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Status Replies posted by ExplosiveTendency

  1. Anyone else remember when soulstones were sponges?

    1. ExplosiveTendency


      And how if you had a collection

      of those sponges, you could never

      go back...

    2. (See 14 other replies to this status update)

  2. I came back to Lord of the Craft after quitting after Aegis was destroyed and setting home in the Capital of Malinor in Asulon, but I'm glad to be back now ! :) Better do some planning for a new char since my old one's practically perished after staying in a fallen cave for so long o.o

    1. ExplosiveTendency


      Thanks, all my stuff got reset, so I'm planning a new character.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  3. MAJOR social studies project due in two days, I haven't even started on it, and I'm sick :(

  4. Roleplaying with gwilson3, Landmeister of Hanseti and it is epic laying out the Lore of the Hansetii to him :D

  5. Orcs killing your parents is the answer to every roleplay-parent-death-incident. *sighs

  6. My.. uh.. characters private area is now that of a sheeps... :P.

  7. My Villain App! Give me some love and support! :3 I haz cookies in my mysterious van. http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/38100-unread-talus-bronze-and-the-red-paint-of-hatred/

    1. ExplosiveTendency


      It's because I'm the master of all Trolls. JK. That's Mylas's job.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  8. Died while right next to the Elven Capital. Guess how long it got to get there? 1 hour and 30 minutes.

  9. That feeling when you had amazing rp and then it stops and everything feels boring =(

  10. Hope I don't get denied for my Mori app...

    1. ExplosiveTendency


      I hopez you get accepted!

  11. Accepted Villain. Now I gotta wait for accepted Mori xD

  12. VA apps. Revise. Revise. Revise. FuUuUuUu!!!!

    1. ExplosiveTendency


      lol I practically said

      Villain Apps apps.

  13. why did i update mine craft, now i can't play lots D:

    1. ExplosiveTendency


      Dude. Go to Server News and Maintenance. They show you how to make mincreft back to 1.0.0

  14. Time to draft my VA. The whole world destruction thing affected Ashur in a big way. Lots of fun RP in the future.

  15. Time to draft my VA. The whole world destruction thing affected Ashur in a big way. Lots of fun RP in the future.

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