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Posts posted by kuroi13

  1. ((Video courtesy of Mithradites, for your viewing pleasure.))


    With a dignified huff, Azorella stands before both Kalenz and Lucion with a few handfuls of paper before her. She glances about at the audience around her, shivering vaguely at the crowd. Grunting slightly, she quickly recomposes herself, hastily straightening her notes.


    The crowd around her was full of fellow Mali'aheral, some young, some old, some feisty, some solemn. Hushed murmurs grew silent as Kalenz and Lucion broke into a subtle death glare, ready to verbally tear the other's throat out.


    Clearing her throat, Azorella addressed those around her, although an uncomfortable modulation permeated her voice at first.


    "lliran, as per required by law... we are gathered here to witness the debate between challenger Kalenz Uradir and incumbent Lucion Sullas. As requested by Lucion Sullas... I shall try to moderate this debate and will proffer questions for discussion--either those pre-meditated upon by myself or those previously volunteered by citizens... As for the format itself, we'll be foregoing an opening statement for this debate and will be starting with our questions. After which, the incumbent and challenger shall each give a closing statement.


    Without further ado... may the debate for the position of Sohaer begin..."


    Azorella shuffles her papers a moment, sipping at a small glass of water before continuing:


    "For your first question... lliran... I ask:

    What is your position on the war between the Bortu and Valah? How will you ensure the safety of Lin'evaral and her inhabitants amidst this conflict? What role, or lack thereof, do you propose Haelun'or plays in this war?

  2. After having spoken with Lucion earlier that day, Azorella enters her tower with a sigh and collects a few supplies before heading towards the library. She sets up another wooden lock-box and places a small pile of forms next to it.


    Upon approaching, you would note the sign on the box:

    For the upcoming debate, I ask that my fellow lliran submit any questions they would like to have asked of the incumbent and challenger. Please fill out the appropriate form and slip it into this box.


    And next to it, some forms: http://goo.gl/8SFWL


    ((Try to submit all yer questions b'fore the weekend. I'll likely throw up the debate thread at that point. Thanks!))

  3. A curl of white parchment is tacked to the notice board. The original notices appear to be missing.




    After careful consideration, the following citizens shall be ordained as such:


    Lelien Aeléyèlsa is appointed Tilruir'indor.


    Evarir'Ayla is appointed Indorir.


    Please speak with me so we may discuss your duties.

    maehr'sae hiylun'ehya. naean kaean'leh maehr okarih'ayla.

    --Medi'ir Azorella Coulissante



  4. With a slight grunt, Azorella tacks up an additional note beneath her first notice:


    Interviews will be conducted in two to three Elven days from now. Please leave a note at the Uradir and Coulissante residence to schedule a time. 



    ((i.e. this coming Friday and Saturday. On Friday I might be able to meet between 4 and 6 PST, and probably late that evening. Saturday I should be free all day. Sorry it couldn't be earlier... Finals week... eurgh...)) 

  5. A crisp parchment of a thick, sturdy gauge adorns the notice board.
    The notice has been removed.




    As our ever-growing library acquires more and more additions, it also requires additional caretakers. Thusly, the position of Tilruir'indor is now available.


    As Tilruir'indor, one is expected to, in the least:

    • Seek out additional knowledge and literary pieces to add to the collection.

    • Protect our knowledge from the hands of the unworthy.

    • Keep the library organized.

    • Maintain a stock of blank tomes for civilian use.

    • Transcribe and copy tomes as necessary.

    • Reformat new literary arrivals for ease of reading if necessary.

    • Seek to continually improve our venerated library.


    Interested parties are instructed to inquire with Azorella Coulissante via letter or in-person. 


    maehr'sae hiylun'ehya,

    ~Medi'ir Azorella Coulissante

  6. After passing out the following pamphlet to all the mailboxes she finds, Azorella sits quietly before the bulletin board, distributing additional papers to any Mali’aheral that passes by and resigning herself to answering any questions, qualms, or concerns they may have regarding her candidacy and her issue positions.


    Lliran, before you read the following I implore you to recall what your ancestors have been marrying so carefully for: maehr’sae hiylun’ehya. I implore you to recall its ideals of wisdom and health, of progress and purity. As of late, I feel that the Triumvirate has fallen away from this ideal.


    Amidst all the violence with the druian and the disagreements with the Hieal’mali, our hiylun has been threatened. Amidst the lack of tact exhibited by the Triumvirate, our maehr has come into question. I implore you, lliran, remember your parents’ careful teachings, their careful marriages. To thrust away your safety carelessly as some of the Triumvirate seem so keen to do is an insult to the generations past that have brought about each and every Mali’aheral that exists in blessed Lin’evaral.


    While, on occasion, violence is unavoidable, I argue that the Triumvirate has been dealing with our neighbors in such a fashion as to force us into it. Relying on Valah? How short-sighted have we become? For each Valah alive, another dies in its place. They live and die like ants! It is only a matter of karim before the current generation of Valah—which make up our allies—simply die of old age! What about the security of our children? not to mention ourselves? We must consider the future, not just the present. The only kingdoms that are trustworthy in the long run are those that can match us in longevity—those of our fellow Mali cousins. Only the support of our cousins can secure the safety of our blessed children. Even if we must ally begrudgingly, better to do so with Mali than Valah.


    In further regards to our Valah allies, it is clear that they do not revere Mali lives as much as our Mali’ame cousins would do. Should you perchance a walk about Kingston, one of the most populated of the Valah cities, you shall find, hidden in its dark crevices—and sometimes even in broad daylight—posters and bulletins calling outright for death to Mali—a violent racism that cannot be thrust upon our children at any cost. Granted, there are many kingdoms amongst the empire of Oren, but how long until one of their ‘deities’ calls for the genocide of our venerated race or that of our cousins? Such unpredictability should make any haelun or maln shudder.


    Should a Valah die, their parents would shrug, for they have twenty others. Should a Mali’aheral die, the grief should be felt throughout the community, for each child is an extraordinary blessing. Such a contrast in culture makes long term relations with Valah impossible. Mali’ame and Mali’ker, in the least, should understand the importance and significance of each of our children, of each life, and of each death.


    When I first came to Haelun’or—back when we existed in Asulon—I was starved for sustenance, safety, and knowledge. Haelun’or provided all that, not only eloquently but generously as well. Through my time with you, lliran, I have done my best to repay that generosity. Books have always been my constant companions and tending to our venerated library in Kalos, Elysium, and Anthos has been my whole-hearted pleasure. Stone and wood were necessities during those first footsteps on our journey in Anthos and I did what I could to contribute to our llir, Delonna’s, efforts to build the venerated cihi that we call our home. As for my future commitments to our blessed race, I should wish to run events to promote the maehr’sae hiylun’ehya. A poetry gala is already in the makings, and science symposiums may be soon to follow should I find a vote of support from you, my blessed lliran.


    I shall be blunt, lliran, I wish to run as a candidate for Medi’ir; I wish to defend the future of our children, ourselves, and our wisdom; and I wish to bring a careful conscience to that of the Triumvirate.


    Through these difficult times I implore that the Mali’aheral use a sharp word rather than a sharp blade to resolve our issues with the lesser races. It is but an Uruk who is forced to use his sword so quickly.


    Violence, lliran, must be avoided at all costs. Wisdom, instead, should be strongly adhered to. I trust you to be wise in your choices.


    maehr’sae hiylun’ehya,


    —Azorella Coulissante

  7. mb6SJdkl.jpg

    -vladstudio, Deviantart


    *Whilst cleaning out her home, Azorella happens upon a small and dusty parcel lying in the corner of a chest from Asulon. Furrowing her brows, she carefully pries it open, unsure of what she would find. Amidst peeling leather covers and yellowing papers, she discovers it to be a small trove of tomes long forgotten, falling apart, but still salvageable. Through the night, the elfess works to first transcribe the contents of these few, precious books, and later, hopefully restore them.


    The following morning, a bleary eyed Azorella emerges from her tower, a small stack of fresh books in her arms. She totters towards the library and wearily sorts the new selections into their appropriate sections. Upon returning to her home, she groans and retrieves a scrap of paper to write a quick note for the bulletin board:





    New tomes may be found in the library.

    Peruse at your leisure, lliran.




    *Azorella grunts singularly at the new note before resigning herself to bed for the rest of the day.*


    ((I found old books!))

