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JJ Switch

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Status Updates posted by JJ Switch

  1. A wild orc has appeared! Choose your option: Fight, Item, Run, prove mental dominance by asking a few paradoxes.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Braxis


      Depends.... If its Pok just embarrss the Rex by telling all the embarrsing stories Braxis knows since he help raise Pok since he was a cub. If its another Orc try to talk and not insult them. If its bog...throw a bone in the other direction.

    3. Urahra


      High five him.

    4. 154684321654951


      Halfling can only learn four moves, delete a move to make room for swords?

  2. I just earned my 2b evil via mini-app, can't wait to put it to good use. Heheh.

    1. Trouvo


      Gotta love a good torture session

  3. I need some clever ways of killing someone. Writer's block sucks.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. everblue2er101


      Throw 'em out a window.

    3. Walter


      Simply slice off each arm, bandage to avoid them bleeding out and leave a large juicy piece of meat infront of them. Their inability to eat will consequently lead to them attempting to eat their own flesh. If successful, the person will die of starvation.

      Good luck. :)

    4. AlphaCentaurus


      Death by shovel.

  4. If you get olive oil from squeezing olives, how do we get baby oil?

    1. Trouvo


      you dip the baby in the olive oil duh

    2. Repiteo
    3. Ever
  5. In fact- I'm so underground that I'm literally under a grave. Buried alive. By my best friend's wife. Today is a good day to RP ._.

  6. Just bought out the location of a family/house that has a reputation for cannibalism from a member on the inside. I'm a bit hesitant on what to do on the matter. So far- I think I'll send a scout or two their way and see what we're up against. ^-^

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Pliz


      Oh, and if you want to see our full power, you'll have to send scouts on at a reasonable time for each timezone, and there can't be any large events going on ^^,

    3. JJ Switch

      JJ Switch

      Not necessarily 'wanting' to see your full power. But it'd be fun to see if we can catch you fellows off guard :3

      We'll have a fun time, I can assure you ^^. And if we decide to step off of the whole thing, we can just sell the paces taken. And since the events of Solace- people are paying 1000 minas for the head of each Thyone. I wonder how much they would pay for the location of the headquarters..

      Anyway- it's all in good fun and RP :)

    4. JJ Switch

      JJ Switch

      Also- Negotiation may be a possibility, as long as it is IC (I dun wan any meta ere') :3

  7. So begin's my reign as "Head-Seeker" of "The Collection of Followers"

  8. So- Started working on the sanctum for TCOF. Fun stuff.

  9. Villain Application ACCEPTED :)

    1. Arkelos



      Welcome to the world of Villany~

    2. 0000


      Welcome, my friend. xD

      Go rob someone.

    3. JJ Switch

      JJ Switch

      Trust me, I have. :) Oh what fun! Fleeing from guards, and dodging arrows. It's a real joy to be apart of the villainous world of Aegis.

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