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Status Replies posted by Eetswa

  1. money can be exchanged for goods and services. - Homer Simpson

  2. Going off to sleep, if LotC isn't up by morning ill cry and weep all day eating sugared fish...

  3. Got a name for MacHadden's claymore, in the proper language: mathan-buille

  4. Got a name for MacHadden's claymore, in the proper language: mathan-buille

  5. I know I am new to the server, and RP in general, but serious;y, ARE YOU F**KING KIDDING ME! How uptight can you get! I am only 14, but, some of this is utter horse s**t! Abortion, I have no problem with IRL or RP. Hell, my char may even do that at some point! And, the whole "tone down the violence" thing, WOW! This is not a server for little kids! If they don't wish to engage in this RP, then avoid those scenarios. That simple. Calm down, and live with it....

  6. Is the server down or just my net?

  7. Is LOTC down? Am I banned? Or can I not just connect? Help?

  8. My bench is purple, not red like communist Russia.

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