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Posts posted by kuroi13

  1. *A neatly written little note has been tacked up to the notice board.*

    Greetings me fellow halflings!

    I hope all has been well while I was aways! I be trying to move back to the Vale after working in Ildon for awhiles. Hopefully I can find a new place to live as it seems me old burrow has a new inhabitant. I ain't be in no terrible rush as I have a place to stay up in Ildon for now, but I'd like to move back amongst me friends whenever convenient. I look forward to seeing me old friends again and getting to know these new faces I be seeing round when I was a'visiting!

    Best of wishes,

    Averroa Dewhurst

  2. ((Postponing the symposium by an hour until the server finishes updating. i.e. 3:30pm GMT-8; 11:30pm GMT; 7:30am GMT+8.))

    ((The convention is now over, thanks to those who came!))

    *A few parchments of thick gauge are posted up on one of the pillars around the Cloud Sanctuary. The first is as follows...*

    A Science Symposium

    Fellow scientists and scholars, engineers of all disciplines, and intellectuals of higher degrees—my associate Lucion Sullas and I would like to cordially invite you to the upcoming science convention. Said convention will be held within the Silver City of Haelun’or in a few Elven weeks. ((The event will kick off on—Sunday, August 12th: 2:30pm GMT-8, 10:30pm GMT; Monday, August 13th: 6:30am GMT+8 .))

    The Main Events

    Lectures and Demonstrations: We invite any folks who would be interested in presenting discoveries, inventions, or other science discussion topics to speak in the college lecture hall.

    Scientific Exchanges: Alchemists, engineers, and all others are welcome to bring their goods to trade. Ideally this would be for specialty goods such as alchemic ingredients, potions, or medical tools. Books, of course, are also welcome for exchange. Small trading booths may be provided for those who sign up for them. The earlier one signs up for a booth the more likely they will be granted one. (See below to sign up.)

    Awards Ceremony: Those that have presented particularly impressive scientific discoveries during the lectures will be recognized towards the end of the convention—possibly with an additional monetary reward.

    Dinner: A meal will be provided at the end of the convention for attending scientists to unwind and enjoy intelligent conversation over food and drink.

    If you are interested in attending, please sign the list below with the following information:


    Field of expertise:

    If you are interested in the following (Y/N)




    ((Respond "Yes" to Trading only if you need a booth.))

    Birds may also be sent with this information to my associate Lucion Sullas ((Mithradites)) or me ((kuroi13)).

    Thank you for your interest; we hope to see you there.

    -Averroa Dewhurst

    Note: Non-scientists are also invited; however, we can only accept a limited number. The earlier you respond, the more likely we can fit you on the guest list. Please sign just your name below to indicate that you are a non-scientist.

    *The second parchment is as follows...*

    Rules Regarding Entrance and Pleasantries within Haelun'or

    As I am sure you are no doubt aware, reader; Haelun'or is not a city one of a non-mali'aheral background enters easily. We are quite protective of our motherland, and we will be expecting certain protocols to be followed.

    1. Armour is not to be worn by any non-citizens within the city. Visitors will be searched before entry. Visitors may carry a single sword or axe for their own personal comfort, however, know that the sillumirs and other armoured citizenry will take care of any arising security problems. Those who disregard this rule shall be met with scorn, derision, and immediate removal.

    2. Violence of any kind will not be tolerated. Haelun'or is a city of peace and tranquility; therefore making most citizens predisposed to its current state. Those who disregard this rule will be met with scorn, derision, and immediate removal.

    3. Theft of any books within the eternal College will not be tolerated. Visitors are allowed a single tome for note-taking purposes. Those who disregard this rule will be met with scorn, derision, and immediate removal.

    4. Those that simply "turn up" on the day of the event will not be allowed entry. Proper procedure must be completed before your name is added to a guest list for our guard's approval. Those who disregard this rule will be met with scorn, derision, and immediate removal.

    On an end note regarding the citizenry: Speak respectfully, and you shall be shown respect. If a citizen requests you to cease an action, you shall respect their wishes. The citizens of Haelun'or are themselves all leaders in their own right. Those who disregard politeness will be met with scorn, derision, and immediate removal.

    Maehr'sae Hiyun'ehya

    -Lucion Sullas

    *Some extra parchment is attached at the bottom, presumably for signing up.*

    ((Spoiler contains the parchments in image form.))



