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Posts posted by Rissing

  1. (( As I now have gotten allowence to post once again on the forums would poems like these be accepted http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/50614-my-poemes/

    And I kinda am writting a book, but for this is extremely graphic. In other words I describe how heads are being cut off I don't know or it is appropriate to post this here. http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/53310-asters-book-p5-written/ ))

  2. I would like to state, once again, if this ins't something for you. I have said it before.

    It is graphical

    * As he slowly steps forth, a silently whimpering comes from behind him. A woman dragged along by spiky ice cold iron chains, the spikes burrying deep into her flesh as she gets dragged along. A beautiful painting a blood and pieces of flesh remains behind her, the resistance of rock makes yet another spike burry deeper into her flesh as another releases, ripping along some of her skin. Her whimper reaches his ear as a slight smile appears around his lips, slightly tilting his head to the left as a shiver goes through his body, hearing yet another whimper. " How are you feeling.. darling.. " he says as his voice cracks under the absolute silence. A mere whimper is to be heard from behind him as the woman suddenly remains silent, not even letting go of her last hold back tear for her others had been long shed. He slowly turns his shoulder to the left, followed by his face, the smile slightly growing as he sees her. The blood trail showing the way of his life, to shed the blood of those who were innocent.. of those who were unpure. He slowly stretches his fingers, the cold iron chain falling out of his hand as deep cuts bleed severly on his own hands, the iron spike had long burried themselves into his hand as he had dragged her along for miles and hours. " Do you fear death? " he asks with a hissing voice, a sparkle of joy to be seen in his eyes as his lips slowly curl up, slightly showing his teeth as they do so. The woman quickly nods, in an attempt to gain the last bit of mercy. The smile ever growing on his face as his nearly last question comes over his lips " Do you.. fear.. life... darling.. " In an instant the woman shakes her head, hoping that she would finnaley be able to go.. to wherever, but this place. He slowly walks towards her and lifts her up, gently laying her with her stomach against a nearby tree " Darling... you have such.. a beautiful.. skin.. " he says as he slowly binds the chains around the tree, forcing the spikes ever deeper into her flesh as he does so. A silent, held back, whimper comes from the woman as his smile grows once again, his teeth now fully showing as he slowly brings his hand to his hip. His hand slowly tigthening around the wooden spiked stick of his axe, the self punishment spikes slightly cutting into his fresh wounds as he shivers at the beauty of her pain. He slowly brings his nail up and cuts his wrist, dark black blood dripping out of it as he slowly puts some of it onto his nail. In beautiful black caligraphical letters he starts to write:


    Children of mine..

