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Posts posted by Heff

  1. That wouldn't be a bad idea. we could have an extra area for dwarves and maybe even larger ones for men and elves. It would increase out population in lenfarthing. We could make a direct road to lenfarthing as well for easier access. 


    I do like the idea of going to a capital city, but i am not willing to leave my burrow. maybe the elves could expand to a outpost town that is close to Lenfarthing. maybe have some towns near the whale body 

    No. No. No. Halflings are not going to be a dwarf dominated city. Dwarves are quite different from halflings. Sure they drink and dance but they war, they mine, and they argue. Halflings do not. Halflings are peaceful and many would not enjoy dwarves immigrating and dominating Lenfarthing.

    And about moving our location. Lenfarthing is closer to spawn than Abresi! And yet people still walk all the way there.


    Every time I RP with you little guys it's always enjoyable! But I can't remember the last time I saw one of you..


    Just by skimming through this thread I think the problems are:


    - Entrance to Lenfarthing

      This is one of the major problems! The only entrance to Lenfarthing is walking through someone's large farm (how rude!) and going through the creepy Witches Woods. Both steer players away.


    - There's no real 'centre' to the town.

       I don't really think there should be a large lake right bam-smack in the middle of the town. Perhaps bring it forward towards the Malinor road a bit more so you can have a little circle going around the lake on the outside and possibly have a nice little courtyard filled with pumpkins and other halfling-y stuff where the frozen lake is now.


    - Kinda too big for you lil fellas.

       I mean no offence by this, but until the player base grows I think you should make it smaller. I love your burrows. I think you just need some more active players and then you can expand off into [insert cool halfling-named road here].


    Also a note concerning the joining of other races with the Halflings....nah. Halflings are far to different and developed. Every race is different and combining two in one town would change the way they RP and it would steer away from what  Halflings are actually like. If you made a nice centre of town with a grand pumpkin-y entrance I think it would fix the problem :)



    I agree with your last point. Although I believe your other points are un-neccesary. We do have a center of town, The Lumpy Pumpkin, and the farm thing... it shows who the halflings are.




    More active elders? More fun elders that are not all old guys?


  2. Bod flips a table in rage.

    His best chum, since childhood, had passed. Talibar and Bod... it sounded so great togethor, but just Bod.... just Bod was awful. The name Bod would never be heard again without the name Talibar/Valon. A single tear ran down the cold-hearted thief's face. His heart had finally cracked, almost no more joy remained. He drew his knife and slammed it into the table, he took out his tattoo kit. Slowly he began to draw his friends face on his forearm, cutting himself as he did it. Above the picture was one word, 

    "Talibar And Bod, Best Chums For Life."

    'Red' stormed through the Abresi alleyways, a short dwarf thug walked up, knife draw, 'Red' didn't even bother, punching the thug square in the neck, he knocked his Adam's Apple in and it was over. Tears poured down 'Red's face, he continued to stride about the alleyways, taking on and fighting any poverty stricken criminal he could find, rage had filled the empty space of a once joyful heart.






    Seriously doe man. Great times playing with Tali. Ever since they met in Kingston, I knew their lives would be intertwined forever. I hate to see his best chum go and I will truly miss playing with Talibar, thanks for the great times Kyle! 


    Bod and Talibar.... Best Chums 4 Life.

  3. *a second letter comes back in reply, carried once again by the one-eyed raven.*


    Unfortunately, I won't be able to pick it up in Lenfarthing as I had hoped, as I am fighting on the side of the Wolvengard in the war. But if you could deliver it to me at Crowsfoot Keep, I would be most grateful.






    ((Is it an in person thing? Or are you just delivering 2 crates of doughnuts and 12 bottles of cider through the mail xD))

    Fumble frowns,

    "Da's a lon' journey.... okey dokey le's ge' da pony prepped."


    His brother sets to work rigging their pony. He also sends a bird in reply 

    "Where i' Crowsfoo' keep?"


    ((Its an in person thing I'll drop a chest with the delivery in front of this "Crow's Keep"))

  4. [[i'll address each question now:


    1. It's an OOC information page dealing with IC matters.

    2. I plan on personally ensuring that the guild work 100% for the betterment of the Halflings, absolutely no harm will purposefully fall on them. In fact, one of the big reasons I made this guild Halflings-only is to increase our numbers. Welcome?

