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Status Updates posted by Kidrocker60

  1. So Asulon better welcome Zajar. :D

  2. Big thanks for accepting me, I was getting worried :D. I presume you roleplay an orc also?

  3. Still on this dreadful wait.

  4. So, after re-reading my app acouple of times I might have to completly re-write it.

    1. shiftnative


      best of luck :]

  5. I've been writing my application for about 15 hours now, I hope this one get accepted.

    1. VonAulus


      That is a lot of time... hope you get in.

    2. Guest


      I wrote mine for about 10 Minutes, Of course, you meddling app team did not exist then.

    3. Kidrocker60


      I'm just trying to make a good backstory.

  6. I am aloud to post around the forum before I get accepted, right?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. 0000


      We'd love to have you involved in our community!

    3. Mini Mordie - Mafia

      Mini Mordie - Mafia

      Sorry. I'm about to have my Grammar Nazi Moment. It's Allowed not "aloud". Sorry about that.

    4. Mini Mordie - Mafia

      Mini Mordie - Mafia

      Oh. And yes! You should definitely join our forum community! :D

  7. Hey, do I have to wait 24 hours from when I submitted my app or 24 hours from when it was responded too?

    1. Danny


      Responded to.

  8. Needs to be 9:45 quickly, so I can submit my application.

    1. 0000


      Use this time to add even more to it, put a little extra effort and impress the Application Team!

    2. Kidrocker60


      I'm trying :D

  9. Why is my profile pic a sad face all of a sudden?

    1. TMGavLan


      What do you mean? It looks like Steve to me. :P - Go into your Profile settings and you can fix that right up.

    2. Kidrocker60
    3. pumpkin_eaters


      We changed the default thumbnail from that lameo Minecraft face. Makes people want to change to a unique picture :D

  10. So I have to wait till 9:45 to apply again, when all I had to do was change like 3 words ....

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. 0000


      Change ALL the words!

      In seriousness, effort means success! I could write two to three paragraphs on meta and powergaming or even more, I have no doubt you could make an impression on your app.

    3. Kidrocker60


      OTher than that I mean.

    4. Kidrocker60


      I meant the back story, I'veb been working on th metagaming and powergaming ones.

  11. Where am I ._.

  12. Just waiting for someone to answer my app :)

    1. Queen of Aegis

      Queen of Aegis

      Good luck on your app!


    2. Kidrocker60
    3. Hobolympic
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