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Posts posted by Rissing

  1. I just think a quick description of why the evils are necessary, nothing else. I'm disliking how some of you are disliking those with a,minor villain application, I myself have a VA for my character, but also a minor VA for what's needed. I support the minor VAs because I dislike being restricted in RP. If anyone abuses this new system then the are to be punished.

    For Aster, no, it's not a VA; it's a way to archive which characters use which evils.


    And thus a restriction.

    If they are free evils you can aswell remove the rule about them and implement them as allowed into the server as a whole. Also I've made a difference in the above post between a good corruption and a bunny-like-corruption.

    Nor do I dislike the people who use the Minor-VAs, I dislike how easy it has becomen. And I dislike how people now have to post a ban report instead of having had everyone to make a good VA. This would mean less bad roleplay and less ban reports.

    Also I think not many people were as loose as they are now. Nowadays it is nothing to corrupt someone. Yet it is very unrealistic that suddenly everyone becomes evil.

    Why ? Just because they can unpunished.

    ,Thank you

    ,Aster The Fallen

    ( Rissing )

    PS1: I think I am saying the same as Cyndikate I merely can't formulate my words very good. And I'm kind of harsh these days, examn perssure and such. :)

    But I still mean it though.

  2. And that is what is absolutly saddening.

    THE RP STANDARDS are falling.

    Why ?

    Because you wouldn't ever need a True - VA to do something evil.

    Everything that is needed now is 1 minute, YES, 1 minute.

    Tell your name and what you want.

    And then you just.. are a Villain.

    I trully don't see the reasoning behind these things.

    I am completly against them.

    But if they stay, why the hell are there still normal VAs ?

    Why should people that ' do ' want to put some effort in it even consider working ?

    If they stay..

    Just change the server rules so that everyone can do it.

    PS: I don't blame you in any way though. :)

    ,Thank you

    ,Aster The Fallen

    ( Rissing )

  3. NOTE: It's been 6 - 9 months since I have rolplayed, making my rp look like.. well.. garbage.

    Let me show you the difference between a Villain that has made a 'real VA' and that wishes to get additional Evils.

    Have placed it beneath here because for some reason I couldn't edit my copy pasted part of word in here.

    First 1 done, some more to go.

    ( Time: 5 minutes until now. )

    1a.-Aster has always been hating towards the feeling of community. The feeling of those filthy animals, unknowing what to do with this anger he exploited them. Forcing them into labor as he would torture them every slightest moment he would get the chance to, stealing and cheating always being a general factor of doing this as good as he could he quickly learned how to break the locks of chests. Simply forcing a small bar of iron in as he would twist with the other, creating a double working power which would easily break the lock from the inside out, granting him access.Cheating.. lovely cheating, saving cheating. Has Aster ever even told the truth ? People have never even now his true name, breaking every rule he loved to cheat, simply because he would get others to hate each other. Cheating for his own greater good, creating rumors and stealing as he blamed the person standing next to him. Merely using that very moment as an opportunity to steal yet another of those oh so treasured chest of that filthy dwarves king. He’s head would roll soon, would be kicked around, oh so soon. As aster thought of the mere royal blood he would get to taste he quickly took what he wished for, merely some diamonds and a golden nugget as he ran off, leaving through the window, not leaving even trying to hide his former presence.

    2nd one done.

    ( Time: 15-16 minutes )