  8.  Imperial Citizenship Form 1.0.0

    Name: Samuel Clark
    Surname/House: Clark
    Age: 17
    Gender: Male
    Race: Human
    Citizen Ship Class (A or B): B

    Physical Description
    Height: 5'10"
    Weight: 75kg
    Eye Color: Green
    Hair Color: Blonde
    Skin Color/Shade: Fair
    Outstanding Markings/Tattoos: 

    Personal Information
    Home Address (Leave blank if unknown):
    Nation of Residence (Choose one: Renatus, Salvus, Hanseti, Seventis): Salvus
    Profession/Occupation: Shield

    Oath(s) of Loyalty
    For all classes of Citizenship (fill your name in the blanks):
    "I, Samuel Clark, hereby swear my loyalty the Emperor of the Holy Oren Empire entirely by my free will. I swear to read and obey the laws of the Empire and understand the punishments and penalties that will be incurred should I violate the law."

  9. *Grunting and grumbling as she recalls the various documentation that led up to this election, Azorella reluctantly scribbles down her choices for government before dropping the slip in the box, shrugging, and then sighing a wee bit on the way back to her tower.*


    Sohaer: Lucion Sullas

    Medi'iran (1): Kalenz Uradir

    Medi'iran (2): Delonna Aélèyelsa

  10. *Feeling the day was too cheery to spend holed up in her tower, Azorella meanders about the capital before spotting the demonstration. She listens to the whole of it, grunting when 'rights' are mentioned and grumbling, mostly to herself, "This is the first I've heard of someone actually declaring a form of rights... goodness, it's like some Mali feel entitled to some strange concept of 'liberty' that isn't even on paper nor official in any way I've seen. Perhaps the garrulous will finally pass a referendum of sorts on all these entitlements they feel they need to have..." She grumbles a tad bit more in a quieter tone before tittering off, "Funny how some haven't grasped this... Strange ways the world works."


    *Frowning distinctly at instructions requiring her to post information she considered critical, Azorella fills out each section as briefly as possible--often with just blanks. Biting her lip slightly, she pins it underneath as many previous postings as she could, effectively hiding it from plain view.*


    ((MC Name:)) kuroi13

    Name: A.N.C.



    Origin: Outskirts of a forest near Laurelin.

    Profession (if any):

    Time in Haelun'or or any other settlement of the blessed high elves you now reside with:

    How many mali'aheral do you intend to live with? List their names: One other. My llir appears mildly aware.

    What does the maehr'sae hiylun'ehya mean to you? 

    How can you declare you are mali'thill? 


    *A small note is scrawled at the bottom.*

    All pertinent information has already been presented in my previous Citizenship Application for Haelun'or. If one needed to know, one would presume they knew already. 


  12. It's a little weird, but I found a work-around via the Knockout plugin.

    I was getting mobbed by, well, mobs one night, and in a moment of desperation I logged out while I was knocked-out. When I logged back in, my position had been saved. I tested this method again with a friend, and, sure enough, my location was saved to where I had logged out mid-knockout. Not sure why, but in case anyone was interested.

  13. Probably going to clean this up more later, but here's some Azo related shinnanigans.

    Biography Brainstorm Brain-splurt.


    Name: Azorella Nikola Coulissante
    Family: Miraelor Coulissante (Maln, name from 'warm beast' ish); Aralia Coulissante (Haelun, name from Azorella genus family); Meryta Rhize (older sister by 12 years); Leodys Zephyr; Nikola Evarine (great-great-great-grandmother of Azo.)

    Origins: Asulon: the forests north-east of Elandriel. Aegis: The outskirts of a forest near Laurelin.

    • Born in 1175, 12 years after Meryta, who was born in 1163
    • Raised in seclusion on outskirts of forest
    • Meryta has her arranged marriage to Presalius Rhize when Azorella is roughly 60
    • Sister moves into her own secluded household about an hour from original
    • Family periodically visits sister so long as she lives nearby--meaning till Aegis's end
    • No further significant events except for her parents' occasional outings to get books and other routine specialty items from towns
    • Aegis Ends
    • On the boats to Asulon, Azorella is forced into crowds of Elves for an extended period of time: remains mostly soft spoken, shy, and perpetually untrusting of strangers. Glares away most prospective 'friends' or 'acquaintances'. Observes others most of the time. Would have made enemies except she hardly spoke.
    • Lives with in an Elven city for two Seeds while her parents prepare for a new secluded home. Interacts unsuccessfully with neighbors. Learns the basics of socialization.
    • Parents find a suitable location after a week. For the rest of the two Seeds they spent in the city, workers build their new home.
    • Socialization cut short when home is finished; Azorella ended her time in the city with no friends, but a few minor enemies.
    • After spending roughly 20-30 years in the forest, Azorella happens upon a young high elven archer who hunts in the forest frequently.
    • Repeatedly and irritatingly bumps into him due to his frequent target practice since many animals reside in that area.
    • #finishlaterz


    Some Family History Details:
    Family was originally fairly normal for Mali’aheral, socializing and living within society as any typical Mali’aheral family would. At some point in their family timeline, there was a particularly purist elfess who swore that all other Mali’aheral were becoming more lax in their marriage choices (impure!) and that the family urgently needed to seclude themselves from the corrupt society. This sudden change caused a fair bit of division in the family line, some branches split off and refused contact with Evarine's branch because they felt that Mali’aherals were pure enough for their lines and thought Evarine was insulting all Mali’aheral with her purism. (What really happened? Grandmother discovered her Haelun was a Mali’ame that snuck in and wanted desperately to clean up her branch by diluting the impurity, dragging other branches along for the ride.)



    After this split, the secluded branches began carefully regulating marriage in order to ensure their lines were pure and their ways uncorrupted. Care was taken to avoid incest, priority given to marriages between the branches—and outsiders if absolutely needed—rather than members within branches.
    Aralia Coulissante is the fourth generation from the grandmother’s line, which accounts for her rather purist attitudes—female elves from Evarine’s branch tended to be a touch extreme—and Azorella’s light brown hair.

    Familial Cover-up for Lover’s Death:
    “He was actually impure—we checked! He has Mali’ame and Mali’ker dirtying his bloodlines left and right. Best to just rid the world of this horrendous beast so there’s no temptation for you (Azorella) and no possibility he muddies bloodlines in other families.”

    In truth, Azorella’s lover is still alive but was very strictly warned not to see her ever again for fear of some highly adverse reaction by the Coulissante family and fellow branches. Her lover was actually the epitome of what the family would look for in an outsider, however they much prefer members from inside the family for future descendents since they can ‘be entirely sure of their lineage’. That and Azorella had been developing her relationship with him in secret.

    The Parents’ Demise:
    Angry and heartbroken at the news of her lover’s death—and of her parents’ blatant claim to involvement—Azorella felt she had no other choice but to abandon her family. In the middle of the night, while her parents were sleeping, she carefully prepared the home for a blaze of unprecedented magnitude—lining every crevice with flammables. She then ensured that her parents were sleeping in their room, barricaded the door, and set fire to the home before quickly fleeing to the woods. While watching from a safe distance, her heart became conflicted, flooding with the purist teachings of generations of her family, with guilt for killing those who birthed and raised her, and for killing two precious members of her own race.

    For two Seeds afterwards, she lurked the forest, living on what rations she packed and what game she could hunt—all the while lamenting perpetually the loss of her family. When her rations and arrows started to run low, she began to slowly starve—not only in her gut, but also in her mind. She began repressing the painful memories of her past, pressing them into the dark recesses of her mind and twisting them into a vortex of falsehood. When her memories were sufficiently warped—and nearly all her rations gone—she wandered blindly through the woods for another week, starving for two days before she happened upon the Mother Tree, Lucion, and his life-saving sandwiches.

    Untrusting of strangers


    • Especially keen with a bow and arrow, primarily for hunting game, however, until she turns insane and hunts.. impures?
    • Deeply fond of books, one of her few constant companions
    • Cynic, usually
    • Enjoys writing literature/poetry after meeting her lover—who was fond of poetry.



    Parent/Family Attributes:



    • Cynical
    • Commentary happy (Azorella finds this mildly irksome; thinks words ought not to be wasted.)
    • Somewhat cowardly (Azorella doesn’t really like this either after she meets her lover.)
    • Petty
    • Slight fondness for nature (An unusually Mali’aheral looking Mali’ame snuck into one of the root family branches when arranged marriages weren’t yet established.)
    • She-elves tended to have fiery & strong spirits at their cores. Once they chose a path they would often dedicate themselves to it. Most became rather purist and extreme.