    Darkness has clouded around us

    as our feet prints have burried themselves into this world of corruption

    and inpurity

    Houses have burned

    Blood has flown

    My soul has been forgotten

    As I strolled these lands



    Feeling the joy of their up splashing blood

    Shedding it with every axe swing

    Smiling as their heads slowly fall of my towers of death

    Into the pits of Oblivion

    For those who followed the darkness

    For those who were going to

    Those should not stop

    But shed their blood in ever greater numbers

    And continue the work




    This filthy world

    Filled with these stupified animals

    Calling themselves People of Asulon

    Break their souls

    For theirs are worthless

    Make them beg for death

    In the darkest hours of their lives

    Shed their blood

    As if you would gain more tears

    Of their crying wives

    And if they don't cry

    You kill more

    For their tears

    are not the sole

    of these lands to be gained

    Rip their dreams apart

    As you rip their limbs off

    Kill their memories

    Like you killed their wives

    Torture their mind

    As their bodies have been

    Force them down their knees

    and give them

    that spark of hope

    Then bring down that axe

    And purge this world

    Of the filthy

    Of the unpure

    Continue to work

    for it

    is one



    ~ Master ~

    *The woman screams in pain as the letters get carved into her back, he slowly bends over and sticks his tongue. Tasting the ever welcome cold iron taste of her dripping blood. With a smile he slowly releases her chains. " Darling.. it is time for you.. to fade and visit the pits.. of oblvion " he says as a bright smile covers his face. He roughly pulls at the chains as he slowly drags her along towards of those unpure creatures. The bloody trail follows his feetstep as if it was a dog following his master, the woman no longer responding. An everlasting silent whimper comming from her by now malformed, tortured body. As he slowly starts to notice the the rather hard stone beneath his feet he looks at her the woman, knowing she is no longer with him he smiles and speaks in a joyful voice " Almost darling.. " He slowly steps towards the trees, located around the pont, and lifts the chains up. Attaching her to the tree as he once again brings his hand towards his axe " Do you have.. any.. family? I particullary.. liked the way.. your skin resisted my knife.. " he speaks with a grin as he brings forth his axe. With a single swing cutting of her head. He slowly bends over and grabs the head, kissing her hair and placing attaching it to one of the chains.

    " Goodbye.. my dear.. " he says as he turns around and leaves without any further notice.

    (( Edit: This does not at all mean that Aster is dead or gone or anything. Just a way of sending a message to his people ))

  3. *Looks at the sign as he slowly nods towards his apprentice*

    " Write it down.. " he commands, his voice cracking under the silent as he slowly turns around.

    " More people.. to take care off.. " he mumbles to himself, gesturign his apprentice to follow him.

    As he walks away, with ever step his bones heard to be cracking.

  4. *As he drags the cuffed woman behind him, the spikes iron chains cutting open his hands, the smell of rotting flesh fills his nose. Seeing the spiked head he tilts his own and smiles. He pulls the chains and drags the woman closer, his hands bleed severely. Raising the woman at her hairs he whispers in her ear " That'll be you, Lucy.. " He slowly licks her ear as blood still seeps out of it of it, leaving little perfect round drops of blood on her blood stained robe.

    " Beg for mercy.. " he says all of the sudden. Lucy falls on her knees as she grabs his feet, no more tears are left. He smiles brightly as the satisfaction, of seeing others cower in fear, fills his whole. " You'll help me, won't you? " he says friendly. As the woman nods heavily he hits her, making her fall unconscious.

    *As he cuts into his arm, right under his joint, black blood seeps out. He starts to write on the woman’s back.

    Aster The Fallen, apprentice of Ever, I am called.

    Mastered with the axes and bow I am.

    Souls I devoured.

    Bodies I ate.

    My emotions have faded.

    My bonds with mortals have been long broken.

    As I walk the path of Iblees.

    To serve, fight, die for Iblees.

    ,Aster The Fallen

    *As he finishes and looks at his work he nods and smiles bright " Ever.. I shall end it. " The woman moans as she starts to wake. He kneels before her " Good day.. dead one.. " Her eyes full of agony as I smile towards her " Don't be scared.. You won't die in vein. " he says as he lifts her chin, kissing it softly. Licking the blood that drops of her face, broken by torture, " You'll be free now.. " he says as he raises himself from the ground. As her soul is broken by pain she obeys as he gestures her to turn around. As he attaches the spiked iron chains to the closest tree he looks at her eyes, empty but still full of pain. He slowly raises his blood stained axe and pushes it against her back, skinning her, as she screams in torment begging for her death to come. She passes out. As he finishes his work he raises his axe one last time. As the axe sears trough the air and hits her neck, cracking bones to be heard, her head falls off. He smiles as he picks it up and lays it next to the spiked head. Crows rush towards her body, feasting on her flesh. He slowly takes one and binds the skin on its back " Go.. beast of purity. "

    May Iblees guide us all.

    (( Mc Name: Chriske19 Tough I am thinking of getting another account so I can play my characters easier.

    Mc Skills: 100 axe 80 wrestling ( used to be 100.. ) 75 archery

    Small Note: I wish to state one small thing. As you may or may not have seen me in OOC chat I can act quiet " hyper " you could say. Though this doesn't reflects at all in my rp. I hope you enjoyed my letter. ))

    (( Ofcourse I would love to be an undead but as for now I don't think I would be ever accepted into being an actual undead.))

    (( Thank you. ))

  5. MC Username:


    Rp Username (be sure to include the correct prefix, look up on info thread):


    Character Skillset:

    100 Axe

    98 Wrestling ( will get this up to 100 )

    70 Archery ( will get this up to 75 )

    Appearance (17, pantera, female):

    For the actually physical appearance please look at the picture below.