    3.-With a silent grin he slowly raised the female’arm up in the air, slowly forcing his dagger deeper into her spine “ Such.. a beaut.. beautiful.. smile… my love.. dear.. “ he hisses into her ear, slightly bitting on it as some blood trickles down from it. A soft groan coming from his lips as he tastes how the metal-like flavor slowly seeps down his troath, slightly gurgling as he rolls his tongue around in his mouth, feeling how it gently tries to grip onto something harder, the blood slowly seeping down his troath.“ Mistresses.. dear.. dear.. mistress.. “ he speaks, slowly laying the females arm once again on the ground as he grabs his dark blood stained crystal axe, raising it up in the air as he slams it down onto the females tormented limbs. Parting her underarm from the rest of her malformed corpse. With eyes full of love he stares at the sky, silently humming as he feels how some blood trickles out of the nearly dried up veins.“ F.. for you.. my mistress.. “ he speaks to the air, slowly laying the by now fully scarred arm onto the ground as he slowly crawls back. Spreading his arms towards the sky and screaming out loud.“ Devine mistress.. Safe me.. from this hell.. divine mistress.. “ he screams, his voice cracking loudly as dark black tears stream down his cheeks, left in agony of her departure as he looks at the tormented body, a sly smile playing around his lips as he returns to her.“ Aren’t you hap.. happy, dear ? “ he speaks silently, pressing a soft kiss onto the death bodies lips as he slowly forces his thumb against her throat, suddenly forcing it through as he can feel the muscles ripping apart underneath his thumb, squealing in enthusiasm. Grabbing his axe and going fully rampage on her body.Aster has always worshipped Dark Gods, always tried to reach for the immortal. For that which cannot be reached by any human means. Aster has always wished for the dark gods to come and release him from the curse that rests upon his shoulders. Worshipping is nothing but a daily routine for him. A way to divinity.

    3rd to come.

    ( Time: 23 minutes. )


    “ Chaos, beautiful and deadly chaos. The greatest weapon of all. The mere stupidity of mankind. “ Aster grins softly, knowing that by now half of his opposition has already murdered themselves. “ Pitifull.. unknowing… and such simplicity.. “ he mumbles softly, gently holding his wives hands as he looks down at the tormented town. The town trying to strive for peace as their civil war sears through, cutting and fighting. Peasants crying and screams as they shout out towards their slain men. “ My love.. do you see their tears, so pure and beautiful ? Do you see.. their purity.. their simplicity.. so simple.. yet beautiful.. They aren’t our enemies, my love. They are our weapon of destruction. Our weapon of self destruction.. “ Aster speaks gently, resting his head onto his wife, that was to the left of him, her shoulder. Sighing deeply as he sees how the civil war exhausts the army. “ Soon.. we should send our armies in.. soon.. so.. soon.. but just.. not yet.. “ he whispers, his other wife nodding softly “ I’ll get them ready, Master “ she speaks obediently. Granting her a gentle smile from Aster “ Thank you, love. “ he whispers, death cold.

    Throwing three male and two small children’ heads down he gives a soft gently laughing, nearly a hissing whispers as he speaks slowly. “ All it took.. were merely some replaceable, government-hated and social group of people.. dead. “

    Aster will never fight himself when he doesn’t has to. Many people think that one has to be strong to win. Yet this is untrue, we are born and likes of mankind. We are physically weaker, weakened. Yet our intellectual capacities go far beyond any other. Why would Aster dirty his hands on mere civilians and guards when they would do the work for him. Aster thinks ahead, further than most do. Aster predicts and anticipates. If he wouldn’t have done that until this very day, Aster would have been long dead.

    TOTAL TIME: +/- 30 minutes. ( Cus I had to go to the toilet, too. )

    For 3 of them.

    I hope everyone more or less gets the point.

    It took me around 30 minutes to do better than over 50 Accepted Villain applications out there.

    And EVERY. SINGLE. ONE. can do that.

    It just takes time and love.

    Those VAs aswell as additional LORE merely show how much you care.

    How much you care about your rp.

    But for most.

    How much you care for your character, for your rolemodel.

    ,Thank you

    ,Aster The Fallen

    ( Rissing )

  4. I actually agree with that, it really doesn't hurt and it can even be a helpful reminder to the villain. I did it on my Minor VA and it took me all of an extra fifteen minutes, it's no biggy.

    True true,

    But if I may.

    What I would love to see is BIOGRAPHY in Every Single VA.

    I don't get the point out of these Minor-VAs.

    Let me show you the difference between a Villain that has made a 'real VA' and that wishes to get additional Evils.

    Have placed it beneath here because for some reason I couldn't edit my copy pasted part of word in here.