    Parent Quotes/Teachings:



    • “What if they have Uruk friends?” (Why one should try not to offend.)
    • “How disgustingly loyal some Valah pretend to be.” (On how quickly others are to gang up.)
    • “For who knows how they might take advantage of you?” (On trust and lack thereof.)
    • “Strange ways the world works.” (Maln’s saying whenever he came upon something he either had little to comment about or something plain odd.)
    • “Deity? Are they blind to the truth?” (On religion)
    • “Why should such filth like Valah be allowed to proliferate so freely? Are we not the superior race? My word, it seems an insult to the ancestors.” (General, ‘I hate Valah’ statement.)
    • “You wouldn’t want your children to be cursed with an impure heritage, would you?” (On purity.)
    • “Stay pure in mind and body. Read proper books and wed proper elves.” (On purity.)
    • “You needn’t concern yourself with how others live. Only worry about the future of your children, their purity, and our pride.” (On purity and curious thoughts about other peoples.)
    • “Always search for truth. Be it in another’s purity, their mannerisms, or even the books you read. Without the truth you’re just another Valah that praises insects. Might as well worship one of their ‘almighty’ deities for all you know.” (On truth searching. san’thill ehier)



    Extent of Repressed Memories:



    • Repressed memory of family—since she would wonder where they are.
    • Repressed years with lover, starting from a little before she met him.
    • Undid most effects her lover had on her character
    • Turned all of past into a fast blur that’s hard to remember vividly or particularly clearly
    • Kept many mannerisms from her past, although mostly forgot how they came to be
    • Flames trigger the sense of emptiness she felt when she realized she had burned her parents to death in their own home.
    • Her real memories will occasionally carry over into dreams (Have fun!!)
    • Will forget more than usual (up to a day or two) if revived by monks after death
    • Has memory of her home, but not of the people who lived there. In her mind it is a big empty home that she lived alone in.
    • Replaces memories of her life in Aegis with the familial history of a fictional family she read of in one of her favorite novel series.
    • Thinks she left them behind to seek out her own life when they reached Asulon—hence she was living ‘alone’ in Elandriel.


    Family Tree




    Extended Family Characteristics


    While the intermarriages between the different familial lines has caused some blending of traits in offspring, certain traits can be found more specifically in one line than another.


    From the founding families, Verith, Evarine, and Coulissante, members of these lines typically carry a more serious, puritarian demeanor. However, the Veriths were more noted for their interest in literature and seeking the truth, the Evarines were often more strong willed, and the Coulissantes typically leaned towards an interest in scientific endeavors. 


    Among the families that married into the bloodline, some of the more prominent of these include the families of Rhize, Iluwen, Arhilla, and Aldaos. Rhizes were often noted for being extremely traditional about their values and were often very strict with one another. The Iluwens were nearly the opposite, being more free spirited and very curious about many things although they still upheld the traditional views on the maehr'sae hiylun'ehya and maintaining purity. Members of the Arhilla family were often very serious and somewhat morose about most topics, although they could also have a fiery temper if provoked.



    Roots (short story-ish)


    Founded generations ago, many of Azorella’s principles are based on the carefully crafted lie perpetrated by a she-elf who lived roughly half a millennium before her.

    “If we do not split from society, society is certain to corrupt us with its impurity.”
    Choosing each word carefully, Nikola Evarine spoke firmly and with the wisdom of her years. Persuasion was of utmost importance during these familial negotiations. Without the cooperation of at least a few other family branches, her plans would certainly fall away to nothing.

    “You insinuate that other Mali’aheral are becoming impure. What sort of insult is this? Dare you blatantly assault the purity of your brethren?”

    “And yet it is undeniable. The number of impures found among us is growing at an alarming rate. Just last Seed, Thelonica Phyrris was found eloping with a Mali’ker. Before that, Maelusan Norring revealed that he wished to marry a Mali’ame despite his parents’ obvious disapproval. Our family cannot be caught up in this despicable turn to impurity. I certainly won’t allow my descendants the horror of suffering these crimes and I hope that you have the sense to protect your bloodlines as well.”

    The high-ceilinged hall echoed with Nikola’s words of warning. Again and again the other branch heads would challenge her propositions, but again and again she would deftly defend them. Of the six other heads present, however, only two would choose the secluded lifestyle she proposed.


    After opening the aging door inwards, the lithe Evarine leaned against it as it closed. As she sighed she inhaled the sweet scents of fresh-cut flowers her daughter had decorated the old bedroom with. Dust trickled down quietly from the rafters; yellow moonlight reflected off the stark walls with an eerie glow.

    Three should be enough. Three must be enough.

    A candlestick clattered to the ground, her shaking hand incapable of supporting the mundane object. Its flicker choked.

    But if it isn’t?

    The fine features of her Haelun’s fair face jeered at her from the wall-mounted family portrait. Her painted Maln’s eyes were slightly downcast—as if he was ashamed but still giddy with rebellion. A sharp pang rang through Nikola’s being as she recalled the alarming discovery—the discovery of her Maln’s impurity. Brushing her hand through her silken brown hair, she glared at the strands as they passed between her fingers. Her Maln could have chosen any Mali’aheral he wished, why the Mali’ame?

    Slow tears began to well up in Evarine’s eyes. She let them tumble down her cheeks, thankful she was alone. As she glowered through the watery lens, shame and fear clouded her heart.

    She and her two siblings were the first to suffer this curse. Doubting gazes from their neighbors quickly taught her that she wasn’t quite the ideal. Her strong spirit guided her through those harsh decades while her hard study and mannerisms demonstrated to others that she followed the maehr’sae hiylun’ehya to the fullest. Purity went unquestioned; she made sure of that.

    Turning to the opposite wall, Nikola glanced over the newest family portrait. Four children, all her own, stood proudly between her and her spouse. All her own. It was a curse, an insult to the ancestors. The impurity that tainted her blood would taint theirs as well; all her descendants would be fated to carry this burden—not that they would know. The family meeting that day was her one hope for her descendants’ futures. To dilute the bloodline with purity was the only option.

    Three branches. It will have to be enough.


    Copy of Villain Application, circa 2013





    MC Name:



    Character Name:

    Azorella Nikola Coulissante


    Character Alignment (Lawful Good, Neutral, Lawful Evil, etc.):

    Lawful Neutral


    Why do you believe you are such alignment?

    Azorella’s a stickler for the phrase “maehr’sae hiylun’ehya” but otherwise cares little about whether her actions are moral or not. Raised with a strict High Elven upbringing, she’d be unlikely to deviate from her parents’ teachings except in drastic cases; however, these teachings cover little about morality or the lack thereof. Additionally, Azorella tries to approach situations with at least some semblance of logic. Although acting wildly and without a single thought isn’t entirely beyond her, such behavior would be unusual unless she’s hard-pressed by outside factors.


    However, Azorella also believes emphatically in retribution. Should she find that an individual or group has wronged her beloved race—insulting the maehr’sae hiylun’ehya—she’ll do everything in her power to ‘right it’ and dish out an ‘appropriate punishment’—punishments, however, not being subject to any particular sense of morality. Of course, there are instances where she considers an insult/’lesser race’ too petty to be worth the effort and prefers to shrug it off rather than waste her time.


    Character Race: Elf—High Elf


    Have you read, and are familiar with all server rules and villain rules? Yupper-doodles!


    Are you sure? Forsooth!


    Links to ANY and ALL (Denied and Accepted for any character) previous villain applications (for reference):

    http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/78945-minor-va-for-averroa-dewhurst/](Accepted) Minor VA for Averroa Dewhurst

    What sort of Villain are you looking to be?:

    After playing a High Elf for awhile, the concept of impurity began to catch my interest. With Azorella I hope to capitalize on this aspect of High Elven roleplay through her ruthless quest to ‘search-and-destroy’ these ‘blemishes’ on Elven society. However, instead of outright killing her targets (as monks can simply revive them) I wished to experiment with roleplayed torture and the ‘game of intimidation’. One of the more interesting twists in my halfling, Averroa’s, existence is when she was partly gnawed on by a Kharajyr—as it affects her character to this day. I hope to provide such twists for other players and try to make it an enjoyable experience for them.


    What SPECIFIC evils does your character plan on committing? Please list the number of each Evil you would like to be considered for, and specifically when/why you need them:


    1a (Thievery)—A lover of tomes and anything literary, should Azorella happen upon a hapless book (or other intellectual artifact) that she fancies, she would desire to quickly add it to the Mali'aheral Library. Of course, she would first try to acquire it through legitimate means as she holds a certain respect for the literary arts; however, should legitimate means prove fruitless, her desire for knowledge would certainly prove difficult to overcome—quite likely to the point of thievery.

    1c (Arson/Destruction of Property)—Fire was Azorella’s weapon of choice during the demise of her parents and she finds the tool effective for intimidation as well. However, she is further drawn to it as the sight of flickering flames triggers an uncanny emotional response within her—they calm and disturb her simultaneously. She would likely cause destruction in retribution for a ‘wrong’ done to her or her High Elven kin.

    2a (Assassinations)—In her hunt for impure High Elves—and other foul specimens—assassinations would likely be mere protocol.

    2b (Twisted ways of killing)—On occasion, Azorella may wish to make an example out of a target. In killing said victim in an unusual manner, she would hope to intimidate others not to follow suit. These kinds of assassinations would likely be political ploys in order to manipulate the masses—or government leaders—whichever suits her purposes.

