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Posts posted by lev

  1. 1 minute ago, Aetosion said:

    Brother Alaric ceases his chanting at the end of a repetition of his plea to respond to Rosencrantz, "Brother, I have no political aspirations other than the will of our Father, I have taken vows of poverty, chastity, and eternal obedience. I chant nothing but the histories of our saints and an exhortation to the exalted St. Owen to restore their glories. If you doubt any of this, just look to the history of our Church, and to your fathers. For that matter, I think we've all had enough of empire. I think the Lord and all of his children would be happiest where there are several human kingdoms, united against the mongrels in sacred tradition, but free to make war on each other like the lionlike beasts the sons of Horen are- so long as the inferior races aren't involved."


    Rosencrantz turns on a heel, realizing he is not alone. "Indeed, spoken as a true follower of Saint Peter, forgive my brash resolve. These are testing times we live in, and since the recent Pontiff's manipulations of the Cannonist league for his own Imperial devices, it is such that one is drawn to think of. If you be a true messenger of  Owyn, then in Lotharingia, and Metz you would surely be welcome, for we alone remain the last bastion of the Church and the true faith. Might I seek to escort you there, for in our great capital lies an Owynist temple that should befit your needs, rather than to wander the streets a hermit."

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