    ((Those who posted on the previous thread are already recorded on a guest list and don't need to post below. On a side note: Many thanks to all the folks who signed up on the previous post! Also, I'd like to thank Mithradites for helping edit and plan everything, putting up with my endless questions, and writing the "Rules Regarding Entrance and Pleasantries Within Haelun'or." There's absolutely no way I would've, or could've, planned all this stuff up without him. Happy Science-ing everyone!))

  3. *Relaxing a bit, Averroa nods understandably at the dwarf's concerns.*

    Not a pro'lem sah, I can understand why ye'd not want t' share yer trade secrets.

    *She looks to the banner, a little pleased.*

    Pleasure t' make yer acquaintance though, I look forward t' seein' ye at the convention!

  4. Well, if we don' know 'ow many could show up, 'ow are we goin' t' plan anythin'? Food? Seating? Location? Activity slots? I can try me best as guessin', but 'avin' an idea who coul' show up woul' be mighty 'elpful. And as ye can see by the banner, no one has volunteered or even displayed any sort o' interest in this convention. 'scuse me fer not 'avin' e'rythin' planned all perfectly out, but there not be much I can do if I don' know what t' plan fer.

    As far as fields go... I was 'opin' t' see what folks could bring t' the table. Seein' as I 'aven't 'eard of any standardized science fields as o' yet, I wouldn't want t' exclude anyone who'd be interested.

    *Averroa sighs. She seems a touch disgruntled by the whole situation.*

  5. *Feeling more comfortable with this dwarf--despite his intensely stern face--Averroa begins again, her confidence rising.*

    Wha' I'd like folks t' speak 'bout? It's really up t' whoe'er volunteers I s'ppose. Woul' like t' 'ave at least one speaker from each field, if possible. If more than one folk from a field volunteers t' speak, we migh' 'old a little contest t' pick the most outstanding research from the group. Again, all plans be tentative.

  6. *Averroa looks up with a touch more courage than before, her stuttering slowing to a halt. She speaks with a bit of uncertainty but maintains eye-contact with the dwarf.*

    Well, we're still in tha plannin' stages, but lecturin' be optional only. It mostly be fer scientist-folk t' raise their prestige, if they like, an' share their accomplishments. I'm thinkin' o' invitin' nation officials so tha' they can pick an' choose scientists they'd like t' sponsor... 'owe'er... there still be a good deal o' plannin' a'ead so most all the plans be tentative. 'opefully this convention will 'elp spark more cross-pollination between tha' different research fields an' 'elp lead t' new discoveries an' the like.

  7. *Sitting under a nearby tree, Averroa pokes her nose out of her book as she notices the dwarf grumbling and walking away from the notice she had recently posted. Her curiosity piqued, she follows him for a bit before quietly tapping his shoulder. The little halfling looks up a bit nervously...*

    Ah.. e-excuse me sah, I 'eard ye grumblin' a bit when ye were readin' tha notice I put up a lil whiles ago an' I can see why ye wouldn't want t' come... b-but I don' run inta scientist-folk very often--unless I be in 'aelun'or--so I'd really 'ppreciate et if ye did. I can see ye 'ave yer reservations, but I'd like t' say tha' while them 'igh elves might be a touch snobby, they usually seem t' look fondly upon intelligent folk--like yerself if ye say ye 'ave idears worth a'stealin'. I woul' like t' say tha' folks are always welcome t' come an' not share--'eck we migh' jus' end up drinkin' tha night away--bu' I was 'opin' tha' we might be able t' finally form a lil science community through this...

  8. *A scroll of a thick gauge is pinned up on one of the many pillars in the Cloud Sanctuary. Carefully written black script covers the upper half of the announcement in crisp, straight lines.*

    To any interested scientists or scholars,

    My associate Lucion Sullas and I intend on planning a grand science convention as a way to bring together fellow scientists and scholars. The convention will likely be held in the Silver City, however, we have yet to decide on a date. For organizational purposes, we would appreciate if any folks interested in attending would please sign below or send a bird to Lucion Sullas ((Mithradites)) or myself ((kuroi13)) with the following information: name, field of expertise, and if you would be interested in lecturing during the convention--which is entirely optional. We intend on hosting a lecture hall, among other activities, for folks to share about their discoveries, studies, or simply their field of expertise.