    2c (Torture & Kidnapping)—More so than killing her targets, Azorella would desire to torture them into obedience and ‘educate’ them in their errors. She would likely require this evil more than the others during her man-hunts as she’s more interested in manipulating victims through intimidation so that they can spread word of her cruelties. Ultimately, she would hope that by intimidating the impure/wrongdoers they would warn their comrades not to ‘misbehave’ and suffer similarly.

    4a (Chaos/Deception/Conning)—Azorella lives and breathes for deception as a tool to manipulate her enemies. Although she’s not usually fond of crowds, instigating one to use as a distraction wouldn’t be entirely beyond her. She’s keen to use anything she can as a tool to achieve her goals—a wild crowd could easily be one of them. It’s more likely, however, that she would be more subtle than carelessly starting riots—i.e. bribing, hiring others to do her dirtiest work, causing chaos in the masses through long-term (or short-term) intimidation/manipulation.

    4b (Corruption)—In enacting a political ploy, Azorella would likely quickly divert to corrupting those of the ‘lesser races’ to achieve her greater goals—all in the interest of the maehr’sae hiylun’ehya, of course.


    Biography (We recommend your application be between 2-5 paragraphs. No walls of text):


    Nikola Evarine’s influence on the family.


    Like any pure Mali'aheral, Azorella's purist attitudes are rooted in those of her ancestors. However unlike their truly pure brethren, her family's strict opinion on purity sprung from the hidden hypocrisy of her great-great-grandmother, Nikola Evarine.


    Nikola has always tried to be an upstanding young elfess—studying diligently in Laurelin’s library, quick to cast scorn and derision upon the ‘lesser races’, and devout in her belief in the maehr’sae hiylun’ehya. However, despite her intellectual achievements, she always idolized the ideal platinum hair and golden skin of some of her peers. Her light brown hair always felt like a curse to her and she always felt compelled to cringe when her neighbors passed a judgmental glance over her scalp. Confident, however, in her parents’ mating choices, she did her best to internally nullify any qualms she had about her own purity.


    However, these qualms could no longer be suppressed after Nikola discovered that her mother was, in fact, Mali’ame—albeit one who managed to pass for a Mali’aheral. For a few years she managed to keep the discovery to herself—stuck in a state of paralysis about what to do. After reflecting on her future as a mother, however, Nikola decided drastic action would be necessary to ‘erase’ the blemish of impurity in her bloodline. She would need to find a way to ensure that her offspring bred only with pures.


    As a head of her family branch, Nikola called a meeting with six other heads of branches. During this meeting she called for them to split from society—claiming, with various examples, of the impurity around them and how it was necessary to leave to stay pure. Two of the six branches joined her in an exodus, the others either insulted by her claims or convinced it was illogical.


    From thereon out, members of these three branches were expected to intermarry for purity—although incest would be strongly avoided. On occasion, outsiders would be allowed into the family by necessity, but only after extensive research into their background and purity.


    Azorella’s childhood. Merida’s misshapen marriage.


    A child of the schism, Azorella lived with her family in relative isolation. Their small corner of the Laurelin forests was the only world she knew.


    Although not particularly cruel, her parents were highly controlling. While Azorella was still a youth, her parents kept a close watch—carefully regulating every aspect of her day. Often Azorella was tasked with managing the family garden. When she grew older she would often hunt for an extra bit of meat—honing her skills with a bow and arrow in the process. However, the young elfess never felt confined by these regulations and isolated activities—she didn’t really know much else. She grew close with her older sister, Merida, and existed relatively blissfully under the protection and cultivation of her parents. The occasional roaming bandit was the only real infringement upon her bliss. As such, her parents quickly taught the sisters to remain perpetually untrusting of strangers as well as various tricks to manipulate and intimidate them.


    When Azorella was nearing her seventieth birthday, Merida was sent off to the household of Presalius Rhize after their families hosted and celebrated their arranged marriage. The Coulissante household was considerably quieter after the wedding and Azorella begin to sorely miss her sister since she would normally only see her once a week on visits rather than every day. However, after a handful of years into the marriage, Merida revealed to Azorella that she found her marriage dissatisfying. She considered Presalius nearly intolerable but she could only resign herself to spending the rest of her life with him due to familial commitments. Merida encouraged Azorella to do what she could to ensure her partner would provide a more satisfying relationship so that she would not fall victim to a similarly disheartening marriage.


    Exodus to Asulon. The interregnum.


    The Coulissantes lived peacefully until the scourge of the undead forced them to relocate to Asulon. During their travels to what would be Normandor, Azorella was forced into the uncomfortable company of many of the other pilgrimaging elves. Nearly paralyzed by all the new sights and sounds, the elfess clung to the company of her relatives while scowling upon all the ‘impures’ and strangers from afar. This exodus marked one of the first times Azorella had encountered a crowd and demonstrated the extent that it perturbed her.


    Of course, when the Coulissantes first arrived in Normandor, they lacked a place to stay. Thusly, for the few years after stepping foot on Asulon, Azorella was forced into the prolonged company of other elves. She generally kept a quiet disposition, silently frowning upon the ‘lesser races’ around her; however, this shyness likely saved her from making any major enemies.


    After their few years in Normandor, the Coulissantes were finally able to move into their new forest abode—which had been under construction while they lived amongst the city elves. In comparison to the bustle of society, it was quiet in the forests of Elandriel—although occasional bandits always remained a problem.


    A new life in the forest: Leodys Zephyr.


    For the next decade or so, the Coulissantes resided quietly in their small forest world. Shut off again from society, Azorella turned to long walks about the forest if she were not studying or completing chores. However, her tranquility was eventually intruded upon by the aloof poet, Leodys Zephyr. She often found him sitting in a different place in the forests each day simply staring out between the trees with a little pad of paper in his lap. Leodys was a rather introspective lad—logical and philosophical while also holding a deep passion for the arts. For Azorella, however, his presence quickly troubled her as she wasn’t exactly keen on walking by a recurring stranger every day. Unfortunately for her, Leodys found no reason to leave despite her repetitive complaints. His first love was poetry and the forest assisted him in finding it. After a few years, Azorella gave up her complaints, resigning herself to ignoring this mild intruder. With each passing day he gradually grew more tolerable—more so than any stranger had been to her before.


    Although it took a few years, she eventually started to make pleasant conversation with him. With these conversations, Azorella’s world slowly opened up to include this odd elf. As she spent more and more time with Leodys, Azorella’s stiff upbringing began losing hold of her. Leodys showed her the beauty in poetry, Mali’aheral society, and the vast world; eventually, Azorella began seeing the beauty in the elf himself.


    A blissful decade passed of their slow growing friendship before Azorella realized that this was the type of husband her sister, Merida, had told her to seek out. She checked deep into Leodys’ familial history, knowing full well about her parents’ stringent requirements for marriage. The elf was ideal. And so, she decided to tell her family.


    Murder Falls.

    Azorella’s parents took the news far from kindly. Outraged, they tried to explain to Azorella the importance of marrying within the family—the virtues and importance of maintaining a strict purity. A fiancé had already been planned for Azorella, they had told her. He needed a wife and who knew when or if they could find anyone else for him, they asked her. Desperate, the two Coulissantes began searching through any information they could find on Leodys, looking frantically for any reason they could present to dissuade their daughter from her intentions. However, Leodys was the epitome of what the family typically looked for in an outsider. Leodys was faultless.


    Faultless, however, wasn’t good enough. Azorella’s parents quickly fabricated lies about Leodys’ heritage—claiming that he had impurities criss-crossed all over his ancestry. Infuriated, Azorella resigned herself to locking herself away in her room, enraged with her parents’ fabrication, angry that she couldn’t choose a future she so strongly longed for.


    After a few weeks, a quiet knocking came at her door. Her parents announced that Leodys had rescinded his offer permanently. They announced that Leodys had joined with the dirt of the earth. And they foolishly announced that they had organized his death—thinking Azorella would later thank them for their having considered her better good. Ikruan.


    Angry and heartbroken at the news of her lover’s death—and of her parents’ blatant claim to involvement—Azorella felt she had no other choice but to abandon her family. In the middle of the night, while her parents were sleeping, she carefully prepared the home for a blaze of unprecedented magnitude—lining every crevice with flammables. She then ensured that her parents were sleeping in their room, barricaded the door, and set fire to the home before quickly fleeing to the woods. While watching from a safe distance, her heart became conflicted, flooding with guilt for killing two precious members of her own race but also with an overwhelming calmness at the retribution delivered. Her desire for revenge was assuaged but quickly replaced with a sinking agony at the loss of her parents.