    3. Like ura said, this is actually rather typical Halfling behavior. We aren't going to kill many people at all because that's just not realistic. The main focus is around the drug trade, I hope to make that a fun part of global RP, kind of like Skooma in Skyrim, however there will also be larceny, money laundering, fraud, forgery, and the tiniest bit of kidnapping. Think of corrupt business instead of gang of thugs


    Keep in mind that I'm doing this to provide enticing and entertaining Halfling RP. As a Halfling of over 6 months, I'm on your side guys. :P]]

    ((Sorry I know that stealing is halfling stuff... jus' wasn't sure if ya was a rogue city hobbit who mugs people))

  5. Fumble walks up to the halfling, who is taller than him, as he is still a child halfling.


    "Ca' I 'ave a paintin' o' me!? I'ma pay ya 20 hugses!"


    A short, plump halfling, with a joyful, toothy grin stands before you. HIs curly hair sits on his head, with a backpack on his back.







    A short, man with dirt and cuts all over his face.  


    "Pain' me? I feel the nee' to get my face ou' there. How's about I don't mug ya an' ya pain' me?"


    He stares with a dull, sad, depressed, look in his eyes and waits for his painting to be done.



  6. The halfling child ran through New Abresi.... the kharajyr stood in the shadows.

    "Hey kid... want some candy?"

    Fathom walked off with the kharajyr and boarded the boat with him.... shackles were clipped to his wrists.... he was never seen again.






    The red hooded man stood on the rooftop, the kha' stood in front of him, tied to a chair. 

    "Where is he!?"

    "I don't know...."

    The hooded man punched the kha' in the face and stabbed his hands into the chair.

    "Tell me."


    The hooded man spat at the ape kha' 


    He punched the kha' in the chest, stabbed him in the hand again, and slipped a noose around his neck. Tightening the rope, he yelled at the kha', pure anger in his voice , 

    "You cat skum!"

    He kicked the chair off the building, the chair flipped off, and the noose tightened and then the chair broke.

    "Red" turned around and hopped across the rooftops of New Abresi, a new era of violence had come over this thief.

  7. Posco looks over the post uninterested till he notices the painting.


    As he runs away from the poster trembling with fear and sobbing like a baby, he shouts to himself.




    The drawing fuels Posco's vivid nightmares till the end of his days.

    Fumble watches Posco burst in tears and mutters to himself....


    "My drawin's jus' too much fo' poor ole Pos'o."

  8. *a large, one-eyed raven flaps noisily as it perches on the halfling's mailbox. It then slides a message through the slit.*


    Dear Fosco and Fumble Willowbottom,


    I wish to purchase 2 crates (2 x 64) of doughnuts, as I must admit that I have a HUGE sweet tooth.

    I will also purchase 12 bottles of your lovely cider. I must congratulate you both on your lovely idea of selling cider and doughnuts exclusively, and would like to say that I will be an avid customer!




    Gunnar Valorheart

    Fumble nods to his brother who flips the switch on the Cider An' Doghnut Makah 9000.12.... cider doghnuts and cider bottles begin to fall out of the oven and kegs.


    "Mis'ah Gunnar... ya ordah will be ready soon... will ya like it to be delivahd o' pick up?"



    *a sketch of a munchkin sits here*




  10. http://youtu.be/kgn8Eoh9aSY





    The halfling boys squeezed through the bars, and fell onto the cold floor. They rushed through the rooms, squeezing through the next set of iron door bars. Then a large door stood, with a guard blocking it. The oldest and thinnest, Fosco, picked up his chunky brother and hucked him against the wall, following up with his own body weight. The door gave way, and the tween guard stumbled to the floor. As he looked up two silhouettes stormed through Ravenhold.  As they slid down the mountain on the fat one's belly they reached the road and stormed through elven farms. It was like running through a jungle, all that tall wheat. Finally they reached Witch Woods and cheered, happy to see the evil landmark that stood on the border of their cheery home. The two young halflings stormed the woods.




    The boys stormed into their burrow. They kissed their sleeping parents on their foreheads, hugging them dearly. And then the boys walked down the stairs and feasted on all the leftover gingerbread cakes.



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