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Posts posted by Heff

  1. *Reads the note, writing back,* Yes, although it really depends on what you're looking for.

    *Writes a reply*

    "Come to Kastoria and visit the Nieric Citadel. ((Shouldn't be hard for you :P)) Talk to Talibar Tyrowen and he will interview ye for the job, tell him you were told to do so by Bod."

  2. OOC:

    MC Name: lilBucky_24




    How much time can you be online per day?: I can be on 10 hours a day.

    How long have you been playing on the server?: about 1 year

    What past guilds have you been apart of?: I have not been apart of any guilds.

    Have you ever held a leadership role before?: No, I have not been apart of a leadership role.

    How would you describe yourself?: I'm a huge gamer and loves sport and I love the kingdom times.

    Do you have a Skype? If so what is your name?: I do not have a Skype.

    Do you have a VA?: No, I don't



    Race: Dark elf

    Age: 113

    Past Experience: I don't have much this a new character.

    What are your skills?: I am good at being unseen at stealing

    What weapon do you prefer?: a dagger and a bow

    Why do you wish to join the Order?: Because I want to be able to join a thieves guild and my brother is in it and we are brothers IC

    What is your personality like?: My character is a thief and an alcoholic

    What are some strengths of yours?: stealing an fighting

    What makes you different from others?:I am a smartass

    Why should we accept you into the Order?: because I could be good at defending the guild

    What position do you wish to achieve in the Order?:something to do with scouting

    Tell us more about yourself (Biography):My dad was very strict leader of the dark elf collective and forgot the kids a lot and the kids were very into the military. But I was in to being a thief. Also my mom died and my dad was forgetful of the

    kids, I ran away I could not stand it. So I became a thief and I loved stealing thing from properties. When I grew up I mastered a thief. In fact when I grew I thought of my father a lot and I decided to assassinate him. But when I arrived I saw my brother right behind my father and he slit his throat. Ever since the Dark Elf Collective has put a huge bounty on our heads. Ever since I have been running away and me and my brother have just recently rediscovered each other today as we speak of.

    I, Aeron, hereby pledge my skills and my life to the advancement and support of the Nieric Order. I swear my loyalty to the Order and swear on the blood of my brothers and sisters, to serve faithfully and never leave the Order until the day I take my last breath. I shall abide by all the laws of the Order. If I violate these terms, so help me God.

    *Before Bod sets out on his big trip he looks over the application, he sends a letter to Aeron*

    "We have talked and I understand ye wish to be a Meilka. Ye are accepted, before I leave on a journey I would like to talk to ye about something. I shall give ye yer uniform, blades, long-range weapon, and yer first mission! I know it's a lot but I feel ye can handle some recon. My ony concern is yer alchoholic, please either monitor yer drinking or just dont drink at all. it lessens senses... eat sugar instead. Go to the den, yer cloak and double-scabbard will be waiting. There will be a mission briefing there for you soon."

    ((P.S Your biography was a little confusing but I got the general drift of it.))

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