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Status Updates posted by TheScarletNog

  1. I know this is a dumb question but, here goes.....

    1. TheScarletNog


      Can an Orc grow a full beard? I never see any orcs with facial hair.

    2. TheScarletNog


      Can an Orc grow a full beard? I never see any orcs with facial hair.

    3. Goldrim


      Yes, I have been trying to convince my advisor to grow a beard for days.

  2. Midnight... and I'm all out of redbull. o_O

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Badass Imperial Guard

      Badass Imperial Guard

      God have mercy on your soul taco

    3. El Ricktador

      El Ricktador

      Redbull + Hot Cheetoes keep me going half the time. Especially since no one seems to be on my timezone.


    4. izaN


      Well, I run on chocolate milk. xD I love chocolate milk. And I stay up till about 7-8am.

  3. Just my luck. In the middle of an RP fight, being used as a meat shield, and I get disconected. Then, the server wont let me reconnect.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Havenok


      You better hope your buddies realize that you are being used as a meat shield or expect the monks to need to patch up your characters jugular, lol... I don't think any of them noticed the orc grabbing you and holding a throat to your neck.

    3. Havenok


      hahah *dagger

    4. TheScarletNog



      I'll stop by sometime. It looked mighty nice put that way.


      Hopefully, they remember Leo.... or, you could be nice.

  4. How does one change their listed race?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Swgrclan


      You need to pay $5 for a race reset.

    3. TheScarletNog


      oh.. Time to get my cash into me paypal.

    4. TheScarletNog


      oh.. Time to get my cash into me paypal.

  5. So glad everyone else is posting about the crash and, its not just me.

  6. Is there a way to delete a topic you've created? I've somehow managed to post my app twice.

    1. Daniel


      You could ask a Gm but just title one of them "Sorry for double posting" To inform them it was accidental.

    2. TheScarletNog


      Thank you for the help.

    3. TheScarletNog


      Thank you for the help.

  7. Is there a way to delete a topic you've created? I've somehow managed to post my app twice.

  8. Whats the current date In game? I need a point to base a journal around.

  9. Could I get a link to a map that includes the small settlements? Of the human/Halfling lands atleast. It would help me very much with the location in my backstory.

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