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Posts posted by Achilles

  1. “Feel the embrace of fire and rejoice. You are free at last prisoner of flesh. Let his purifying embrace take you in whole. Bring to this one your pure kiss. Free the sinners from their torment. Hail Azdromoth, Lord of Dragons and bringer of flame.”



    Azdrazi - Covenant of the Molten Lord


    Primer on the Azdrazi


    The Azdrazi are the ancient scions of the Aegisian Knights who pledged themselves to the chieftain of dragons. Theirs is a path of sworn devotion, both in spirit and body. Enamored with the grandeur of Dragur’s children, the progenitors of the order strove to be like their idols in every way. Donning scaled armor, they dressed like their gods. Ascending the highest mountains, they took to the skies like their gods. Wielding fire, they fought like their gods. The greatest of the dragons, Azdromoth - who so honored the covenant between Horen and Dragur - bestowed the gift of dragonflame unto the souls of the aspirants in return for eternal, leal service. Beneath the wings of their lord, the ancient Azdrazi - as named for their master - erected great bastions of dragon worship. Their feats were without rival.
    The Azdrazi, in all their might, were without means to reproduce. Their seed sowed life as it was before their transformation. Their scions were without the dragonflame they so cherished. Dragon worship yet persisted for aeons, passed down by hopeful, but fruitless, aspirants. Their worship yielded naught. Azdromoth’s defeat at the hands of Eshtael damned them to a slow demise. The greatest were petrified, buried with their master. The weakest died alone, crumbling into ash. The Azdrazi of old were requited naught by the years. They were never again to feel the warmth of fire without the presence of their ancient, imprisoned master.

    However, the Firstborn’s imprisonment was not fated in permanence. Freed of the bonds placed upon him by Eshtael, he took to the skies once more and bequeathed the fire of life unto those few trusted scions that remained, liberating them from their prisons of ash and stone. Thrust into an unfamiliar world, the Azdrazi were without a guiding hand for their lord had succumb to the corrupting madness of the Archdaemon. Thus, they did convene and emboldened their ranks with a new following. From this generation was born the Molten Lord, Suldaeroth. Seizing the reigns of power, he now rules over a covenant of his own making, and so do Azdromoth’s children gather their strength, awaiting the day that their lord and master returns to deliver them from their hardships.





    The Molten Lord
    While the Azdrazi have traditionally been guided by the Immaculate Blade, the blessed champion of Azdromoth, recent times have called for a sterner hand in leadership, and it was Suldaeroth who gladly donned the mantle of rule. The Molten Lord dominates the Azdrazi with an iron fist, his will unquestioned. His word is final, and whilst he offers a keen ear to the Flamewalkers - chief amongst the Azdrazi - it is his choices that shape the fate of their order.


    The Flamewalkers are senior Azdrazi who have proven their merit tenfold in service to the Firstborn and have thus been selected to preside over their brethren. These learned elders plot the future of their kind and ensure that none stray from the path, enforcing the whims of their leader diligently. Delegated to each are specialized roles, and among them sits the Immaculate Blade, who serves in the stead of their departed father.


    Those who persevere and complete the tribulations of ascendance are welcomed wholly into the flock of Azdromoth, blooded in his name and remade in his form. Azdrazi stand as champions of the First-born, dauntless in the face of adversity, they carry out the will of Azdromoth with bestial ferocity and stand at the forefront of dragonkin, ready to lay down their lives in order to once more seize their place in the sun.


    Seekers are mortal aspirants who endeavor to ascend and take the boon of Azdromoth for themselves. Brought into the fold to live among the Azdrazi and learn their ways, they undergo a series of grueling trials known as the Tribulations of Ascendance which test their mettle, both mentally and physically. Most who dare do not survive; those who do, however, are deemed worthy of Azdromoth’s blessings and ascend to take their place among the Azdrazi.


    The Principles

    The Principles were set forth in ages past by the first to bear the honor of Immaculate Blade. A set of archaic guidelines, their purpose is to ensure Azdrazi stray not from the protocols put in place by Azdromoth during the founding of his brood.


    All chosen must follow the predestined code and tenets of Azdromoth, regardless of belief; His followers must work to educate the Gomu upon his glorious nature.

    No man shall break an Oath sworn in the Name of the Titan; to do so is to blaspheme against him and defile the Covenant. 