    And now the new Minor-VAs

    Race- Human

    Minor Evils you are applying for- 4a 4b

    Character Alignment- Chaotic Good

    Link to any accepted apps for THIS character- None

    Race- Dwarf

    Minor Evils you are applying for- 3, 1a, 4a

    Character Alignment- Lawfully Evil

    Link to any accepted apps for THIS character- None

    And it goes on and on..

    And on..

    ^^^^^^ These have been accepted, just to be sure you understand that.

    And there are countless of these, VAs.

    ( Just hurts to call them, VAs, even.. )

    ( btw, neither do I think that a text which is written in less than a few minutes should be accepted either. Neither one that has been written in half an hour.

    For me if you can write your VA in Half An Hour it means to me you have NO background. Because that is what VAs are, they are the reasoning for your becomming of Evil.

    And 10 minutes of writting honestly don't cover that.

    ( I know not everyone writes as fast as one another. But don't you guys want to strife for the very best ? I always did. I always wanted to go further and better, I've pushed myself to get these VAs out. Even helped countless friends writting their VAs, I enjoy doing it. You should to ! It's your character, your story. Giving me a 10 minutes story tells me your character is merely an 'Empty Shell'. )

    ( Try to strife for the best, guys. You can always go a tad lower. But once low you can't go back up. I've kept my own writting high. Resulting in over 45.000 words of LORE purely behind my MAIN character, Aster. )

    All together I find these Minor-VAs.

    Well I am quite speechless.

    I am sorry if I hurt anyone but..

    I find them a disgrace towards old Villains.

    A stain on the being of Villainity.

    A spot of darkness is a line of good accepted and hard working Villains.

    Because there is ONE thing what we Villains are supposed to do.

    ( We as in EVERY villain )

    We are not there for our own good.

    We are there to bring the player enjoyable roleplay !

    Not to make them quit by over.. just.. horrible roleplay.


    ,Aster The Fallen

    ( Rissing )

  5. ,Sir Allen The Great

    I think whenever all the results come out I think you will have to consider seriously wether or not they are of any worth.

    'Nobody' with no-pre-purge-villain application will vote for them to removed, Nobody.

    And honestly the roleplay I have seen from some " villains " was near to.. well it wasn't good.

    Trully it was so horrible that I saw one asking OOC'ly or he could leave after the person he was against did a fully preparation emote.

    The old villain applications were there for a reason.

    That reason has fully faded now.

    Everyone can be evil nowadays.

    Everyone already did what these " Minor - VAs " gave them the right to.

    Only now they use them as a certificate and as a form of justifying.

    I honestly think that the people ( That 'Don't' have one of those, free-for-all-VAs ) don't like it.

    Everyone can suddenly start making an argument, " yes but I have a VA.. bla bla "

    I would of never have started those in any way.

    People are mature enough to do Villainious actions if both parties agree.

    The Free-for-all-VAs ( Minor - VAs ) are now merely there to try and force the secondary party into submission.

    For me it would be an: Remove the Minor-VAs this very instant. And if player wish to have do such actions without the submission of the secondary party, they should make a proper VA.

    Honestly a VA is 'nothing' more than writing down the important roleplay your character has went through.

    Yet, people tend to make up a ton of stuff when they wish to become a Villain.

    A proper purge of the Villains would be much more beneficial, along with an instant-removal of all the Free-For-All-VAs ( Minor - VAs )

    ,Thank you

    ,Aster The Fallen

    ( Rissing )

    PS: Sorry if it came over a tad harsh, reason for being harsh is in the survey ( that I filled in today ) though if you would be interested.

    PS2: any harrasement about what I filled in, the very big text, at the survey is purely and utterly personnal oppinion and for most, Experience and grave Facts. Any rude gestures towards me considering this will fall under the newly made rule: http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/77313-clarification-on-harassment/ And will be immediatly be punished. Regardless of who it comes. ( staff or not )

    ( Will add this in every post until that survey is fully done for everyone. )

    Wub wub ~

  6. Done, hope it helps.


    Ah and my names is Aster The Fallen in the survey.

