.

  3. Gamle reads the poster. He shakes his head, and says aloud:

    "Such logic! Le's roun' up a group o' survivors o' an attack, put 'em all in a room, 'n expect da un's who attacked in da first place NAWT t' try n' finish da job! Anyun' who goes t' dat is signin' a death warrant!"

    Ryan will be hiding his sword under his tux. Thanks to Gamle pointing this out.
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