    Unbeknownst to Azorella, though, Leodys was actually well and fine. Her parents had only threatened him with excessive punishment should he try and contact Azorella again. Two deaths were for naught—for a lie.


    Decay of a memory, a new fork in the path.

    For two Seeds afterwards, she lurked the forest, living on what rations she packed and what game she could hunt—all the while lamenting perpetually the loss of her family. When her rations and arrows started to run low, she began to slowly starve—not only in her gut, but also in her mind. She began repressing the painful memories of her past, pressing them into the dark recesses of her mind and twisting them into a vortex of falsehood. When her memories were sufficiently warped—and nearly all her rations gone—she wandered blindly through the woods for another week, starving for two days before she happened upon the Mother Tree of Elandriel, a wandering Lucion Sullas, and his life-saving sandwiches.


    A brief of Haelun’or and Lin’evaral.

    In Haelun’or, Azorella met all assortments of High Elves, although she had difficulty talking to the majority of them. For once, though, she was being properly socialized—in some vague way, at least. She felt compelled to try and return the shelter she was being provided though and often tried to find ways to repay her ‘debt’ to the denizens of Haelun’or.

    Amidst the transfer to Anthos, she tried to yank together some small libraries on Elysium and Kalos—with some degree of success. On Anthos itself, she often worked in an effort to manage the library. Additionally, she always tried to do some farming for the city as she was mildly used to gathering foodstuffs from when she lived amongst the forests.

    Kalenz also became a sort of love interest during the interregnum between Asulon and Anthos.


    Political predicaments.

    After Kalenz became Sohaer, Azorella began observing an increasing amount of violence around Lin’evaral. Distraught with this change of pace she fell into having a spat with Kalenz and began packing up to move away from her High Elven brethren. However, after a chat with Lucion and a new Medi’ir election, she had a mild change of heart and decided to run in order to improve the well being of more bloodlines than just hers. Now she serves as a Medi’ir—having been elected—and tries to steer the Triumvirate into decisions that shall reduce the bloodshed of her High Elven neighbors.


    Memories anew.

    Currently, Azorella retains no memory of Leodys or the events that occurred after she met him. However, I intend to find some sort of large fiery blaze or extreme situation to trigger her memories so that she’ll find reason to be ‘evil’. Once Azorella’s memories are renewed, her guilt shall kick in and she’ll revert to her post-Leodys-self (i.e. the one who would use all the evils).



    Question Section - Answer with as much detail as necessary


    Why does your character do what he/she does, what drives them to do it? What are his/her motives, and are there any complications that cause him/her to disregard them, or is it the other way around?

    In a phrase: maehr’sae hiylun’ehya. In a word: impurity.


    In regards to politics, Azorella is ruthlessly manipulative and is motivated by the ideals of maehr’sae hiylun’ehya. Although primarily self-centered in her interests for health and wisdom, Lucion Sullas, one of her comrades, convinced her of the prudency in sustaining the whole of Lin’evaral rather than just herself. During the bouts of violence just outside the walls, Azorella was initially concerned only with the efforts of just her ancestors; however, she now places a higher value on the continued existence of the other inhabitants of Lin’evaral as well.


    In regards to purity, Azorella is ruthlessly violent—driven by the hard-etched ideals of her strict upbringing. The maintaining of purity was the foundation for her family’s seclusion. In addition, Azorella also harbors a strong sense of remorse over murdering her parents—she desires, in some sense, retribution for their deaths. Killing off other impures helps assuage her guilt since she considers herself, in some senses, amongst the ‘traitors to her race’ and in ‘educating’ them or otherwise, she may slowly redeem herself in helping ‘better’ the High Elves as a whole.


    What situations does your character prepare for ahead of time? How does he/she do this?


    Amat Victoria Curam

    “Victory loves preparation.”


    If all situations could be prepared for, Azorella certainly would do so. If she finds herself in a difficult political pickle, she would prepare for herself as many “cards” to use at the negotiation table before tackling, say, the task of bending another nation to her will.


    In her more violent, man-hunting endeavors, Azorella shall gather as much information about her target as possible before victimizing it. If she should require aid, she should get aid. If she should require weapons, she should get weapons. Calculating by nature, her efforts would be expended accounting for every possible situational permutation in the interests of executing a flawless assassination/torture/etc.


    Does your character trust in herself, or does she believe his abilities are due to some other driving force? Does she boast the truth of it or suppress all hint of it? Azorella considers herself infallible although she acknowledges the ‘weaknesses’ of the ‘lesser races’ and will begrudgingly cater to said weaknesses if she deems it necessary. She attributes her abilities to the careful breeding of all her ancestors and is quick to point out her purity should it come into question; however, she’s usually not terribly keen to share personal details about herself with others due to her general lack of trust in pretty much everyone.


    What moral boundaries does your character adhere to, if any?

    Although she doesn’t mind breaking moral boundaries with impures and ‘lesser races’, Azorella would never attempt something she feels would endanger any of her pure kin. Her ‘morality’ applies only to pure high elves—with others she cares not. Any sort of ‘care’ she displays for the ‘lesser races’ is likely unintentional or manipulatively otherwise.


    What are some notable strengths and weaknesses of your character? What might cause him/her to falter? Include things such as temptations, addictions, physical handicaps, etc.


    Inherent distrust—Quick to distrust and exceedingly slow to do otherwise, this trait of Azorella’s usually finds her quick enemies who are slighted by her seemingly rude behavior. When she first arrived in Asulon’s Haelun’or, she would sometimes irritate even her High Elven neighbors with her attitude. Her refusal to share something as ‘simple’ as a name often found her either pity (from those who thought she was ashamed of it) or mild wrath (from those who thought she was insulting them in refusing to share something so ‘mundane’). After running for Medi’ir however, she’s lost her power to tightly control dissemination of her name and she’s resigned herself to being known by her High Elven kin, at least.


    Infants/Young Children— “Illogical!” Azorella quickly exclaims, spotting a babbling two year old, just barely managing his first words. “How is it that a creature can grasp the beginnings of speech like an adult yet entirely fail in a conscious effort at conversation like an animal??”


    As the youngest in her small and secluded family, Azorella had little interaction with minors in general and has difficulty grasping the idea of a being progressing from a child-like state to that of an adult. Most young children spark confusion in her rigid mind and she fears that their ‘illogic’ shall quickly spread to her if she remains in their company for too long. She’ll often spew declarations of their ‘nonsensical beings’ and do her best to hastily fend them off. Failed attempts by lliran, such as Seth Calith, have proved mostly fruitless at this point, although she realizes that she’ll eventually have to make progress in reducing this handicap should she wish to start a family.


    Guilt (Fire)—In the deepest recesses of her heart, Azorella has considered herself impure ever since she burnt her parents to a crisp. Flames forever remind her of her sin and should she encounter a mass of them that is too overwhelming, her long-held guilt may spring up and paralyze her. (i.e. If she happens upon a massively burning forest or is engulfed/surrounded by flames she shall promptly freeze up in horror of her past transgressions. Also, when I’m feeling slightly sadistic—and Azorella is perhaps in an emotional/mental slump in other ways—even a mere fireplace may trigger this response.)


    Calculating/Logical—Trained to use her mind logically throughout her childhood, in typical High Elven fashion, Azorella utilizes this skill ruthlessly in cutting through arguments and discrepancies presented to her. Often, she'll also be inclined to calculate all permutations of an action in a calculating manner as well as she's not inclined to being needlessly reckless. However, she sometimes has difficulty grappling with the emotions of others, not finding their actions logical and thusly unpredictable. Her llir, Kalenz, has fallen prey to this vice of hers—even after declaring his interest in her via various flower gifts she still considers him only a llir that's simply dear to her as she's unable to correctly interpret his motivations.


    Physical Attributes—As a high elf, Azorella is typically weaker than members of other races, although her work in farming keeps her from becoming entirely useless physically. She would likely have to enlist outside assistance or use poisons/sedatives/anesthetics/etc. to weaken her targets before engaging them. However, she is relatively proficient with a bow and arrow, as she often used it to hunt during her time in the forest.


    Magic—Currently, I’ve just recently submitted a magic application for fire evocation. To what extent it will progress is still unknown. At the moment though, Azorella has only been introduced to the void and the Arcane by a few friends.


    Crowds—Having been raised in near-solitude, Azorella still has some trouble with crowds from time to time. Although living with other High Elves for the past few decades has eased the edge off her anxieties, she typically has a low tolerance for large gathering. Sometimes she can psyche herself up for braving them though (i.e. should she be required to attend a large meeting), although that requires a bit of pre-planning. In general, she tries to avoid them at all costs.


    What role will your character play in Anthos? What separates them and makes them unique and original among villains?

