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Posts posted by lemontide331

  1. 1 hour ago, James2k said:

    It was actually really good before he removed full hunger healing and added dodging.

    It was good but wasn't as good as everyone makes out like "best in mc" getting the points to max out a skill was Grindy as sht for stuff like sword fighting so you had to just train a bunch of other skills, buy vip and get a gm to transfer them with ur transfer points of w.e. You could also 2 shot with gold axes or something along the lines and bows were pointless. I liked how Balanced the economy was with diamond armour etc. Tho

  2. 2 minutes ago, Overland said:

    As current top enchanter please wipe all skills.


    I don't think removing Nexus is the solution in fact I distinctly recall when there was not skill plugin and there was a big push for one, who is to say that in a few months we'll be whining for one yet again. I have no solutions that I think of right now, but the staff should encourage the community to come together and create a skills plugin, will it work in practice? I don't know but I think it's an option that should be explored.

    Jesus christ

  3. wiping.. Zzzzzzzzz. Basically just a bandaid that will only temporary be ok then we will face the exact same problems again. Removing nexus is the best solution, horrible plugin, completely unbalanced, and with 1.9 I can only image it becoming. Even worse


    sorry for bad typing on tablet

  4. 1 minute ago, Arctic_Guard said:


    Even though the claims were false, it sure did boost moral if anything. That's actually a big factor of these battles. If you're not feeling good, you're not going to perform as well as someone else. Another reason why we don't like people yelling "Oh I'm downed," or "I just popped." 

    the way wolf and ryno2 were saying it tho was just so funny, like it was so obvious we weren't winning and kept spamming we're winning theyre retreating :D tho imo i dont think it really has 2 big of an impact

  5. i was having a good day but then i stumbled across some videos... i will link them below.


    this is what lotc has become, a place where many of us come to roleplay peacefully. please, fellow lotcers, look at this abomination and sign my petition to have both mjsc and marcos (w.e he's called) permanently removed from the community.



    people who have signed so far:








    dragonslayer(sum numbers)


















    post by "i, [name], sign this petition to remove mjsc and marcos from the lotc community."

  6. 1 hour ago, Ballnazor said:

    Staff dont care for balance we said this when jistuma was allowed to spam his self made potions without any moderation. People who pvp once a year are in charge of balancing and you can see how that ends up, thanks staff

    also very disappointing that our head developer @Why. has allowed this stuff to go through onto the main server :/

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