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Posts posted by kuroi13

  1. A striking poster is hoisted upon any easily accessible Elven notice board.


    (DeviantArt -- AlexRuizArt)

    Good lliran,

    Whilst we squabble amongst ourselves over the reputed brokenness of Malinor, a vile threat rears its ugly head beneath our very visages! For the past karim, a number of beastly Uruk have kidnapped, beaten, and sold our kinsmen for profit! Many Mali have been snared in their grasp, turned from valiant creatures into lowly slaves! Against this I revolt, and encourage those who find this reviling to join forces against this lowly evil!

    For those who find this as distasteful as I do, I implore you to contact myself and organize a revolt against this base threat. With strong and weak alike, united, retribution can be found.

    For the safer street--maehr'sae hiylun'ehya,


    Azorella Coulissante


    ((Edit:)) A number of ratty, kidnapped posters have been attached at the bottom, with the word "LATEST ATROCITIES" in bright red paint scrawled across the upper-most.



    Durkie Znaga Fur Zale

    Nubhozh Mojour Vur Rayndzum
    Twiggie Fur Sale
    Urukz Lazt Captuur Till Waaaagh Slave Noble Lady Many Shiny
    Vuln Drake Shadeleaf for Sale Auction
    Dub Muur Znagas Two More Slaves prisoners
    Two Elves for Sale
    Hozh Znaga am Vour Zayl

    High Elf for Auction

  2. A little grungy from her travels but her eyes filled with a new spark of ferocity, Azorella glances sharply over the various notices before catching sight of the ballot box and accompanying notices. Eyebrow arched in curiosity, she investigates further and harumphs with mild satisfaction. Sly grin forming, she scribbles a succinct vote upon a scrap of paper:


    Dyonne Alusa

    -Azorella Coulissante


    After gathering a few supplies, the elfess heads quietly out the gate once more.

  3. Creepy___clasic___road_____by_MOSREDNA.j

    DeviantArt: ~MODREDNA


    With a thunk, the elfess clamped her small trunk closed upon a meager set of belongings. She looked solemnly about her tower a moment, her mind lightly lingering upon what little attachment she held for her home. Grunting sharply now, she turned to the door, determined not to dally any longer, quest at hand. As she stepped outside the gates of Lin'evaral, she pulled her dark mask up over her face and swept her eyes over the city one last time before trudging onward.


    A small note is left upon her old kitchen counter, written simply, "Resigning. Away. -Coulissante"

  4. An egg-cream parchment, fresh and unwrinkled, has replaced the previous notice.




    After much appreciated effort upon the applicant's part and some consideration upon the Triumvirate's:


    Acaele Lazul is hereby appointed Tilruir'kaliri.


    maehr'sae hiylun'ehya, llir. nae kaean ilukalirian'ayla ahereh.

    ~Medi'ir Azorella Coulissante

  5. Harumphing just a tad, Azorella produces yet a third notice for the inhabitants of Lin'evaral before the day is out, this one being another "Help Wanted" request.




    In light of our blessed cihi requiring security and in the apparent absence of Safrill Tinuvriel, I, Azorella Coulissante, put forth a referendum to select a new Okarir'tir. The responsibilities of such Okarir is outlined in Lucion Sullas' previous referendum and is reproduced here for ease of reading:


    The revered Okarir’tir will be the epitome of authority in matters pertaining the laws of the mali’aheral civilisation--for they are the guardians and keepers of the peace.


    The words of the Okarir'tir shall follow and upkeep only the letter of the law--no more and no less. The Okarir'tir shall be chosen by referendum, and, should the citizenry be dissatisfied with their actions, can be removed by the same process.


    Citizens are encouraged to nominate themselves for this position should they desire it. After enough self-nominations have been made, the general residency of Lin'evaral is welcomed and encouraged to make up to two votes--either both for a single candidate, or one for two different ones--as they so desire.


    Blessings to all those who step up to serve our beloved cihi.

    maehr'sae hiylun'ehya.

    ~Medi'ir Azorella Coulissante


    ((Opening thread to votes on August 8th.))

    ((Edit: Closing votes on August 20th.))

  6. A fresh, elegant white parchment has replaced the old.




    After various trials and tribulations, as well as some consideration on part of the Triumvirate:


    Vulnir is hereby appointed Tilruir'nor.


    Please speak with me so we may discuss your expected duties.

    maehr'sae hiylun'ehya. nae kaean'leh nor okareh'ayla.

    ~Medi'ir Azorella Coulissante

  7. A flashy poster is pasted up strategically about Lin'evaral: the noticeboard and near the front gate, as well as a multitude in the library.





    Good lliran! There are poisonous gases within our blessed laboratory! One is advised to avoid the building at all costs! The gases cause severe coughing and are likely fatal at even small doses! At the moment, the cause is unknown, but shall be ascertained as soon as healthfully possible!


    Patience lliran! And good health!


    maehr'sae hiylun'ehya!

    ~Medi'ir Azorella Coulissante

  8. Given name(RP name): Asterial

    ((Though it's actually Azorella Coulissante.))
    (Skype name if you have one): kuroishiroi13
    True name(MC name): kuroi13
    Race: Wood Elf
    Authentic magic user?(accepted magic user?): Indeed, that I am.
    If so what form of magic ye use?: Fire Evocation
    Do ye seek adventure, knowledge, and companionship?: But of course, for it would be a lonely, uneventful life without these things.
    All applying will be apply for the applicant position. However should you pass that stage what profession might you take on? Note that if you want to learn magic you must speak to a Delver Arcanist personally: Delver Mystic, I would suppose. Although I do not believe I require any sort of magic instructor at this point in time.
    What combat skills have ye? Well, aside from skills in the Arcane, one is proficient with a bow and arrow and relatively so with a dagger.