    In many ways an assassin of sorts, I hoped to differentiate Azorella’s character in that she prefers to torture her victims in order to ‘educate’ them in their ‘wrongs’ rather than quickly silencing them. If all goes according to plan, she’ll likely fill the role of a shrewd and ruthless politician—but one with darker motivations and torturous exploits.


    Is your character loyal or a backstabber? To what extent would he/she go?

    Although she's typically only self-interested, Azorella has made a few friends amongst the High Elves that she considers herself loyal to. As a general rule, she is, for all intents and purposes, loyal to the elves of Lin'evaral—although mostly in the interests of preserving the well-being of her race.


    Besides her kin in Lin'evaral, Azorella is ruthless in serving her own interests among others. 'Backstabbing' is justified as protecting her future prospects—or, if she is engaged in some political endeavor on behalf of the High Elves, protecting her lliran—and she often dismisses any 'morality' tied with it as insignificant in achieving her goals.


    Does your character trust the words or actions of others? Why and to what extent?

    "For who knows how they might take advantage of you?"—Miraelor Coulissante


    As mentioned prior, Azorella is keen to quickly distrust those she comes across. She has a cynical mind and fears that others may take advantage of her should she grant them too much of her personal information—among other tidbits of knowledge.


    The deep-seated distrust that's typical of the Coulissantes started back with Azorella’s great-grandmother, Nikola Evarine. The elfess claimed that many of the Elven community’s High Elves had fallen away from the pure ways. Her declaration caused a schism in the family branches—some branch heads were strongly insulted by this accusation, others buckled in fear due to her persuasions. This fear and distrust ultimately led to a familial split: some of the branches choosing to join Nikola in her quest for seclusion and purity, the others insulted by the accusations and remaining content to stay with the rest of society.


    In Anthos, this fear and distrust has echoed down through the generations to the Coulissantes, demonstrating itself in Azorella's family and ultimately in her.


    Coulissantes typically distrust strangers on instinct, refusing to share even their names with others at times. Often a Coulissante will take care to protect their identity, only revealing information to others that they believe absolutely necessary to the situation. (i.e. When forming business relationships with merchants, Azorella understands that revealing her name is likely necessary to expedite necessary transactions and keep in contact with her trading partners.) Unfortunately for Azorella, in running for Medi'ir she finds that keeping her name a secret from the Mali'aheral of Lin'evaral would likely be impractical. She's instead resigned herself to finding and using a pseudonym to maintain her privacy when engaging with those outside the lands of the High Elves.


    Why do you as a player wish to and deserve to play a villain?

    I can’t really say that I deserve anything; however, during my past year in LotC villainy has been gradually catching my attention. Ultimately, I’d like to try my hand at it while hopefully bringing a sprig of amusement to other players' roleplay.



    Open Response - Answer at least five out of the seven listed, assume you are accepted for the Evils you applied for. Do not powergame, metagame, or do anything else illegal or unrealistic. Each scenario is designed with no particular objective in mind and is open ended deliberately. Assume your character is in each position, regardless of their normal situations:


    A middle aged man, a young wife, and a small male child are walking down upon the Anthos Highway. The women walks with a long staff, and the man appears to have a scabbard at his side.


    Azorella and her two Sillumiran were rather bedraggled from all their travels. The impure merchant they were tracking down had been travelling widely all over Anthos, making it a little difficult to find him. However, as the three were travelling along the Anthos Highway, they spotted a small family making their way hastily along the same road. The impure high elf, his human wife and Tali’valah child were leading a handful of mules along—all loaded with goods for trade.


    Stiffening at the sight of the three, Azorella nearly leapt out to halt them in their tracks before noticing the various other travelers along the road. She hastily recomposed herself, quietly pointing out the impure and his family to her Sillumiran and beckoned them to slink through the forests that lined the path.


    The High Elves followed the impure until night, when he and his family settled down to make camp. After waiting a few hours in the surrounding trees, Azorella motioned for the Sillumiran to load their bows, directing one to aim for the impure and the other for the child. She aimed her own bow at the wife with the cold intent to kill.


    Caught unaware, the wife and child tumbled to the ground soon after noticing the arrows protruding from their bodies. The father yelped in horror as the arrow from one of the Sillumiran struck him in the leg. As he struggled to escape, the three High Elves descended swiftly from the trees, quick to make chase after the limping impure. It wasn’t long before they caught up with him, his trail of blood was easy to follow. Binding him tightly, they roughly patched his wound before bringing him back to his camp. Hoisting him upon one of his own mules, the three High Elves torched the rest of the camp, caring little for the produce the merchant had been transporting.


    Now with their impure in tow, the elves returned solemnly to Lin’evaral, retribution awaited.





    Upon returning to Lin’evaral, the impure was promptly dumped into one of the cells in the military district. After roughly chaining him to a chair, Azorella unwrapped the bandaging from his leg, scowling as she scrutinized his disheveled state of being.


    “You know what you’ve done,” she says flatly before leaning in to whisper menacingly into the man’s ear. “Now, are you prepared for the retribution?”


    Stepping back, her lips curling into a snarl of disgust, she retrieves a small, sharp knife from a hilt and warms it in a nearby torch. She steps closer to the impure once more, nodding to a nearby Sillumir to hold the man’s head.


    “Hold still, Valah,” she hisses as she slices the hot blade through the pointed tips of his ears. Stepping back once more, this time she sighs with satisfaction, “Ah, Leyuan, now you have ears to match your filthy wife.”


    Her voice falling flat once more she turns to the Sillumir who accompanies her, “Ensure his wounds are cleaned and bandaged properly. I want those ears healing correctly.”


    Glancing back towards the impure huddled in his seat, still cringing from the pain in his ears, she smirks, “I will see you again soon enough, Valah. Enjoy your new set of ears.”


    You hear knocking on your door and go to answer. It turns out to be an angry looking woman with a large human behind her. She is telling you that you owe taxes to the hierarchy of the nearest nation, and must pay within the fortday.


    Azorella glances about her borrowed home, wary should the owner return from his vacation prematurely. For the moment she would be alright though—but who was at the door? Hesitantly, she heads over to see who had come knocking, hoping that if she played the part right, perhaps she could evade detection.


    A brusque and angry woman appears to be steaming at the door about ‘taxes’. Her escort—a large and muscled human—practically pulses with masculinity beside her. Azorella peers through a window, not exactly keen on revealing her identity. However, she quickly recognizes the man as having attacked one of her High Elven brethren a few weeks ago. Narrowing her eyes with a small guttural growl she began prepping one of the sitting rooms for a deadly blaze.


    “We know you’re in there! Come out and pay your taxes already, you maggot!” The woman’s hoarse voice echoes through the home. “If you don’t open up we’ll do it for you!”


    “One moment!” Azorella calls outwards whilst finishing her fiery preparations, “Please! Allow me to get properly dressed for such esteemed visitors!”


    A handful of minutes later, the elfess opens the door with a generous flourish inwards, gesturing for the two humans to head towards the sitting room.


    “Please, do head inside and make yourselves comfortable. Allow me to get you something to eat and drink for your troubles.”


    Caught a little off-guard, the pair of humans oblige and pass through the door to the sitting room. With a sly grin Azorella asks for them to wait just a moment before closing the door to the sitting room and quietly barricading them in. With a satisfactory sigh she alights the materials she prepared to burn the room down with. Feeling her work is done, she leaves the premises—she would have to find a new base of operations for hunting the impure but retribution had been delivered today nonetheless.



    Sitting in a tavern, you hear two men talking in hushed voices upstairs. Sneaking up the stairs, you see a man robed in black and a local guard. The man seems to be revealing an opposing nation’s plan for a raid to a guard. You can’t tell if the man in black is betraying the other nation, or if it is vice-versa.


    Feeling it better to be 'in-the-know' than ignorant, Azorella resigns to slinking in the shadows, intent on listening to the conversation in the fullest. Dawn's Bakery was rather busy, as usual, so she had to get uncomfortably close to listen well enough. Goodness was it dusty up here though. Fighting hard to repress the urge to sneeze, Azorella's eyes watered slightly as she tried holding her breath against the temptation.


    As she perked her long ears to better catch snippets of the conversation, she began daring flickering glances towards the two, trying to get a better look at the both of them. The robed fellow caught her attention in particular--he seemed to be fidgeting with something beneath his robes--a parchment? a coin purse? She could not tell. However, there was an odd tattoo on his right wrist... familiar, in fact, to the description she had of the impure she had been hunting.


    Suddenly, the dust in the tavern caught up with her and she was forced to sneeze! She managed to stifle the worst of it but the muffled sound caught the attention of the guard and impure. The robed fellow quickly revealed what he had been fidgeting with--the impure's dagger flashed silver as it slashed open the guard's neck. Her eyes quickly widening, Azorella darted down the stairs in a hurry, not keen on being slaughtered as well.


