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Josh △

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Everything posted by Josh △

  1. Just came back from the dentist, had my wisdom teeth pulled, and it hurts like HELL. Zane, blood work = wimpy ;)

  2. Well then what about Commander, Tempir?
  3. As the leader of Seventis, I would gladly accept the the new emerald knights some shelter in the barracks of Seventis. I would also love to be a part too. ((Maybe I can be a Duke for them? :D))
  4. How do you change your forum title? I want mine to be

    1. Josh △

      Josh △

      Lord of Seventis | Head of House Lionheart | Current Leader of Total Awesomeness

    2. Thu'um


      That's too long xD

    3. Josh △
  5. you will not beat seventis, just a heads up. especially with my secret weapon.

  6. I will do my absolute best to do that. I vow to myself to hurt you in as little as I can.
  7. Alright. I will add more detail in my app and what do you mean "best" you in RP combat? What are the details?
  8. OH yes. I am a VERY good warrior. (( My character has trained in Swordplay and fighting for a long time. He has expertise swordsmanship (( lvl 99 swords )) Amazing archery (( lvl 50 )) and he even can repair his own weapons and armor after battles (( lvl 50 blacksmithing. ))
  9. Sure! I will post a thread about the Nobles of SEventis and Ascella.
  10. Oh... you want me to build... um... I... am not that good at building... (damnit! Please don't make me lose my role though. please dez, I really want this so badly.))
  11. I have added more info. Can you check it out Dez?
  12. CPU_Easy's Lord Application Lord/Lady IG Name: CPU_Easy IC Name: Lord Griffin of House Lionheart What Seventisian Town? The City of Seventis. VIP? Needed: I have a Diamond VIP. Managment Skills?: Griffin has some management skills, as the archbishop, he was in charge of the religion of aerielism in Holm, but doesn't practice it anymore. He also lead the nation whenever King Hiebe was absent. Griffin also had the spare time during his mid twenties to practice swordsmanship skills (lvl. 99 :D), mining (lvl. 50), and archery too. Being a current Baron von in the city of Seventis, Griffin also has the abilities to make new friends and manage them accordingly, just as a lord would do. He has worked through pounds of paper, reading and writing for them, and also managed many events in his life. As stated, during the events, Seventis may also have many events to bring up population, and to raise reputation for this magnificent city. In conclusion, Griffin has the right amount of management skills to make Seventis a better, bigger, and more beautiful city. (lvl.51). Leadership: Griffin has had a lot of past leadership skills before, including being the archbishop and ambassador to the nation of holm. He left Holm to seek new territory and a new life. Griffin has also been the long time leader of the House of Lionheart. The nobles or members may join this house to become more of royalty and to have a good time with colleagues. As appointed baron von, Griffin has been doing a fine job leading the city, making sure that everyone is behaving in the city grounds and keeping guards on duty. Griffin has seen some incidents during his time here that he has somewhat handled, and he promises to King Renati and to High Chancellor Damien that they can trust Lord Griffin as a fine leader for the city of Seventis. Time on per Day: Normally I have around 1-1:30 per day (one to one hour thirty minutes), but on weekends I have around four hours. Experience in Seventis: I have been to Seventis before to trade and to be a Seventis guard. The beautiful city of Seventis is the city for me an my daughter Adelaide Lionheart. As for my son and I, we have been wandering around Seventis, making friends with everyone, such as Crow and Bitazity. My son and I also have been talking with the natives and have seemed to become normals in the wonderful city of Seventis. I hope to get accepted for this amazing oppurtunity. May all of ye be watched over by Aeriel with the finest luck!
  13. Sorry! it's just i double-posted by accident, sorry king renati :)
  14. So dez, first of all, please go online, or respond to my pms please :) second, I will add detail right now. thirdly, may i have priviliges for the Seventis account? I am a high role in Seventis :)
  15. So dez, first of all, please go online, or respond to my pms please :) second, I will add detail right now. thirdly, may i have priviliges for the Seventis account? I am a high role in Seventis :)
  16. I have made myself known quite well in seventis, but I guess I need some more. And i'll add some more detail. However I did get 5 +1s.
  17. I think so. And I agree with nppeck :) *smiles*
  18. I personally +1 Bitazity's app. He has some great talent, not just in writing, but in rp too. He should be a Co-lord with me for Seventis. +99999999999923851029581627095168029856102 Edit: Sorry for double posting.
  19. YES! I have all 5 +1s! :D One from anonymous, one from zane, one from JOnathand23, one from funy100, and one from bitazity :D Finally i can officially be a lord for seventis :D
  20. First of all, that was Sarouuthel, Griffins elf alter ego. Anyway, I need one more +1! ;)
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