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Status Updates posted by Finnadian

  1. Waiting to be accepted or denied...

  2. Am I the only one having trouble connecting to Lord of the Craft

    1. Neri


      It's down at the moment.

    2. Finnadian


      Okay, thanks.

  3. Anyone got any idea when the server will be up again?

    1. paulie


      I'd say an hour, thought that is just an assumption.

    2. TheRoyalOnion(Aris)


      After valve releases half life 3

  4. Am I the only one who noticed a surplus in hostile mob spawning?!

    1. Heff


      Yahp, makes travel rp bettah brag. Dat black scourge be causin' it is my idea

    2. Sporadic


      The world's mob limit was upped significantly, yeah. Hurray!

  5. What's an Old Hat?

    1. Ford


      someone who's been around for a long time on lotc.

    2. Finnadian


      How long is a long time, because I haven't been on for too long

  6. So...whats new?

    1. iseemoosego


      Being the master Moose. What about you?

  7. Been gone for a week. Anything new or important?

  8. So long Oren, and thanks for all the fish

  9. This is probably long over due, but I'm probably done with LotC for now...so, thanks to everyone I rp'ed with. Still on Skype if anyone wants to talk, but yea. So long and thanks for all the fish.

  10. Thinking of coming back...anything new?

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