    As she entered the main floor of the tavern, Azorella gave a warning glance to the Sillumir she had brought along for this journey to Kingston. They had been tracking this impure for months--his movements had evaded them until now. Grunting to Azorella in affirmation, the Sillumir hastily followed her as she ascended the stairs again. The impure appeared to have fled out the window to the rooftops—the two High Elves stealthily followed. Decades of travelling through forests—both on the ground and in the canopies—allowed Azorella to keep her footing, fortunately, although the impure was pretty agile himself.


    Finally the impure descended to ground level, using an old tree as a pathway down. It was unclear whether he knew he was being followed, but he kept moving quickly all the while. Now exiting Kingston's northern entrance he finally paused, resting by the well for a quick drink. Seeing a chance to strike, Azorella swung her bow from her shoulder, quietly notching a lightly poisoned arrow from behind a convenient tree. Her Sillumir unsheathed his sword with a click and nodded to her that he was ready. Bow in hand, she carefully aimed for the impure's left leg, intending to injure, not kill—no use trying to re-educate a corpse. She held her breath a moment—and released.


    The impure jolted and cried out in pain before quickly trying to evade his elven assailants. He ran for the woods, but the Sillumir was hot on his tail. The poison began kicking in now, partly paralyzing his left leg and causing his breath to become ragged. Azorella reached into her satchel as her Sillumir finally leapt upon the impure--restricting his movement. Pulling out two pairs of cuffs, the elfess hastily made her way to the Sillumir's side. While her partner held the impure in place, she quickly chained their victim's hands and ankles together. Their work was nearly done for the night... now they only had to tow the impure back to Lin'evaral for 're-education' and other sorts of 'fun' things.


    Two Guards try to break up a fight between an acquaintance of yours and two Goblins. Your friend slays one of the Guards as he approaches, causing the other Guard as well as the Goblins to unsheathe their arms. Skip-a-poodle-doodle!



    As you turn the corner into a dimly lit alley, a pair of young female halflings instantly run up to you. They are begging for a donation of either minas or food.


    As the halflings approach, a hooded Azorella quickly frowns darkly down at them, not exactly keen on being interrupted during her walks.


    “Please miss! If ye coul’ spare some food o’ mina! We be awful ‘ungry! Awful!” one of the halflings exclaim.


    “Aye! We ‘aven’t ‘ad elevensies t’day! I say! My tummy has been in a terrible knot all afternoon!” the other chimes in.


    Unamused, Azorella narrows her eyes further, feeling a little anxious due to the strangers and also visibly agitated at their request. She nearly rants about the filth of impures before recomposing herself and thinking better of this opportunity.


    She leans in towards the halflings, speaking in a low whisper now, "Tali'bortu, you see that elf just yonder? See the bag he carries? ****** the book inside it and you shall have your 'elevensies'."


    The halflings protest something about stealing but Azorella feeds them a lie in return, "No, no. This Mali has stolen from me. I require retribution. I could bring down the wrath of the law upon his head, but it is much simpler for the two of you to simply return what is mine. You shall receive a meal too, isn't this considerably more pleasant?"


    Their murmurings now quelled, the quiet footed halflings patter towards the unsuspecting elf and slip a sticky finger into his pouch and retrieve the tome. However, the elf had been antsy all day and violently turned to the two, enraged by their actions. The halflings splutter in protest, trying to blame Azorella—but the elfess had already slipped away to the shadows, opting to watch while in hiding.


    True, she would have preferred if the halflings had been successful, but this outcome was considerably more amusing.


    You are in the human capital, in the city square. Quickly a noisy crowd of nobles and wealthy merchants form around you, mostly of humans, but peppered with other races as well. The crowd's loud chatter is silenced as the Emperor appears, with several guards on either side of him, to address his people. The Emperor begins to talk to the crowd about a plan of attack against the Elves of Malinor. The crowd is very packed and doesn't leave a lot of space for free movement, but you are able to push through people.


    Glancing about herself for a moment, Azorella quickly freezes up in realization of the swift crowd forming in her vicinity. Why, she hadn’t seen a crowd so large since the boats to Anthos! Book purchases would have to wait; she needed to evade this crowd as quickly as Elfishly possible. As she looks about, however, Azorella realizes that most of her exit paths have been cut off except for—ah! there was Kalenz! Perhaps she could shelter by his side until the worst of the crowd was over. The buddy system was certainly working in her favor today.


    Shuddering close to Kalenz, she tried focusing on the whiteness of his robes in an effort to blot out the calamity around her. However, some snippets of speech filtered through the cacophony erupting from the crowd. Upon hearing the Emperor speak of attacking Malinor, a sly smile creeps across her face at first before she steals a glance at all her crowd-neighbors. Quickly detecting a growing animosity from the humans around her, her eyes flicker worriedly towards Kalenz. Elbowing him anxiously, she urges him to vacate the square immediately—perhaps they could listen to the Emperor’s address from the shadows, but certainly not from amidst the crowd of humans.




    An old lady has fallen by a tree on the Anthos Highway. She calls for your help just as you round the corner. She appears to be holding onto a bag, tucked under her arm. Upon closer inspection you notice three others around her, some armed, but all dead.


    Wary of this odd scene, Azorella approaches cautiously, skirting near the edge of the small massacre. The woman appears to be holding a dripping knife—although dripping with more than just blood. Azorella narrows her eyes upon spotting it, sensing that the woman, although old, might have had something to do with this small bloodbath. A few tomes peer out from the folds of her bag, catching Azorella’s attention. Curious but cautious she calls out, “What do you require my assistance for?”


    The elderly woman splutters out, “I—I had been picking up this parcel for my son but as soon as I left the shop... th—these men began following me, harassing me for the package! Upon looking inside it I found this knife… but… as soon as I merely nicked any of these men... they fell dead!! If… if you could help me home I’d—I’d greatly appreciate that!”


    She murmurs a few more nonsensical things, but Azorella had heard enough. Eyeing the knife apprehensively she kneels by the woman, holding both her hands comfortingly, “Now now, not to worry Valah, you shall be fine. Relax, there is nothing to get so worked up about. You shall be home… soon enough.”


    Azorella locks eyes with the woman, holding her gaze steady whilst taking the elderly’s limp hand and plunging her own knife into her abdomen. She sighs mockingly for a moment, “Oh, don’t you go falling asleep on me dear… that just makes things so much more difficult for your journey home.”


    The woman’s eyes slowly close as her jaw parts slightly open in shock. Azorella smiles small and sly before releasing the woman’s two hands and slipping the parcel out from under her arm, “I suppose I’ll just have to deliver this myself… Valah’ikru…”


    Upon departing, Azorella lurches dangerously to the side, crashing into a well-placed tree. She shudders, sensing the world spinning about her. Upon looking at her hands she notices a small cut in her thumb. Her eyes widen and she joins the fates of the other four as she crashes to the ground.






    Add any note you may want the VAT to see, here:

    You guys are lovely! And thanks to SparehoeCakes for answering a query of mine!



    - Reference Form - Do not fill this out yourself.

    color=#40e0d0]Do you know the applicant IC/OOC? -[/color]

    Do you think the applicant will abide by the VA rules?How is the applicant IC/OOC? Are they prone to rage if something does not go in their favor? Would this affect how they RP their character?

    Does the applicant break character and bring OOC into RP. (aside from the times one may need to use OOC to describe an action)-

    Does the applicant troll? If so how much, and would it affect the way they RP if they come across someone they dislike.

    Would the applicant willingly put himself into a situation they would not come out as the winner.

    Is the applicant's RP generally fun for everyone, not just for themself/friends.

    Are the evils chosen for the character relevant to the character? If not which do you think they need/don't need.

    Please provide a screenshot (or multiple) of an RP session with the applicant in question.


  14. *Glancing up at Silvos, Azorella responds simply, "I had filled the form out before we moved and had forgotten about it amidst the turmoil of our journey to Elysium. Seeing as it was completed before hand, I figured I might as well turn it in to ensure and solidify my citizenship. No use leaving loose ends."*

  15. *Looking down at the slightly beaten application form she had brought over from Asulon, Azorella shrugs and sighs, "Ah, why not. I ought to have turned this in ages ago..."*



    Name: Azorella Nikola Coulissante

    Truename ((MCName)): kuroi13

    Origin: Most recently: the forests north-east of Elandriel. Originally: The outskirts of a forest near Laurelin.

    How can you declare you are Mali'thill:

    As far as I know, my family has always lived relatively secluded from society. Generally marriages were pre-arranged and were one of the few reasons anyone would head into towns. Anyone who chose to marry someone of their own choice was often promptly banished from the family. As such, I couldn’t have been born to my parents in the reclusive location they selected had either of them chosen the wrong partner.

