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Everything posted by Deadlyconfuzion

  1. I'm in a pickle, mind helping me out? http://strawpoll.me/2985832

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Eleatic
    3. Dreek


      neither save money

    4. Eleatic


      None of you folks are helpful!

      Tes:O Is a cannibalized, run of the mill MMORPG which is pretty bland.

      WOW has over 6 years of content already in the game, some roleplaying communities, and a new expac out.

  2. An odd figure wanders about the town muttering to himself . . . "Few know of the wonders this meek little trading town hides below its depths. Soon these marvels shall be revealed for all to see. . . ." The figure may be spotted and seen by other townsfolk, but any attempts to arrest or apprehend this felon shall be met with disdain—as the figure would seem to vanish in a plume of black and red smoke. Event tomorrow around 7pm EST in Kaphro.
  3. A note has been pinned under the town advertisement.
  4. It is a man's own mind, not his enemy or foe, that lures him to evil ways.

  5. New Profile Pic...Lym's got some competition. >:D

  6. ((ill be in and out grabbing my things from my house :D))
  7. I'm afraid my friends, my time in the white ravens are over. I have had many memory's in this guild and it has been very fun. but i want to explore, see new places and i feel that me staying here is holding me back. I hope to see you all some time in the future, and i wish you all a farewell and good luck. Yours truly, Arkosh tortilious.
  8. ((i dont have perms to our base anymore and cant open my chest :/ can someone help me plz))
  9. Hello this is Arkosh i'm curious if the position for bishop of knowledge is open and if i may fill that position in the near future. thanks.
  10. i posted a request to join the guild, im on page 25. please check it out.
  11. Minecraft Name:deadlyconfuzion RP Name:Arkosh Why do you wish to join The White Ravens? My parents were killed by The evil forces and with to get revenge. My brother, Malanar and i where only little and did not realize that we where brothers. My foster parents died in a bandit accident long ago. my real family took me in. my young brother was only 6 at the time of the battle at Al'khazar. My father and i went in for battle, he did not make it back but my brother ran to the forest. My mother was burned to death. at that moment i swore to get revenge. Are you against the Undead? Why? Yes i am against them in every way.they killed my family in a brutal battle. they hurt people for no reason and don't care of the cause that happens! What skills do you bring to The White Ravens? How will these help us? I bring my blade and cooking to the guild. good for health and can cut a few throats along the way if needed. Do you understand and agree with all of our rules? I agree to all rules.
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