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Everything posted by Heff

  1. When are the creative writing pieces due?
  2. [you must have atleast 7 years on LOTC to view this status update]

  3. I miss u man ❤️ 

  4. I got 63 followers. how many you got? 

    1. Fireheart
    2. Unwillingly


      like 12 and one of them is TheDragonsRoost which still deeply embarrasses me so I disabled my public follower list 

  5. @VonAulus  Jub jub ,can I maybe... appeal my warning point from January 28 2020? 

  6. new porifle pic. 

  7. Heff

    looked at ur old status updates. my name in ur mouth constantly. watch urself ?

    1. Zacho


      is this THE ryanheff?

    2. Heff


      yeah wahts it to ya @Zacho

    3. Zacho


      @Heffi think we were in The Coin back in Vailor together, or you ran it.

  8. Heff

    hey just followed u 

  9. just followed you 

    1. devvy


      follow me

  10. hey wake up 

  11. ?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. seannie
    3. Heff


      @Stalistena wow! hows it goin! cool that you remember that. good times. halfling gang 

    4. Heff


      @seannieget outta my timeline unless u want that smoke foo 

  12. yo mormonism p cool **** 

  13. ground control to major tom 

  14. Good morning say it back 

    1. _Jandy_


      when I say gm it means “get money” ,but good morning I guess

    2. rukio
  15. server so laggy dawg

  16. 0/10. literally just joined
  17. i am a migos loyalist 

  18. LOTC on its way out. Time for a new age of RP. #SnapRP

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