    Look into it.

    It might be of help.


    That's what I and many others think.

    Asfar as I know of the others.

    Have a nice day ~

    PS: If you like me to explain or state better you can always add me on skype or TS, I have a mic anyways.

    PS2: Where the hell did you get that movie thingy in your signature, it's utterly awesome


    ,Thank you

    ,Aster The Fallen

    ( Rissing )

  7. ,Shar'ku of clan Gorkil

    How many, hours, has that plugin been up now ?

    Give it some time.

    Everything needs some tweaking.

    You can't expect a baby to run before it learns to walk.


    You should maybe ask a GM for the possibility to have one ?

    It would make sense.

    I would really much prefer having multiple /setsouls and only one bound pillar. It makes a lot more sense in my opinion, since many players don't live in a capital or large city.

    You could always create some kind of lore around it.

    Making it possible to maybe create it ?

    It's been up for merely a day, asfar as I know. :3

    Give it some time to develop.


    ,Thank you

    ,Aster The Fallen

    ( Rissing )

  8. Bandit fest?, in that you are extremely wrong. In all my time in aegis I got robbed once, thinking that I was most of the time wandering around the kings road visiting taverns and inns, I don't remember having many bandits, I think you are exaggerating it so we get this type of soulstones. And how the hell is a bandit group going to capture a kings castle?, if the purge didn't even capture the town of galahar. Bandits are less liked yes, but with more soulstones we are avoiding them and probably destroying their roleplay, and if you get robbed by one, it's roleplay, defend yourself I don't know, deal with it somehow.

    I can clearly remember the same two people, always camping the same spot back in the days.

    But as I've said before I 'm not going to start a war or something. ^__^

    I'm a loving person.

    About the castle, that was a mere example.

    And you can do it without a problem.

    So did I with merely two other people.

    You should just not rush into it.

    Make tactics.

    Buy inside imformation and such.

    This is roleplay.

    You create what you wish for. ( But do it properly ^__^ )

    And you can manage it if you desire it.

    Agreed I almost never saw a single bandit, let alone bandit guilds.

    There was a bandit guild as I've even been invited to it myself.

    It was caled the three skulls, or something like that.

    And nor does it matters that there was or wasn't a bandit guild.

    As I merely said you could always create one if you have need of it.

    ( And forgive me but I could no longer find the actual post in the Villain Applications thread stating that there were too many bandits. )

    ( My excuses for this, though I'm sure it must be within the archives, this is not the essetion of my post as the "Bandit" part was merely directed to a single post at the first page of this thread. )

    ,Thank you

    ,Aster The Fallen

    ( Rissing )

  9. ,Sir/Misses Alectricty

    I like the whole idea.

    People, think about it from the roleplaying side.

    It doesn't make any sense to merely teleport to plain air while not being a mage.

    Beacons, the pillars, could actually wipe the powergamed part of using soulstones.

    Normal people would, in a roleplaying correctly way, be able to use these soulpilars then.

    If you look at it from the roleplaying side, you can't but cheer for these pillars.

    Though, indeed.

    You can argue that one will never ever use the roads again.

    It's true, they won't.

    Unless you have time and are enjoying this kind of roleplay, travelling.

    When we look at people like me, I play 10 hours a day.

    I would have time to run all the way, yes.

    And, yes, I do enjoy making that travel.

    If we now look at people who do not have that much time.

    People who merely have 1 - 2 hours of playing time each day, it would be unfair.

    You would be forcing people to use an, in roleplay means, uncorrectly mean of transport.

    Not appropriate for their magical, mental, level.

    But you would also force them to run that long, for some roads it takes 30 minutes.

    That's a fraction of the time I can play.

    And a quarter of the time some of us can play.


    Yes, bandits you will have a harder job.

    But please do not take this as any offense.

    Bandits have become less liked, by the victims ( of course ^__^ )

    It is true, there is a post about this.

    Some of us have had experiences in Aegis, which werent too good.

    Kingsroad was a bandit fest, to be honest.