    Why do you wish to become a citizen of Haelun'or: The location at which I used to reside has become rather uninhabitable as of late. When Mister Sullas found me in Elandriel I was rather starved for sustenance—he and Haelun’or have provided that, not only for my innards but for my mind as well. If it is not too bold, I should wish to continue feasting upon the exemplary foodstuffs and knowledge Haelun’or has to offer.

    What is your personal vision for our blessed race:

    To allow each member a path beneficial to the future of all Mali’aheral.

    What does maehr'sae hiylun'ehya mean to you:

    To leave all that one comes across more enlightened than when one first met them.

    What Elven phrase do you particularly take to heart? Please explain why:

    san'thill ehier. To find the pure news… the truth.

    Often I find that many things are relatively concealed in this world—be it a person’s true intentions, the deeper meaning in a poem, or which soils make for best farming. Finding the truth must be an utmost priority if one wishes to navigate their environment accurately, for without the truth one might as well be blind.

    What is the subject of the first book you will submit to the college:

    Two poems entitled: “For the Lesser Leaf” and “To Speak to One”.

    What would be your reaction if you ever saw a human, orc, and unknown Mali'aheral travel the roads from Alras together:

    There must be some sort of error, this sort of event could never occur since the orc would likely eat, kill, or enslave the others. If not, the three must be either on business or forming some sort of diplomatic pact and should be avoided altogether so as to not destroy their delicate tranquility.

    What home would you like to receive: (if left blank you will be granted one of the free residences, if one is available).

    Are there any other details about yourself you wish to relay to the council: Of course not.

  16. ((Gonna postpone this until 3.0 and the server and everything stabilizes some more. Any submissions from 2.0 will carry over when 3.0 boots up.))

    *Some thick--and slightly dirt-spotted--parchment "magically" appears on the "famous" halfling bulletin board just outside the Drunken Sheep Inn.*

    Greetings me fellow halflings!

    Over the next few Elven weeks there’ll be a burrow design contest running. Ol’ Faldo will be baking goodies for the fellow with the best design and some fancy shovels will also be given aways to the three best designers.

    Now, fer the contest parameters:

    ((Some of these don’t really apply RPly but are important OOCly, so please excuse the funky IC/OOC presentation of the contest info. RPly, submissions will be posted up in the Halfling Ruins as pretty paintings/sketches.))

    Contest Parameters:

    -Contestants may submit up to three designs

    -One photo should be submitted per room/hallway/hidey-hole—make it a good one! Up to six photos may be submitted per design unless a burrow has more than six rooms/regions.

    -Short videos (1-2 minutes-ish) may also be submitted instead of photos

    -Please submit submissions below either with a link to the album/youtube or by tucking your submission photos/videos into a spoiler.

    -When writing up a submission, title the submission by its name or number and your name.

    i.e. Bob's 2nd Design or

    Designer: Bob Smith

    Submission: The Cozinator

    -Burrows require at least one bedroom

    -Designs can be built in Super Flat or in a regular Biome.

    -Submissions must be submitted using the default texture pack

    -Avoid using materials that could be difficult to obtain in LotC

    -Emphasis on interiors

    -Smaller designs are highly encouraged

    Burrow Design Room/Design Suggestions

    Burrows designed for one to two bedrooms are preferred; however, those with more bedrooms are acceptable.

    Room Suggestions:

    -Kitchens are recommended—us halflings got to eat lots, aye?

    -Storage areas (i.e. closets, hidey holes, cupboards, shelving units.)

    -Sitting area/Dining room—for guests and partying, aye?


    -Small library/Study

    Décor Suggestions:



    -Fancy closets


    -Fancy shelving units



    -Coat hook

    General Suggestions:

    -If you’re having trouble starting out, find a nice little cave and start building a burrow using the cave structure.

    -Split levels are often more interesting than single levels.


    Finalist (1)

    -Sweet confectioneries baked by the Fantastic and Fabulous Faldo

    -Shiny iron shovel trophy with the Elders’ signatures carved into the handle

    -Small vial of some of Doc’s foot hair

    Honorable Mention (2)

    -Jar o’ dirt

    -Wooden shovels engraved with the Elders’ signatures

    Submissions will be judged by popular vote when the competition ends. To vote, please submit the competitor's name and design name/number into the voting box by the tavern. Make sure ye post up your submissions on time! ((By Dec. 15th))

    May the best design sparkle!

    --Averroa Dewhurst

    *A little picture is attached of a giggly gaggle of 'huzzah halflings'.*


  17. *Narrowing her eyes at Seth slightly, the she-elf contemplates the pro's and con's of telling him her name for a few moments but eventually says: Most call me Azorella. I do not remember who led me in here but he was equipped with a sword and wore golden armor.

    ((Edit: Everyone was Steve at the time...

    so I actually have no idea what he really looked like >: ))

  18. *Still in her huddled position, Azorella uncovers her pointed ears and responds in kind: Myself? I might consider myself a prisoner except I have committed no crime I know of, so this must not be a prison. Unless there is some foul plan to consume me, I'd much appreciate if I could be sprung from this seemingly pointless enclosure as my companion here *gestures in the general direction of Morpheus* seems content in screeching to no end.

  19. *Instinctually covering her ears from the piercing screeching, Azorella curls up in the corner of her own cell, trying to dampen out the resonating underground echoes. She mumbles quietly to herself: And I thought I was alone down here...

    *She waits until there is a break in the shouting and calls out: Sir! As pleased or displeased as I am to have company, may I request that you not screech quite so loud? The stone walls seem to amplify your racket!

    ((Yay! Cell buddy!! I'm presuming our characters are in nearby cells,

    but if they aren't... oh well~))

  20. MC Name: kuroi13

    Duty you'd like to apply for: Honeybee~


    Cloud Forest



    If it were built in-game, folks could turn their render distance to short to add to its effect. Additionally it could be built where the clouds are and whatnot.

    Town on Stilts


    Fish! Or whales~




    Although they wouldn't normally be flying, of course.

    Other works: I've planned a few relatively small cities for an equally small server I used to play on before it closed. Additionally, I've built a few small/medium sized trees but can't get screenies at the moment since the server my example is on isn't online very often. Lastly, I've also played around with voxelsniper a few times, but wouldn't consider myself any expert.

    Do you have teamspeak?: Yes. I have a microphone too but I usually don't use it.

  21. Granted you have some lens lying around, coming up with a proof of concept for a telescope might not be all that difficult. I'm sure most people (IRL) have tried playing with the lenses of multiple pairs of glasses before at some point in their lives, it would just take an innovative Asulonian mind to follow the same idle fiddling and say "Hey! I can magnify far away things with these! Maybe I should make a tool incorporating multiple lenses!" Perfecting a telescope might be a little more difficult--i.e. correcting for aberrations, distortion, etc.--but I wouldn't think it so difficult that some tinkering couldn't work around it. Some details about how Oelilag tinkered around these difficulties might be a nice addition to the lore, but that's just my opinion.

    As far as applications go, I'll pull a somewhat long-winded example I heard around campus:

    In a seaport city, one could use a telescope to view incoming trade ships from far away. If a trade city expected a merchant ship to come in on a particular day, they could view the seas and look for the ship with a telescope. The telescope would allow them to see the ship farther out at sea than with the naked eye, giving them a few hours advance warning of its arrival. With this extra warning, they could prepare for its arrival--i.e. laying out some goods for trade and whatnot--and allow it reload and leave port much faster than usual. A port equipped with a telescope could hypothetically make a good deal of profit if merchants favored it due to its quick departure times. Huzzah!

  22. *A little halfling lass scuttles by the Cloud Sanctuary and posts up a single poster. The paper is rather plain--it most certainly isn't the flashiest bit of stationary at the Temple--but upon closer inspection it appears to be advertising the sale of certain goods.*

    As I be moving out of me home down in Ildon sometime soon, I be selling some of me old goods and things that I've been slowly accumulatin over tha years. Should ye be interested in buying any of these things please leave a lil note by this poster or send a bird to tha Ildon Medical Clinic. I can deliver goods to tha Cloud Sanctuary or folks can stop by me clinic and fetch them there.

    Tha prices be set fer singular items unless indicated. I also be willin to trade fer bottles, any sort of herb, iron ingots, or shears as well. Just send me a bird bout it and I'll barter with ye.

    • Leather Cap: Price-10; Stock-4
      Leather Tunic: Price-25; Stock-2
      Chain Leggings: Price-50; Stock-2
      Iron Pickaxe: Price-40; Stock-5
      (Some of these be very slightly damaged, but are otherwise in good condition.)

      Bandages: Price-4; Stock-225
      White Wool: Price-3; Stock-174
      Light Gray Wool: Price-4; Stock-43

      Stone Stairs: Price-6; Stock-64
      Bones: Price-25/sack; Stock-10 sacks

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