    When serving His Holy Protocols, a man might both lie, steal, and claim innocence of His worship. The Titan is a wise lord, aware of the requirements of the Gomu’s mortal societies. 

    The Welo Shishin are unenlightened, and must be kept from the universal truths. Knowledge is to be protected and safeguarded at all costs. 

    Violence among His chosen people, if they are devoted, is a crime to the highest degree. Only the Immaculate Blade and his chosen adjutants may bring justice to the misbegotten, or those who have violated the principles.





    Aspirants seeking to undergo the Tribulations of Ascendance must bring themselves before a council of Azdrazi - a public gathering which convenes irregularly at their dwelling places. Announced in the months prior, these meetings serve the purpose of recruitment at which the Flamewalkers select promising mortals from among those who have expressed their interest. 

    The Tribulations of Ascendance are hallowed tradition of the Azdrazi that separate the wheat from the chaff, ensuring that those who ascend into the state of draconic being are only the finest souls, worthy of the blessings they are bestowed. Lasting anywhere from severals months to any number of decades, the vast majority of those who undertake these grueling trials do not live to see them through.





    OOC footnotes -


    If you are interested in getting involved with the Azdrazi, it is recommended that you attempt to seek out the group in-character (this does not mean birds, please approach us instead for roleplay). However, if you’re finding trouble in doing so, feel free to contact one of the following for more information or to arrange a suitable time for roleplay. @Freema @Manduin  @Harrison  @Avacyn @SpiffyTaylor


    Tribulations of Ascendance








    Credits to ManduinWrynn, contributor of this piece.


  2. A scaled figure emanating molten slag sweltered from deep underground, his talons tapping the edge of a stone armrest composing light repercussions to echo out. "They will be safer knowing the truth. Enlightened."  it would continue to muse on, perpetually, if not ravingly to itself or towards any of its kin about.

  3. 6aKfFew.png



    Aspirants sworn to the Nameless Lord sweep across the land, emerging from the ruin of Tor Azdraeth en masse.

    Seeking out each and every waking Azdrazi that they can find, they deliver an urgent missive into the hands of what remained of Azdromoth’s brood.




    Harken, Sons and Daughters of the Giver of Flame

    A clarion call is issued to all those born of the covenant of Azdromoth.

    All Azdrazi are summoned immediately to the ruins of Tor Azdraeth to convene by the will of the Molten Lord Suldaeroth.

    Let it be known that those who fail to appear, be it through negligence or otherwise,

    shall be deemed unworthy of their place among our brood else redemption might be proven through the merit of their actions.

    May the First Born deliver us all.




    (( Meeting will take place on thursday the 7th, 17:00 EST. Liable to change. )) 


    Time to rock the boat.

  4. When creating world events you need to take in the bigger picture. Horse-blinders are fine and all for progression but then you neglect other aspects of the server. This event line was flawed because it excluded every aspect of life beyond the gods. You have to have a clear influential director of the project and not swap hands daily.

  5. Hello! Ongo Gablogian, the lore collector. Charmed I'm sure! I'm going to invite you to the lore mag but first let me destroy your lore.


    What if you're blind? Include an explanation for the blind and or handicapped individual. Bullshit!

    You forget other means of sight providing utensils such as magical and or constructions, mind links even. Derivative!


  6. MC Name: SinDorei


    Character's Name: Albrecht var Esterhad


    Character's Age: 27


    Character's Original Race (N/A if not applicable): Human


    Transformed form: Striga


    Creator's MC Name: PoorYeb


    Creator's RP Name: Emrick aep Anerhyd


    Briefly explain the lore behind this construct or creature: If so, link it: Strigae are creatures made by means of an ancient curse which first came to be when the sorcerer Helgraen summoned forth malicious beings known as the Unseen into the world. Being stripped of their ability to naturally produce lifeforce, genus, etcetera,  at the same rate as at the same rate as mortal man and thus are driven to consume the blood of the living in order to satiate their need. Being immortal, they possess extreme regenerative capabilities but are vulnerable to aurum, silver and also holy magics.


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? N/A


    Do you agree to keep the MT updated on the status of your magic app by using the Magic List Errors topic?: Yes.


    Do you consent to accepting what may happen to this character?: Yes.


    Have you applied for this creature on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app: N/A.

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