    Of course, please, there are extremely good bandits.

    And everyone who has gained his Villain Application for being evil should have the allowence to use that.

    I fully agree with that.

    But when a world changes.

    The humans change with it.

    So should the bandits.

    There's more money to be made in a kings castle than all the days you'll ever spend on the roads.

    And, believe me, it's tense.

    It gives for great experience.

    Imagine yourself to go in a castle and actually stay hidden.

    But what should you do ?

    Go rob a castle alone ?

    You could actually create a new bandit guild then, no ?

    Create some massive roleplaying events, then.

    Maybe capture a kings castle.

    There are a million ways to roleplay a bandit.

    There are a zillion ( if that is even a word.. ) ways to roleplay anything.

    Humanity has always adapted to it's new situations.

    Bandits should do the same.

    I had to do so, too.

    Considering the actual Soulstones, again.

    I love how you try to concentrate the roleplaying activity by those pillars.

    And I trully think it would work out.

    People will find new places, some will even maybe become pillar-map-makers. ;)

    There's merely one thing that I trully dislike, being:

    Limited Unlockable Soulstone pillars throughout world, depending on donator rank.

    That's an absolute, NO, to me.

    It's a restriction of a players roleplay, which should never be done, in any case.

    ,Thank you

    ,Aster The Fallen

    ( Rissing )

    PS: I can't remember how to write your name, my appologies for this.

  10. For as far as I still can remember:

    A great dissadvantage of the Asulon map was it's size, it has been stated before and it is trully a fact.

    The Roleplaying-events all occur on one or two places or cities, leaving the rest of the map fully deserted.

    Many, many people have begun a city and left it aside after some time, causing weird landscapes and perfect cities just dieing in the wilds.

    I myself made my fortress close to the Skravian lands, which after time became nearly deserted, forcing me to move.

    If I look at the evniroment it would be a nightmare for me to get back to the Sanctuary. As the mobs were so extremely strong that I would die, without doubt.

    The other problem was, I was being hunted at all times, thus I could not go to any of the two major roleplaying places as it would mean my dead.

    If there would come a new map, or changing of the map, I think it would be good to:

    - Limit the map size

    - Create one central point

    - Create a new 'kingsroad', or more.

    - Try to make players willing to go further or closer to eachother, as how the situation demands for.

    - Have a beautiful wilderness.

    Limit the map size

    It is fairly easy. If people are too far away from eachother they won't even have time to go to somewhere else. Some people can play for an hour or two, a day. I used to play around six to ten hours a day, but those who play less should have the ability to reach a certain destination, without using transport, within a certain time laps.

    Otherway people won't bother to go towards an other region as they would spend most of their time running towards there.

    Create one central point

    The Sanctuary is a great example for this, but at the other hand also not quite right.

    If you look at the infrastructure of the Sanctuary you will notice it looks like a spider.

    Meaning it has a circle in the middle and four roads departing from it.

    From the instant you leave the Sanctuary, you more or less leave the ability to encounter an other race. Or one who is not known by you.

    Meaning that you will not interefere with new players.

    The Sanctuary itself was a fountain of roleplay, at the start.

    It still is but it is slowly going down, for asfar as I know.

    ( I love the looks of the Sanctuary, extremely much. But it's infrastructure isn't right. )

    If you would make different roads departing from a central point, make the depart into the same direction. You could even let the turn later on, but all that matters is the very start of the road.

    ( And it's few comming 100 meters. )

    Create a new 'kingsroad'

    I think I speak for many if I say that I want a new 'kingsroad'. Kingsroad was the general place where you would go if you had no roleplaying to be found around you.

    If possible, you should try and create a new kingsroad.

    If this would not be possible, I would think about creating a civilization, very close, to the actual central place.

    People must have the ability to log on for merely ten to twenty minutes and still find satisfying roleplaying-experience.

    Try to make players willing to go further or closer to eachother, as how the situation demands for.

    I know certain things that will make these things get better. Such as the trading of exclusive materials. But if for example one could set up a minersguild or any of those kind of facilities that a normal player could relay on and could get rather cheap resources then this would become a place of connection for players.

