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Posts posted by lukejes

  1. 64mc2Yi.jpg


    *Posters are left around the Fringe*


    The Merchant's Guild is selling an alchemist's potions and oils! And not any alchemist: The renowned KARDEL IRONGUT.


    These potions and oils were carefully crafted and brewed; they are some of the finest of their kind.


    Please leave bids for these fine items, each will begin at 50 minas. This auction will end in 5 elven days.


    The Items:


    ~1 Health Potion~


    ~2 Oils of Protection~


    ~2 Oils of Flame~


    Name: Earendur Vym'vallei
    Mc Name: ZBLBAC5
    Current Affiliation: The Druidic Order
    Shops Owned (You are not required to have a shop): 1
    Shop Name(s): Mist Druid Produce: The Freshest Grub in all The Fringe
    Shop Location(s): Kal'Arkon
    Types of wares: Mainly Food
    Do you swear to uphold our motto “Nighi Dermin Oz Kraviil? Yes


    Accepted, thank you for applying.

  3. Hiebe makes a small list of the current Ironguts in power


    King- Hogarth

    Lord- Balek

    Master Engineer- Dom

    Head Merchant - Knwit

    High Prophete- Chase


    'Ow ever ya see it da dwarves cane function without me clan an our members.' *chuckles*


    Kwint manages to take a peak at Hiebe's list. He sighs. Hiebe subconsciously always want to call me 'Nitwit,' he thinks. "Not guud fer me self esteem..." he mutters. If he'd only get my name right...

  4. *Belrim Ireheart takes a sip from his tankard that is filled with Dwarvish Beer. He squints his eyes at the poster seeing Dared has not paid his taxes. He spit takes.  "WOT teh feck!?" *He Wipes his beard free of foam. "Dared 'as taxes.. fer wot!?"


    Some of Belrim's spit flies in Kwint's face, and he calmly explains that Dared is paying taxes for Home Tuthgan in the lower area.

  5. "Per'aps some sort o' Alrasian-Urguan Engineerin' Guild could be established combining both REGA and the Urguan Engineer's Guild?" Grand Merchant Kwint suggests. "Ah am sure nothin' bad could come from a partnership. Engineering in Alras an' Urguan would prosper." Kwint attempts to think of an acronym. "GEG, per'aps? Teh Grand Engineering Guild? It would 'ave teh beh a Kingdom Regulated Guild 'owever... Maybe teh idea will not quite work..."

  6. *Posters are nailed all over Urguan*


    Taxes are due in one elven day!

    ((8 PM Saturday PST))


    These people have yet to pay:


    -Lord Dizzy Irongrinder ((Dizzy771))


    -Earendur ((ZBLBAC5))


    -King Hogarth Irongut ((Jordan1921))


    -Vorstag Grandaxe ((Sgt_Kipples))


    -Heus Hannd ((spartanred))


    -Vaerus Irongut ((Vaereroes))


    -Lord Onar Ireheart ((Kowaman))


    -Noach Celtir ((Unknown))


    -Ulmer Grandaxe ((wizkingxx))


    -Tog Irongrinder ((CptShoelace))


    -Aengoth Starbreaker ((_Aengoth_))


    -Dorim Starbreaker ((Soresan))


    -Thelkan Grandaxe/Kragor Ireheart ((Goldrim/Kahzo))


    -Dared Starbreaker ((Nalatac_Aicneta))


    -Skarvald Ireheart ((30326))


    -Raknol Grandaxe ((grouchybadger))


    -Dorin Doomforge ((Unknown))



    *Kwint is disappointed to find that two lords as well as the king have failed to pay their taxes. Looking further at his poster, he decides to shame the clans...*


    Clan Members who have failed to pay their taxes:


    Doomforge: 1


    Ironguts: 2


    Irongrinders: 2


    Irehearts: 3


    Starbreakers: 3


    Grandaxes: 4




    -Grand Merchant Kwint Irongut


    *satisfied, Kwint returns to the Merchant's Guild Hall... all alone*


    ((Merchant's Guild))


    ((Tax System))

  7. Gamle Irongut drops to his knees at the sight of the body, his face a mix of shock and grief. A single tear rolls down his cheek, and he shouts into the sky.




    Kwint is surprised of how entirely different his father's reaction is compared to his own; he decides to be more dramatic next time.

  8. House Reyne


    A letter is sent back to the Gardeners explaining that Lady Myranda has agreed to be sent to Highgarden. She has been unwilling to marry for a long while, being a very rebellious woman. Perhaps a bit too much for her own good. I did not wish to displease her, the Reyne line will remain strong no matter what, and so we allowed her to do what she wished. Myranda has, miraculously, agreed to this proposal, however, and we feel that Willas will find her to be a very suitable match.





    Lord Pypar, 54

    Lady Kohana, 47


    Daughter Myranda, 33 [unmarried]

    Son Pypoc, 29 [Married]

    Son Pypek, 26 [unmarried]


    Brother Kyrol, 49

    Lady Lalliete, 43


    Son Lyun, 29 [Married]

    Daughter Kellona, 24 [unmarried]

    Daughter Yahel, 20 [unmarried]

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