    Short Response for all Applicants, write how ye would respond:

    1.) You come across a massive ruin of ancient design, strange sounds and lights emanate from within.

    My curiosity would certainly be piqued by such a structure. If it were safe, one would quickly investigate. One is unsure what one might find, but hopes that, should she come across a similar structure outside of this application, that such a structure holds items of intrigue that one might be able to further study.

    2.)While at a local bar you see two dark hooded figures in the corner discussing in a whispered conversation. You can't quite make out what they're saying but you clearly hear the word "artifact".

    If possible, one would sidle closer to this pair of figures, in hopes that one could ascertain what it was they were talking about. An artifact is certainly an object of interest. The more information one could obtain, the better.

    3.)Walking down the Anthos Highway you come across a masked man with a sword threatening a hooded figure, claiming he is a necromancer.

    As both of these fellows seem of a questionable sort, one may avoid the both of them until one had more favorable numbers on her side. For, indeed, while a necromancer would be a creature of interest, one is uncertain whether it is the most delightful of which to meet. The most ideal outcome would be that of which to return to the two of them with additional companions and learn more about the two of them, if, indeed, this man is a necromancer.

  9. With a few ink stains splattered upon her fingers, Azorella tacks up a new, crisp parchment to the notice board. She looks over her handiwork a moment, glancing sharply at each minute detail. Mildly satisfied, she strides off, a brisk pace to her step.




    As per request--and, in some ways, per necessity--the position for Tilruir'kaliri is now available for interested parties.


    This Tilruir shall be required to, in the least:

    • Assist in the management of social events per the request of other Lin'evaral residents--within reason, of course.
    • Assist in preparing supplies, locations, etc. in the planning and hosting of gatherings.
    • Welcome and host diplomatic guests of the city as needed.
    • Organize events independently from time to time.

    Those who wish to serve Haelun'or are instructed to inquire with me privately via letter or in-person.


    maehr'sae hiylun'ehya,

    ~Medi'ir Azorella Coulissante


  10. A sluggish Azorella tacks up a bit of worn parchment to the notice board. With a groan and a sigh, she rubs her temples and trudges the short walk back to her tower.




    Amidst the blossoming population of Lin'evaral comes also the necessity to provide for our Mali'aheral kin. As such, although long overdue, the position of Tilruir'nor is now open to interested parties.


    Responsibilities entail, in the least:

    • Tending to the upkeep of Haelun'or farms
    • Maintaining the Mali'aheral food supply--in both crops and livestock
    • Ensuring, within reason, that the supply of goods meets demands among inhabitants of Lin'evaral


    Should you wish to serve Haelun'or and her inhabitants, please inquire with me privately, send a bird, or drop a post.


    maehr'sae hiylun'ehya,
    ~Medi'ir Azorella Coulissante

  11. Folding her hands with a twitch and a grunt, Azorella grumbles slightly to herself before continuing.


    Well, lliran, that sums up all the questions for this debate. In conclusion, I ask the both of you to give closing statements. Ensure you are thorough in what you say.


    The elfess clears her throat in mild agitation.


    As Mr. Uradir seems so eager to speak his mind, I'll ask him to present his closing first.

    Also, if Mr. Sullas could refrain from making any further explosive comments, that would be appreciated.

    ahernan, lliran.

  12. Shuffling her papers briefly, Azorella flips to the last page of her notes before announcing the next question.


    For our fifth and final question, lliran, I ask you:


    How do you intend to further the maehr'sae hiylun'ehya? i.e: expanding education and research in the Arcane, the sciences, literature, etc. and also any plans for el'sillumiran, if any. Additionally, how will you improve education for Malii?

  13. ((Cancelling the event for now. Sorry for the inconvenience. I'll try to host it again at a later date, thanks to those who were interested.))


    A carefully scripted bit of parchment adorns various notice boards across Malinor and Oren.

    There's enough scattered about that if a few were ripped down they wouldn't be missed. 


    All the posters have been mysteriously ripped down.




    Time: Cancelled

    Location: ---

  14. Flipping to a second sheet of notes, Azorella reads off the fourth question as she did the previous three:


    "I ask Mr. Uradir to respond first again, and I'm sure the both of you have noticed the pattern at this point. In any case, your fourth question is as such...


    How would you address the issue of impures? What are your opinions on the recent hunt for the Fallen--and similar foul specimens--and how do you propose to continue or dissolve this effort?

  15. Azorella coughs lightly to clear her throat, taking another sip at her glass of water. 


    For our third question, I ask that Mr. Sullas respond first.


    The elfess pauses for a moment before continuing:


    Haelun'or has always been economically independent of outside trading and its economic infrastructure is practically non-existent since everything within the city is free. However, income is sometimes necessary to fund the purchase of valuable resources in times of a war and other costly and necessary things such as ships or construction equipment. How do you propose we obtain such income?

  16. Nodding slightly to the incumbent and challenger as they spoke, Azorella reads off a second question from her note sheets when she finds the two finished with their arguments. 


    "ahernan, lliran. For the next question, I ask that Mr. Uradir present first, if he would:

    Describe your opinions on the Crimson-Silver Concordat and the Silver-Emerald Covenant. What do you feel are the merits and faults of each and how do you intend to further handle foreign relations with the Bortu, Valah, Mali, Kharajyr, etc.? 

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