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Everything posted by Crinkz

  1. http://undertale.com/ I recommend this to everyone. The concept of the game is amazing. Can't wait for the final release!
    1. Ned Lud

      Ned Lud

      I friggin' love these sorts of games. Thanks for this.

  2. gg shamanism

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. hex37



      Crap MAT, you nasty.

    3. IrishPerson


      Just because one person's MA got denied does not mean it is dead, I can assure you that shamanism is slowly going to grow once more.

    4. hex37



  3. If anyone plans to roleplay a fox, I gotcha covered!
  4. Only about 2 weeks after launch, and already an event! http://gyazo.com/c98b9c024b2ee8650ac27da2821f7084

    1. DragoonCrow


      What is that game? Final fantasy?

    2. Crinkz
  5. Name of Dryad, Greek word and English meaning: Katestramména / Kate for short/ Damaged Type of Dryad: Willow MC Username: SkullkidTLG Forum Username: Crinkz Skin:
  6. Would be a fun event, specially if there was some nice lore tied into it. Maybe ways for the GMs to put some money they have back into the economy as well?
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