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Posts posted by Heff

  1. My character Fumble has an interest in 'pliggies' a.k.a piggies. He is trying to find one and I wish to rp him finding a piglet that is hurt. He will find you and nurse you back to health and then you become his companion. It will be fun to rp because Fumble is a halfling child in Lenfarthing and with a pet pig they can cause a lot of fun times for everyone.

    Just comment below if you wish to be "Plig" the pig and I will pm you the skin.

  2. Great guide! It really goes into detail of how people can actually rp food well. My old character can't cook anything so he just makes jerky out of random meats, stale bread, and has a jug of cold coffee

  3. Bod Was Trotting Down The Highway. His horse Frost was growing weary so they needed to camp for the night. Far away from the wild docks where he hoped to catch a boat there was no reason to push on.

    The two sat in the muggy air at the Nations Crossing. His horse neither happily as it munched on an apple and Bod prepared his soup. He took a swig of coffee. His hands sweated, his face shaky. He had not had a sugar cube in days! This recovery journey would be a hard one. Eventually he forced himself to lay down on his fur mat.

    The sun rose that morning, Frost stirred and trotted over to Bod and nuzzled his nose in Bod's chest... no reply. After several frantic attempts Frost began to panic. The horse, smarter than others of his species, bit off his rope and trotted to the side of the camp and layed next to his faithful master. Maybe he would wake up. Here the horse sat next to his dead master, a 16 year old teen who died of sugar withdrawal. The horse would sit by his master till his own death, no matter the pain that came.

    A howl in the night and the wolves were out prowling the forests beside the Highway. They circled around the silent camp and moved in on the pair. Frost's ears perked up and looked around when the first wolf leaped into the air. It bit it's jaws into the shaggy horse's neck and then was launched into the air where it slammed against a tree, breaking its spine. Frost had to protect his master. He stomped down on the second wolf's head and it fell limp. Blood poured from Frost's neck when the next wolf came. It lunged for Bod but Frost leaped into the air slamming it into the ground. A poof of dust and then... the night air was silent once more. The wolves lay dead, Frost in a pool of blood, and Bod resting in the same position, hopefully his god Banath will allow him into a better place. The scene was motionless, the Thief Lord lifeless.

  4. A silhouette in a grey cloak can be seen trotting down the out of Kastoria. He appears to have a Nieric Cross on his necklace. He stops and dismounts to post a note in the Guild Citadel. He then mounts Frost and trots onto the main road on his aimless journey of recovery from sugar addiction. The short rider trots off, not to be seen again for a long time.

  5. *a note lies for all the Order to see*

    "As most of ya know I have a sugar addiction. I thought it wouldn't harm me... Wouldn't harm others. I was wrong. Recently I had an overdose... I almost killed my horse and I blacked out just above a ravine. If not for Frost we would both be at the bottom of the ravine in Oren drowned. I have decided to take a journey of recovery. I will travel the lands gathering information and of course alerting the guild if something is important, but I will not be contactable or able to be seen for a very long time... I hope to return but I will let the wind blow me, I leave the appointment of a new Siediest to Talibar. Good luck to the guild and by Banath I hope I return!"


    OOC: I am making a halfling character who will require much attention and having it as an alt isn't in my interest and it would be very hard to travel between Kastoria and Lenfarthing. PM me if you have any concerns about the Meiklas. I hope to atleast make Bod my alt but I do not know. Goodbye for now.

  6. (( I'm a little confused as to why you guys are assuming they're singing in Dwarven taverns...))

    ((You salis "All across Anthos pub crawlers and tavern seekers alike have heard one song as of late echoing throughout the ale halls of the realm." So with no specific area and you stating they are all across Anthos we assume you mean ALL across the realm in ALL pubs. Maybe specify it in the post so there is no more confusion?))

  7. It was another one of those sticky, humid days outside. Not to mention the long night the Halflings had in the Witch Woods, it was only made worse by a repetitive yelling and screaming. Bolo groans, his wife next to him, she stirs slowly and shakes him,

    "Dear, get the baby will ya?"

    Bolo responds with another groan, getting up slowly and rubs his eyes. He begins to trudge to the baby's room and peeks inside. He finds the both of them sleeping, curled up in little blankets and pajamas. So, where was this screaming coming from. Bolo yawns, and begins to trudge outside towards the noise. He almost knocks over the basket when he looks down to see a small Halfling child with beaming eyes, and a tear streaked face.

    "Oi, who left a li'lun like yaself ou' 'ere. Mistah Bolo will take ya lad, no worries."

    With a smile, devoid of any signs of his previous tired like state, aside from his baggy, black eyes - Bolo heaves up the basket and begins to carry the baby back to his burrow.

    ((I won't be on for a few days sorry... But when I get on ill pm you))
  8. In the center of the peaceful haven of Lenfarthing a picnic basket sits with movement inside. A cry erupts from the basket and the cry can be heard from all over the town. A small halfling boy child lays inside, big tears streaming down his little face. He is wrapped in what looks like clothes, possibly for him to grow into. On the basket a note is attached.

    The Note Reads:

    His name is Fumble. To whomever finds him he may have yer last name. Please do what I couldn't and raise this young hobbit.


    I wanted to create a halfling character. I figured why not allow someone to adopt him (me) . Just post under this thread wether you want to adopt him or not (in rp of course)! After we can work out over pm when I can come to your burrow and get rping! sorry for the lack of color I am on vacation and posting this on my phone.

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