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Bedrock VIP
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Status Replies posted by atticusmas

  1. The Main Page of the wiki is under attack

  2. What I need, is a good hug. *looks hopeful*

  3. The Druids and the Mages are making a collaborative effort to stop the taint in Laurilen from spreading. A lot of them get to stand atop high towers looking bad ass while I just stand at the bottom of one. I want a tower! * pouts *

  4. Has returned, and is returning home tomorrow. Normal play will resume tomorrow night!


  6. *starts chant* 2.0! 2.0!

  7. Skrillex, Aviccii, Mord Fustang, and Wiz Khalifa all performing where I live. On the same day... SO EXCITED!!!

  8. so....i hear the new map is coming out tomorrow. I would like to pretend I'm not excited but.....

  9. How do i get a gm to change my status to gold VIP?

  10. Im am so glad that I got in, I just want to say Thank You! I am honored to be a part of this server.

  11. My modpack is working on macs now! :D

  12. Sick, so no school for me today :)

  13. Hello, so sorry to bother you, but I was wondering could you please GO DIE

  14. 2.0, here we come.

  15. And now for the Undead to strike Galahar at it's weakest. Mwuahahahahahahaha!

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