    If a mouse doesn't come, lay some cheese on the ground.

    There is always something that makes people more interested to go live in one area instead of the other. Mostly that is the ammount of roleplay, or the quality.

    Now I would say, why did the first roleplayers went there ?

    That's something you'll have to search, cus I can't anymore. ^-^

    Try to find those things that attract players, that give them the joy to run for a few minutes and go to that very certain area.

    I am pretty certain that there must be something at the core of those massive roleplaying spots.

    Have a beautiful wilderness

    I know that you are creating magnificent landscapes, Yes, I am referening to those snowy mountains on the LotC mainpage. They are brilliant. Trully great voxeling and detail.

    But if I think back at the place where I made my fortress, which exists out of a mix of every possible terrain, I see that the landscape is not too great.

    I, infact, recreated the ground around my whole fortress, for large parts.

    Before I began to build even, as it just looked horrible.

    I am not asking you to voxel all of the wilderness as that would be an insane job, but if you could keep an eye out at the wilderness, that would be fantastic.

    As there are still many people whom prefere to live in the Wilderness.


    I think that is all for now.

    If I think of more, I'll post it.

    ,Thank you for reading

    ,Aster The Fallen

    ( Rissing )

  11. ,Sir Whitebeard

    Beneath here you will find my oppinion and thoughts about the changes you wish to make.

    First off, I like the changes.

    They only need a few changes..

    ( Sorry, I had to say that. ;) )

    Name of the Person who Proposed the Change:

    - MC: Chriske19

    - RP-name: Aster The Fallen/Risen

    - Forum-name: Rissing


    These mines would be ~15x15 (Maybe bigger).

    My concerns or ideas about the Change:

    Limiting these mines would indeed be a nice idea but if you look at a 15x15 permit, or a tad bigger.

    It would be unrealistic and as you strive for realism and a better economy it would be rather weird.

    As with a 15x15 permit I would have to mine straight down, nearly.

    You would not have the ability to create roleplaying mines, anylonger.

    True, not many people create mines in a roleplaying way, but some still do.

    And it would more or less prevent them in a part of their roleplay.

    For example: If I would be a dwarf I would create a ton of mines, all kept up standing with massive wooden pillars. Then again I am a hardcore roleplayer, but I think you get what I mean.

    Limiting the mines would prevent some roleplay.

    Solution: Grant good and known players, who have shown that they can make proper mines, the ability to get mines at a lower price.

    EDIT: So that they can place, for example, three mines behind eachother and can make a proper roleplaying mine.

    Why the lower price: Roleplaying mines can't go straight down, that would be unrealistic. Thus their permit would have to be bigger, if not much bigger. Which then again means that they would have to pay, much more.

    Downside: People will complain that they can't have the same benefit.

    Upside: People will become encouraged to create roleplaying mines.

    Why will they get encouraged: Because of the lower prices.


    Making weapons/armour and food degrade over time.

    Considering the food degration over time:

    I have no problem with this.

    Though I would also change chests, to have the ability to preserve food.

    Considering the weapons and armour degration over time:

    This seems rather weird to me.

    I collect weapons and armour, it's a passion of mine.

    And you would trully be amased how good these still look, though being over 200 - 400 years old.

    These weapons are, indeed, no longer in a state of use.

    But if I look at my collection of 100 - 200 years old weapons, which is currently at my grandfathers home as I do no longer have the space for them.

    Some of them are heavily used and no longer of any use.

    Others, however, are in perfect shape.

    Some of those were merely used as sacrificing daggers or as decoration.

    Though these have not been under bare conditions after 200 years they are still in a perfect state.

    Also, here, you could apply the chest rule.

    That shouldn't be a too hard mod to code, it may take time yes.

    ( I do not know how long it would take, I don't code in MC. )

    Make chests a no-time zone, so that weapons and armour do not degrade inside of them.


    Giving races their own exclusive resources

    I agree with this, theoretically it would be fully right to do this.

