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Battle Jacx

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Status Updates posted by Battle Jacx

  1. Another scam for supposed free minecraft accounts I warn you now don't trust those things!!!! http://freeminecraft.me/?ref=1195949

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Battle Jacx

      Battle Jacx

      But seriously I want to make a point, people have to make money out of these thing or sles they wouldn't do them....nothing's free

    3. Samson (Derick)

      Samson (Derick)

      Well, Some sites make people compleate a seriese of ad ofter for free codes, wich is legit, because the ads pay them, and then they help you.

    4. Battle Jacx

      Battle Jacx

      Yeah..they do that means both people prosper...but it's still shifty business and I would avoid it of possible, always read the terms!


    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Battle Jacx

      Battle Jacx

      I can't cope I just can't....Need LOTC.....NOW.......

    3. ~≈Panda≈~


      Panda hasn't been on in days. * Plays terraria. *

    4. Battle Jacx

      Battle Jacx

      no-no terraria won't do! It just won't!

  3. I just saw archmage claratis in a panda suit up a tree. LOLOLOLOLOL

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Archmage_Cataris


      It was actually legit RP and not trolling. A fellow Gm was even with me lol. I was a Halfling in a suit that looked like a Panda, just like Fishy.

    3. Jay Lenos

      Jay Lenos

      So you stole Fishy's idea? EVEN WORSE

    4. Battle Jacx

      Battle Jacx

      It was so funny when my character was scared of it and believed it was a some terrible beast (he'd never seen a panda before).

      p.s Sorry I spelt your name wrong at the start Cataris

  4. The frustration of waiting for a final reference on my magic app is too much! It's driving me crazy-er!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Blundermore


      It means that it wasn't bad enough for instant denial, we can still deny after references are made, it will just be on the few minor technicalites such as how you've answered questions etc. Apps that answer questions with literally one or two lines, ((unless they anwsered well) would usually be denied. Or apps that have clearly not had much time and effort put into it. Example:

      Character bio:

      My character is an awesome mage that can destroy anything in the world and ca...

    3. Blundermore


      be beaten at all. He is also a great swordsman. He is really good and fights evil. He has learnt everything.

      That type of app would be denied on the spot, not just for power gaming and bad grammer, but for bad role play and the fact that the answer to the question was not formulated well at all.

    4. Battle Jacx

      Battle Jacx

      Ohh right, thanks for clearing that up

  5. Ok, so today someone asked me what I'd be doing tonight, I said minecraft, they asked about what I would be doing tommorow I said minecraft, at this point I considered the possibility that I may addicted, then I forgot about it and started playing LOTC

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Battle Jacx

      Battle Jacx

      ^^^ Lol agreed, alrough my French teacher is starting to look a bit like a piece of cobble....must resist...urge..to mine

    3. Lykos


      I once walked up to my dad who was using a pickxe to help uproot a bush stump and told him that pickaxes were for stone blocks and that a shovel was for dirt... Or fists. He also plays minecraft, so he understood it and we both took turns punching the ground to try and destroy it.

      Epic father/son real life minecraft time.

    4. Battle Jacx

      Battle Jacx

      Lol minecraft brings family's together and teaches valuable life lessons, win , win!

  6. I just read the debate topic about if suicide is right or not....just made me remember about an old friend -le sigh-.....I'm sad today..

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Battle Jacx

      Battle Jacx

      And also -is embraced-

    3. Korvic


      I believe the entire topic of bringing up suicide should and I think it is, against the rules. Just like the religion debates. It's a very touchy subject to bring up in a public manner. Anyway...

      -hugs the two that are already hugging-

    4. Battle Jacx

      Battle Jacx

      -Huge hug-

      I agree that the topic is really not suitable, it's out of place and brings up many problems

  7. Just my idea- I think there should be a section of the character bio where the religion of a character can be added, just to add some more detail and depth to characters

    1. Ancora (pandalex12)

      Ancora (pandalex12)

      That's if they're religious

    2. Lirinya


      You can write in the bio what religion they may be but,

      there are no official religions per say.

  8. My status is posting my status

  9. Did anybody else used to own those RPG style pen and paper books- they were awesome, I tried to make one today, But who else used to have that kind of book? http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/53592-sick-note-of-death-fighting-fantasy-style-adventure/

    1. Battle Jacx

      Battle Jacx

      I used to have the "fighting fantasy" one's they were awesome!

  10. Just found out I can still stay on the forums whilst on holiday, I'm sure you're all over the moon!

  11. I is back from me holiday people's !!!

    1. ~≈Panda≈~


      So is Panda! Welcome back!! ^ ^

  12. It has nearly been half a day since I submitted my M.A the wait is killing me and it's driving Mad! I nearly ate my dog moments ago! I am not a patient person! the wait...ugh...

    1. SparehoeCakes


      I know.. What you mean..

  13. Ugh..I've got a new magic application written..now just need to wait until its been 24hrs since my last one..yawn

  14. I will make it the law to listen to this whilst on LOTC one day- (great questing music!) http://www.radiorivendell.com/lib/themes/rivendell2011/_functionality/webplayer.php

  15. Is it just me or is minecraft playing up? It could just be my bad internet....

  16. Magic applications coming soon apparently *exited* I may not ever use them...but anything news exiting!

  17. Im going go be gone for ten days, on holiday and I just know you guys'll miss me, but I hope when I get back I have some holy powers! http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/61748-magic-application13-references-pastor-kilrosss-holy-powers/

  18. Re quoting the people before me-

    U MAD BRO!??!

    Seriously what are you trying to acomplish?

  19. I just felt bad having no comments down here so I decided to be the first one to comment on my own profile!

  20. Now I'm the second to comment on my own profile! Yay

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