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Josh △

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Everything posted by Josh △

  1. Congratulations Alethion! :)

  2. Big shoutout to Volutional for his amazing avatars! Thanx bro!

  3. What's Aryon's server IP?

    1. Jibuis Winterborn (Vinnie)
    2. Snake Plissken

      Snake Plissken

      I believe your supposed to request it from him in a PM

    3. DrakeHaze.


      The IP will be given if you ask in PRIVATE.

  4. As usual, Viper steals my heart :3
  5. Should I make a GM app?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Josh △

      Josh △

      But thanks for the imput, I appreciate it :)

    3. Eleatic


      I don't, you are a generally rude and biased person.

    4. Scipp3r


      I do not think so neither does ***'**

  6. Can a forum moderator remove some of my warnings? I have had some of them for a very long time...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Lirinya


      Speak to the FM's or GMs who warned you.

    3. Supremacy


      Having known you on 3 servers CPU easy, I can't say I reccomend your warnings being removed... but <3 Goodluck I guess

    4. Josh △

      Josh △

      Seriously? Was that comment neccessary? First of all, I wasn't the only one who "left" the server. Doozla said that you AND him got banned. So don't give me any more crap about that okay?

  7. Absolutely amazing! This is what we need from the players!
  8. Congratulations on Media Team! :)

  9. Yay, LoTC had another DDOS. :)

  10. We seriously have to hire Morgan Freeman to document movies about each race and city. That would be totally awesome. Or some random guy from britain :P

    1. Samoblivion


      *Clears his throat in an arrogant and expectant manner*

    2. Samoblivion


      ^Random guy from Britain at your service ;)

    3. Fid
  11. Holy Crap, i was just at the DMZ in North Korea... it was the coolest thing ever :D

    1. Will (TauFirewarrior)

      Will (TauFirewarrior)

      I thought North Koreans didn't let in foreigners or did you mean South Korea or am I wrong about North Korea?

    2. JoakimVonAnka


      They do let foreigners in, but only under extremely controlled environments.

    3. Josh △

      Josh △

      They let foreigners in, on the DMZ.

  12. Hey guys, just bring you some more bad news :( I'm in Korea for holiday, and there is a typhoon coming in about 2 hours ;( i'm at a refugee place now, hope for all the best

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. YippieKaiEy
    3. Josh △

      Josh △

      Thank you all guys, austin, ari, and bog are helping me

    4. Jchizz


      Hang tough, bro.

  13. Oh lord, I would crown emerald high king of the rap game, but he spelled reign "rigens"
  14. Hmm, why do i have only 778 minas when I had 28k... is this a bug? or will we get refunded?

    1. Cappy


      Because update bug, and apparently they will be restored.

    2. SparehoeCakes


      Yeah, they took record before the update, it should be fixed soon. :)

  15. Hello! If you see me as a viable Olympiad Competitor, please drop me a +1! If not, carry on and thank you for the consideration. http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/68292-minecraft-olympiad-voting-volunteering/page__st__10#entry542315 Thanks Dez XD

  16. Hello! If you see me as a viable Olympiad Competitor, please drop me a +1! If not, carry on and thank you for the consideration. http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/68292-minecraft-olympiad-voting-volunteering/page__st__10#entry542315 Thanks Dez XD

  17. Woot! finally in korea ;) damn flight took 11 hours

  18. Alright guys, going on. 9 hour flight to Korea in about an hour, so probs no LOTC today (except forums), so have fun role playing and I'll see you guys in 9 hours XD

  19. ((I would absolutely love it if I could talk to you about you having another son (me), but if that's not possible, then i'll fill this out for my human character, Adrian de Montfort. (I would love for this character to join the Guivret bloodline though :) )) Out of Character Information MC Name: CPU_Easy Age: 16 Time Zone: PST -8 Do you have TeamSpeak?: [Yes, I do.] Skype? [You already have my skype name, but it's JMProductionz] In Character Information Why are you interested in joining the Guivrets? I, Adrian de Montfort, have been looking over the lands of Oren, Auvergne, and Norjn for a House with an actualy purpose with good pay and good reward. I have found none, until I saw House Guivret. House Guivret has really shown that this is a House not to be reckoned with, and has a lot of power, rewards, and friendly people as the community. It would be an honor to join House Guivret. Have you read and understood the rules of the Duchy? Yes I have. Name: Adrian de Montfort Race: Southerner (Human) Age: 26 Are you 100% committed to the Guivrets? No other commitments made? Aye! What are your skills? Top stats are: 100 Wrestling 100 Stealth 100 Axe Mastery[Give exact stats /stats in game] Do you swear to abide by the oath? I, Adrian de Montfort, swear upon my honor that I will uphold the peace and security of my lord, Balian Guivret and Helaine Guivret. To keep the Guivret family safe, to protect and support the Duchy, and to do my job to the best of my ability. I swear to protect the flag of The Guivrets, the Holy Oren Empire, and to remain loyal to the Guivrets. ((If there is anyway for this character to become your adopted son rply, then pm me in-gane or on the forums :) ))
  20. When is patch 3.0 coming out?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Braxis


      3.0 nots coming out for a LOOOONG time that for sure. but the 1.3 patch s coming out soon ^.^

    3. Kaiser
    4. DrakeHaze.


      Lol reading fail. Patch 3.0 will come out when we get 10k unique visitors to the lotc website daily. So never unless lotc gets sponsored

  21. My f***ing god where is the Ugluk orc camp?????

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. higgsyy


      its deserted brah.

      sorry to break it to ya

    3. higgsyy


      talk to pokeh to get a house in the ugluk pit. one is open, so be quick

    4. steelersfan1221
  22. gah! what is up with the server?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Skippy


      minecraft.net is down / not working.

    3. Danny


      It's MC, not us.

    4. Ancora (pandalex12)

      Ancora (pandalex12)

      He never stated it was the LoTC server, just said "server", don't jump to conclusions Danny~ :P

      Even though I think that is what he meant...So you are right I suppose.

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