    However most people do not like a full restriction.

    It will increase the roleplayed tradings and events between nations.

    Many players like these.

    But none likes full restriction.

    It would be better for most to give.

    For example: Humans - 75% on lapis - 50% gold, Dwarves - 75% gold - 50% lapis.

    I think you see what I mean.

    Grant different nations different mining rates.

    Other than that I trully love the changes, they will greatly increase the active roleplaying on the server.

    Though if you would make all these changes, I, myself, would look back at the 'skill plugin', too.

  12. Things I have found:

    4. A DDoS of this proportion, durability, and the time it has lasted, takes way more than 24,000$ and is hard to maintain. There fore these guys are good at what they do.

    5. No person, for pure enjoyment would sit on his computer and maintain te DDoS for hours upon hours or spend so much money purely "enjoyment or revenge"


    4. It would not cost you anymoney to keep the DDoS'ing up. Infact, the only thing that does costs money is buying defense against this.


    But infact: If I would like to do such a thing I would not need more then one single email. To be honest, I would only need my own email. The things that can be used for this are often called Bullets or BulletShells, they are simple injections which some people can shoot into your computer, to say it the easy way.

    What that means is, even you can have such a program on your computer now, will you notice something of it ? No.

    What are the good points for the DDoS'ers, simple. They don't need a budget to do this.

    These "BulletShells / Bullets " can be found easily on google and they are free, most of the time.

    So let's put it in an other vision, it could be your own computer that is helping the DDoS'ers.

    So run a virusscan, if you wouldn't mind.

    ^ Explanation why it does not cost any, or nearly none, money.

    5. ( About the money part and the hours spend refere to the above. )

    Indeed, people do not do it for their own enjoyement.

    They get payed to do so.

    They gain us.

    People will get angry or annoyed after some time because they can't play.

    They will all move to an other server, probably together.

    Wether the DDoS'ers have been hired or are just another servers doing.

    Is unknown.

    Is probably the sole reason for which one would DDoS us.

  13. What Does Someone Gain From DDOSing A Minecraft Server? It Kinda Seems Like An Act Of Spite.


    They gain us.

    People will get angry or annoyed after some time because they can't play.

    They will all move to an other server, probably together.

    Wether the DDoS'ers have been hired or are just another servers doing.

    Is unknown.

    You could find that out if you had the ability to.

    But even for me that would takes days.

    And it would be considered illegal and would gravely hurt the server, too.

    And I never do illegal things. ;3

  14. Simply post a Modreq ingame with maybe a link to a screenshot of the transaction confirmation - perhaps not even that would be needed.

    Also, what would the staff think about maybe the community doing some gaming marathons also?

    I vote: YES!

    Gaming maratons are awesome. O.O

    I used to do them at school.

    Breached the full fortiguard ( Until now, the strongest protection possible for normal buyers ) and installed League of Legends on all the computers. :3

  15. surely this activity is illegal is there no legal route we can take?

    There are many things illegal, yet they do happen.

    Unfortunately, people tend to launch DDoS attacks from countries (Ukraine) where such activity is not illegal, thus there is no legal route we can take. Once I get my paycheck from work, I will donate.

    It is legal in some countries, indeed. A nice suggestion would be - cough - contacting or getting help, which is in some countries legal. There are many people who can offer you these services. And they aren't hard to be found at all, look into it Vaq.

    ( I even know some of them, well )

    Ignore the attacks. Donate on a casual level as we have all along. Let them blow all of their daddy's precious money on DDOS attacks. When the server goes down, stimulate role-play and discussion on the forums, write lore, improve the Wiki. Get out and get some fresh air. Show them that we will enjoy ourselves regardless. Show them that their attacks mean nothing to us. Put them in their place like the dog they are and show them that we will carry on without them.

    Make 3:00 PM onward be the most miserable hours they will ever face, investing so much of their time, energy and money towards a lonely and pitiful act that will be met with nothing but the laughter, comradery and indifference of the very community they despise.

