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Status Updates posted by Rihawk

  1. Are there names for different half-breeds of elves? Such as a dark/high, dark/wood or high/wood halfbreeds? How are they referred to as?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. HedgeHug


      I think I heard the term 'Imbred' or 'Disgusting' earlier. Will do.

    3. Rihawk


      Cool, thanks guys! its not actually for me, I'm just darkelf, but for a friend and for referrence :)

    4. Doug


      Dark/High: Xeno

      Dark/Wood: Xeno

      Wood/High: Xeno

      Wood/Dark: Xeno

      High/Dark: Xeno

      High/Wood: Xeno

      High/High: Filthy Xeno.


  2. I may have "discovered" a new elven word! I've been looking at the "Recovering the ancient tongue of the elves" thread, (it's ancient, but still relevant I assume) and I found some affixes that could be used to refer to halfbreeds in the elven language. The affixes being "ael" (vile, unnatural, beastly) and "onn" (from, born, kin) to create the word aelonn (if adding affixes with no seed word is an alright thing to do) which would translate to "unnatural born", "vile born" (you get the point). Or in other words, "halfbreed", but this could be a word to ecompass all halfbreeds. This could then be paired with the seed "mali" to produce mal'aelonn, essentially meaning "elven halfbreed". How about that?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Rihawk


      No no! It suits the high elves! This one I found could be a more pleasant alternative though perhaps for the other subraces or for all of them to refer to halfbreeds in general.

    3. Parion


      I'll throw it at some other ancient elven addicts to ensure it is grammatically correct then maybe you could see to adopting it into casual Elven chit chat.

    4. Rihawk


      Cool thanks! Yeah I wasn't sure as aelonn doesn't actually use a seed hahaha but it was a neat idea either way

  3. Is there a place where I could find a timeline of important events from mid Vailor until the present? I'm working on my character's story but on the wiki there seems to be a void from 1547 to present day. Is it just not updated?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Rihawk


      Haha I might just do that. But um, where would be the appropriate forum to do that under?

    3. Ambduscias


      Best bet is always off topic. FMs don't tend to complain or moves things from there.

    4. Rihawk


      Thanks for the help both of you!

  4. Debating whether I should reopen the old skin shop once I get into the swing of things. I think i'm alright at it. http://www.planetminecraft.com/member/rihawk/

    1. AndrewTech


      If you reopen, I'd gladly apply for a skin with your shop. Your work looks pretty nice, and I've been looking to get an affordable custom skin done for a while now. :3

    2. Nekkore


      I has no munyz

  5. One last question hopefully, What year was Axios "discovered" in?

    1. Reeg_


      believe it was The First Seed of 1571. 

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