    Do'Lilli-Risa is a very shy panther. As she never was thought how to lay contacts with others she never knows how to start a proper conversation. Rather hiding behind her axes then talking. At the other side once you gain her trust she is very loyal. She loves to fight and let her axes do the speaking instead of having an conversation. She can be very stubborn and won't easily let someone order her around.

    Please include a short bio of your character's life:

    As she walked through the forest she could still hear their voices " We'll be coming after you " her parents had yelled. Her stomach made some noise as she kept on walking guided by the howling of the wolf. Night after night that very same wolf had been following, just waiting for the moment that she would take a nap. As her stomach once again made some noise she suddenly saw a rabbit and went after it, deep into the forest.

    She knew where she would be going. To that city, the city were those hunters had been speaking of as she was hiding behind a bush.

    Months had passed when she finally saw it, The temple. As massive and powerful it was she walked towards it not giving any notice to the inspecting looks of the citizens. As she finally reached the temple she just kept standing there and looked at it until her stomach made some noise once again. " Are you hungry? " a friendly voice said from behind her. She quickly turned around as she could feel the breath of the Kharayjr behind her. She looked down and saw that the man was trying to give her some meat. As she kept on looking towards the ground she quickly grabbed the meat out of the Kharayjrs hands and ran off.

    As nighttime began to fall she wandered the streets until she heard the clashing of swords. She stood there and tried to find where the sound was coming from, when some armed Kharayjr passed her. As silent and swiftly as she could she followed them until they entered some kind of training field. She was still walking after the armed Kharayjr when a hand suddenly stopped her. A shaking head was to be seen as she looked up " Only military " the old Kharayjr said. She quickly raised her two axes and tried to walk further. The man stopped her and pointed towards some benches " You go there and look. " he said. While she was enjoying the battles that were ongoing at the training field she took out the piece of meat she got from the man at the temple and started to rip it apart.

    Tough she had been coming back to the training fields day after day she hadn't even said a single word to anyone. She just didn't knew how. Surviving in the wilds have made her unable to even answer to the easiest questions. She didn't trust Kharayjr anymore. She just couldn't after what her parents did to her.

    The only thing she could actually still find salvation is was hunting. Hunting as an animal would. While she survived in the wilds she had been starting to love the solid red color of blood. She decided she would just enter the training field next moonrise. She would just enter it and join in the battle. The only reality that was left for her. The only thing that was for sure..

    She stood before the gates of the training field unsure what to do. She hadn't talked to other Kharayjr then her parents. And they left her 8 years ago. She kept standing there until the moon had even raised to its highest point. She would just enter it she said to herself. As she pushed against the gate it made a loud sound which made her tremble. So much unknown sounds.. I have to get used to it she said by herself as she pushed the gate further open.

    The light was bright as she entered. Holding her arm before her eyes she could only see the Kharayjr staring at her. As she couldn't stand the inspecting looks she turned around and ran outside. In a mere of seconds she was back at her safe stop at the edge of the forest. She would never do such a stupid thing she said to herself as she held her precious axes tight against her chest. She slowly fell asleep as the sun was about to rise.

    When a hand touched her axes she awaked with a shock, instantly trying to find a neck or arm to grab and bite into. The Kharayjr that was before her had great reflexes and with a mere hit of his sword he disarmed her. She felt so vulnerable, not able to protect her by any means but biting. She quickly took the Kharajyr's leg and bit it as she realized that she was actually biting the man who was giving the commands at the training field

    she quickly stopped and looked at the ground.

    Maybe this was her true chance to get into the military. To join the battles at the Training field. She just couldn't wait.

