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Status Replies posted by Eetswa

  1. Hail the Dome Fossil!

  2. Okay so i would like to appolgise to Cappy for what i accidentely called him on Teamspeak the other day, i was talking about him and accidently called him Crappy and for that i am sorry, please don't kill me for it

  3. I'm still here, jistuma.

  4. Everyone go google 'The Big Red Bear Ate An Apple'. What's the first result?

  5. Need some help yo. Going on a bit of a trip and I need some awesome fantasy books to read, I've already done Game of Thrones and The Blade Itself Trilogy recently. Anyone got anything similar?

  6. is this a white thing?

  7. Ridiculous Question of the Day: What happens when the immovable object is hit by the unstoppable force?

  8. i wanna be the very best that no one ever was...

  9. School in a few moments; Its simple, we kill the textbooks.

  10. Sorry to say, but the new spawn is horrible. Should've stuck with the temple.

  11. Anyone out there?

  12. Anyone out there?

  13. How fancy... A fedora!

  14. make real characters with legitimate motives not anime

  15. Alright... midterms, done. Wedding, done. One more essay draft to write, then I shall go through all the PM's I haven't read. Sorry friends, just wait a tad bit longer :P

  16. Grounded because I made an 80 on a test-_-

  17. I hate all Australians.

  18. I'm the first smoke evoker... Huzzah!

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