    If we negotiate, they win. If we exhaust our funds, they win. If we become divided in our allegiances and blinded in our perception of the matter at hand, they win. We've maintained hundreds of supporters for a year now and they're all alone. Let's just do what we do. Disregard them and work around it. $200-$4,000 a month? No. $50,000? No. Too rich for my blood. We don't negotiate with terrorists. Endure it until they peter out.

    I'm retired and have too little at stake here to make a truly sound and unbiased judgment, but there's my rant.

    P.S. If that doesn't work, I have a wealthy uncle in Uganda that just passed away, leaving me his estate. I'll see what I can do.


    But infact: If I would like to do such a thing I would not need more then one single email. To be honest, I would only need my own email. The things that can be used for this are often called Bullets or BulletShells, they are simple injections which some people can shoot into your computer, to say it the easy way.

    What that means is, even you can have such a program on your computer now, will you notice something of it ? No.

    What are the good points for the DDoS'ers, simple. They don't need a budget to do this.

    These "BulletShells / Bullets " can be found easily on google and they are free, most of the time.

    So let's put it in an other vision, it could be your own computer that is helping the DDoS'ers.

    So run a virusscan, if you wouldn't mind.

    Well if he hosts it himself, get a switch put in with adequate firewalls, and anti-ddos scripts (I doubt this is a good hacker, but more of a kiddy-scripter)..

    You can't know which qualities this person has. It can be a good one or a bad one. Even a Skitler that is simply using one program and gets paid for it by the real hacker.

    Anti-DDoS scripts can help, indeed.

    Are they your best option, in my own oppinion and from my own experience: No.

    Just block all IPs from every country except US, Canada, Europe, and the Oceanic server.

    Please refere to the place where I told how your own computers can be infected.

    Alright. SO how about we find the ddosers sever and take them down. By the way, I volunteer as help!

    I myself, found this rather a bright idea. ^^

    It's true, it isn't hard ot pull a DDoS'er down once you found their server.

    It is hard to find them.

    But I don't think that they would use more than 7 shadows as that would greatly decrease their functionality and efficienty.

    Now what could be done is, but it takes a lot of time ( I know out of my own experience ).

    Counter DDoS'ing is a great risk.

    You will have to use a secondary server as you really don't want to have them use a secondary one while you are trying to DDoS them.

    They will fire at you with two of them.

    Instantly pulling you down and keeping you down.

    ( It's a risk you could take. )

    ( Or it's a risk you can let be taken. )

    1. DDoSing them is just... Stupid. You don't fight fire with fire. And DDoSing is illegal, people HAVE went to jail for hacking. Recently, some 16 or 17 year old kid who hacked youtubers when to jail, and probably is going to be tried a adult.

    2. We raised 400.73 bucks. GG

    DDoS'ing is illegal, sometimes.

    You also go to jail for stealing candy.

    If he was caught then he wasn't good enough in what he did.

    It isn't stupid, with saying that you more or less call my life stupid..

    I say we get anonymous.

    Too many people speak about anonymous.

    There have been much much greater breaches done by many others.

    Examples: GHT and DHA

    Anonymous is merely a beginner compared to these people.

    ( And yes, I do know how good these people are as I speak to them weekly. )

    Can't we trace the IP and find out who it is, and post the guys personal info to public, there has got to be one person who will go to his house to kick his ass...

    Please, once again.

    Refere to where I explain that your own computers can be infected.

    EDIT: As you have said yourself, Availer.

    It happens on a regular basis.

    Which means that it has been programmed and automatised.

    Which means that it could have been fully thrown into a program and be distributed among many countries.

    Which means that there would be a general link as I don't think that everyone here has gotten "oh a mail ", hehe.

    Which means that it is not unlikely that your server, Vaq.

    Has already been hacked since a longer time ago.

    In fact it is not hard to do so.

    As at the first times people don't think all too bad.

    But if one would have injected a BulletShell that would mean that he could also distrubute through tunneling.

    Of course you could of noticed this.

    But you also sleep, just like me.

    Now where the funny thing of this all comes is that it may even be so that you haven't protected your server against itself.

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