    Character's ambitions:

    To find someone she can trust. To find someone she can build up her life with. To serve for a greater good. To be part of a family once again. And for all these things she would go as far as possible to accomplish them even if this means bloodshed. ( There are more ambitions but these will be developed trough RP and won't be posted in this bio yet. As there are 3 different ways that my character can evolve according to my own will and the influence of others :3 )

    _---Situational Rp Questions---_

    ( Note these response are based on my further developed character. Let me just make that clear. My character will remain for quite some time as I have stated above: Shy, scared, unsure. But as I don't like spoiling you'll just have to see how the character develops. :3 )


    As you travel through the Karakatuan jungle, you spot a human trespassing on your nation's lands. He approaches you, obviously distressed, and asks for any food, water, or shelter that you can provide, then tells you that he has been lost in the area for days without any proper supplies. How do you react?:

    As she inspects the man and sees that he is bigger she knows it isn't a good idea to kill this man while he is able to defend himself. As she gestures the man to follow her she thinks of a plan. She points the man a cave and gathers some food and brings it to the man. She goes outside and start a fire as she hears how the man turns around trying to find a good position to sleep in. She already knows what she'll do.

    When she sees that the man sleeps she takes both her axes and swiftly walks towards the man. She gently puts her axe at the mans throat and pushes it down while she sees how the solid red metal tasting blood flows out. She steps away from the corpse and brings the gathered wood towards the corpse. She lights it and leaves without any further notice.


    As you romp through the lands of the "apes", you come across a tavern. Inside this tavern, a Dwarf notices you and starts gawking at you, then begins to speak.

    "Oi! I gots a bowl of cream for you, Kitty! Ha! I'd bet you would make a nice throw rug, wouldn't ya, ya mangy furball?!"

    He continues act generally as racist as possible. What do you do?:

    Lilli just ignore him she says by herself. As the dwarf keeps on provoking her she walks towards the door and leave, waiting for the moment that the dwarf would go home himself. When she starts to think about just leaving the door suddenly opens as a drunken dwarf steps out and yells something to his comrades. While the dwarf walks towards his home a swift shadow follows him. Halfway towards the dwarfs home the dwarf suddenly walks towards a tree and starts to puke. Without even hesitating Lilli walks upon him and trusts her axe down into his back. She just waits and smiles abit as she sees the man fainting, just before he's about to faint she pulls the axe down making a huge gaping cut in his back.


    One of your fellow Kharajyr and a close friend of yours comes to your dwelling in the middle of the night and begins to pound on your door. After you let him in, he confesses to killing another Kharajyr over a slice of cake. What do you do in response?

    As she can't even believe someone would exchange his believe and comrades she asks whether or not he wants to eat another piece of cake. As the Kharayjr enters and sits down on the chair that he was pointed to he starts laughing about his own stupidity. His laughing stops when his eyes roll back and he falls of the chair. A straight hit of the flat side of Lillis axe made him fall unconscious. As she slowly drags the Kharayjr to the training fields and lays him down there. Not knowing what to do with him she sits down and waits for the training lessons to begin to ask her master what he thinks about it. Execution or offering it would be one of these.

    Do you swear to follow the Tlatlanni and uphold his law, and do you swear to hold Metztli and all of her actions as sacred?

    I swear onto the blood that flows through my veins that not one living being shall oppose the Kharayjr without having to take both my axes between their eyes.

    And if they were able to pass me it shall mean that I died in honor for the Kharayjr, for Metztli.

    Powa to da kittehs =3

    Edit: Forgot the pictures of my character.

    Here she is :3


  6. So,

    as we will have to start new characters will there be a possibility to keep our VA's?

    As for example I am an Cannibal, worshipper, thief

    Would it be possible for me to make like maybe an mini-va to get those converted to my new character?

  7. Morning guys! So, tomorrow is mother's day and today is Paddy's day.... this means Xerdun will have very little time for an event. Essentially, Monday is going to be the day we set sail from Karakatua to our new home.

    What you guys can do before then... collect as many materials as possible, especially smooth stone - start dismantling Karakatua (but NOT the Temple) or scouting for an island. If anyone finds a large jungle island PLEASE pm me the co-ords. It needs to be AT LEAST 300 x 300, unless none of that size are being made. But seriously, the larger the better

    Enjoy Paddy's day, will make an event time and place for Monday :)


    There is a huge



    Look at the map of asulon.

    Then go to the right.

    Then go a bit up.

    there is a line there trough a huge part of land.

    As big as our lands right now :o

    Enjoy dady's day :3

    ( How are we going to take all those resources with me? I have over 20 iron picks.. )

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