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Diamond VIP
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Status Updates posted by Kye

  1. Is it possible I can give my Diamond VIP rank away? I haven't played for over a year

  2. Nothing is on my mind

    1. Raptorious


      So glad you shared :P

  3. Thanks a lot for accepting me. Rated you 5 stars.

  4. Thanks for the honest feedback.

  5. Well, Alot has changed

  6. Well, I'm back. Support my ATA!.

  7. What ever happened to the DayZ Servers?

    1. DecoLamb


      Vaq leaving happened.

  8. Kye

    Wow... Your rep is horrible. Probably not because of you but because of the immature people -1ing peoples posts/topics rather then using words. Best of luck. * +1's one of his posts *.

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