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Panda! At The Disco

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Status Updates posted by Panda! At The Disco

  1. Hooraaaay! :D But you might want to find Roxanne first... :P I kinda... Made her go missing... D: I might kill her off, I dunno :( But! I won't do that until we have twins! xD

  2. I'll give it a go!... Tomorrow. :P

  3. Of course! And thank you! :3

  4. Pffftt, I know! xD But really... Thank yous! :D

  5. I'm magical~! *flings sparkles everywhere*

  6. Thank you so much! It means a lot! :D

  7. Hiya! Random Idea of the Day: What if your halfling was not only sophisticated, but REALLY uptight and had OCD? xD

  8. Something along those lines! :P

  9. Haaaah okay! And I forgot too... xP We can rename them! Midney wants me to name one Whitney. No clue why though. xD

  10. Hmm... If you want to, I think I'm up for it! But afterwards, she gets to have twins! HAPPY ENDING! Yaaaay! xD

  11. UUUURRGG! But not aaaalll couples have miscarriages... Right? :P I'll thinks about it! I just can't get over how depressing miscarriages really are... :(

  12. Lol! I'll thinks about it! :P

  13. I didn't know what it meant either! But then I googled it... :( It's like... When a baby dies in the womb or something. Q_Q It's so terribly depressing. And why Whitney? xD

  14. Yaaaaay! MOAR FESTIVALS!

    And... Good idea! But... That would be so sad! And so dramatic... MOAR HALFLING DRAMA~ :P

  15. Hehe! GENIUS! All the lady halflings should be trapped together during the snowstorm and we can have a slumber party! xD

  16. I'll definitely (maybe!) be on during the snowstorm (YAYS!)! AND MAKEOVERS?! I THINK YES! We should... invent makeup... :D And... Make a hairdresser or something! xD

  17. OH NOES! DON'T DIE ON MEH! :P And yes, yes we are! xD Have I missed anything else SUPER DUPER IMPORTANT?! :O

  18. Haaaah I wish! :( Can't get on on weekdays... D: And... HOMEWORK! I should stop procrastinating... IT'S JUST SO HARD! xD

  19. Don't think of it like that! Think of it as... Enhancing your experience! :D Honestly, it's alright! I can meet ma children some other time. xD But if you really want to wait then...

  20. Yeah! Sorry I've been uber busy! :( But I won't be able to get on in a while so... It'd be fine to just say Roxanne gave birth and just have people RP the kids! :P

  21. :O I thought it was! I removed it from the character pages, but if you search it it's still there... Never mind then! :P

  22. Haaah thank you! :) I kinda... Took it out, though. :P Just wanted to work on it a little bit because it's pretty empty! Bili's isn't too shabby either~ ;)

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