    -Averroa Dewhurst

    *A Roman numeral one is written below the tightly-written signature, it seems to be the beginnings of a list.*

    *The announcement seems to have been replaced by a newer one...*

  9. *You see a short halfling walking languidly about the Cloud Temple, posting up the occasional notice. Her face is downcast, and she seems upset--to say the least. Her notice reads:*

    To any friends or family of the twins Dezar and Lecha:

    Dezar was attacked by a brute in Arethor and died due to the injuries from his altercation. A funeral will be held within a few days in the Vale. ((7-5-2012 @ 9:30 PST, 11:30 CST, 12:30 EST)) Please meet at the docks beforehand if you wish to attend. Thank you.

  10. I noticed that mob-spawning was turned off in the Vale recently. While this is kind of nice since no one has to worry quite as much about being swarmed at night by mobs, there's an evident lack of fauna these days. For instance, I went looking for some chickens today since there was a request for eggs on the notice board. Although it didn't take me too terribly long to find a couple, it's definately a lot quieter around the Vale... Also, I don't believe livestock can be bred either, which poses a problem should we ever want to farm any sort of livestock.

    I don't know whether this was intentional or not, but I'm a little concerned about the future of our 'mob supply'.

    If it was intentional though, perhaps we could make a barnyard or something where a new region could be made with mob-spawning allowed?


  11. Note: GrimReaper98 mentioned that he wanted to review this app.


    Minecraft Account Name: kuroi13

    How old are you?: 16

    Time-Zone/Country of Residence: Pacific Standard Time (GMT -8); USA

    Do you have a good grip on the English language/good grammar?: Certainly hope so—English is my first language.

    Small 2-3 Sentence Description of yourself: I’m a typical high school junior who plays more video games than she should. My favorite sports are soccer and volleyball, although I don’t have the chance to play them very much. I enjoy playing my lovely and sexy bassoon. Minecraft is the game I’m primarily playing right now. Most of my life is (or should be) occupied by homework and school activities. I’m usually rather introverted—although that can change if I get a lot of sleep.

    How much time could you be on the server weekly?: Depending on my course load, it could range from almost nothing to 12 hours a day. I'd probably try to play at least 3-6 hours a week though.

    What do you know about Roleplaying? Give a definition of what it means to you: When one takes on the persona of a fictional character (preferably one he or she created themselves) in the context of a game. Like acting, in the sense that one is playing as a person they are not, but without a script. The script is improvised, the ‘actors’ immersed in their own creation.

    What experience have you had in Roleplaying, if any?: I joined a role-play server (Aswein) last July and I've been gradually learning more and more about role-playing. However, before that server, I hadn't ever role-played before.

    In your own Words, define what the act of Meta-Gaming is: When one uses information obtained out-of-character to his or her advantage when in-character.

    i.e. When one sees another’s character name in chat, and addresses said character by that name when said character hasn’t even introduced their character to the other person.

    In your own Words, define what the act of Power-Gaming is: When one essentially forces an action onto another character.

    i.e. Incorrect (Power-Gaming example): *Bob stabbed and killed Bill* <- Bob doesn't give Bill a chance to defend himself through roleplay.

    Correct: *Bob attempts to mortally wound Bill by swinging his sword at Bill's neck*. By stating "attempts to," Bob doesn't define the action as completed, thus Bill has the opportunity to respond to Bob’s actions.

    What do you expect this server will be like?: From what I’ve seen on the forums and wiki, it looks absolutely fantastic.

    What other server(s) have you played on and why did you leave them?: Aswein: the server closed

    Have you read, understood, and agreed to the rules?: Yes

    Do you promise to abide by said rules, and laws? This includes the Server, Forum, and Teamspeak set Rules: Absolutely

    How did you hear about us? Did someone refer you?: A lot of the players on the last server I played on have moved to this server since the last one closed.

    Have you previously made an Application? If so could you link us to your last Application?: http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/56672-first-application-averroa-dewhurst/

    Have you posted this application on our minecraft forum thread yet? If not, just finish it up on here and then copy + paste is over there. (http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/832121-%E2%96%91%E2%96%92%E2%96%93-the-lord-of-the-craft-%E2%96%93%E2%96%92%E2%96%91-enter-the-world-of-asulon-o-f-f-i-c-i-a-l-l-y-t-h-e-n-o-1-r-p-s-e-r-v-e-r/):


    Character Name: Averroa Dewhurst


    What Race are you?: Human

    What Sub-Race are you? (Note: you aren’t required to have a sub-race.): Halfling

    Biography (Please make this at least two paragraphs long. This must include the history of your character and his or her life as well as age, appearance and personality, etc.):

    She was born a bastard child to Molly Rollins and Anton “Farfellow” Dewhurst but her father didn’t realize he had impregnated Molly and had left on business for over two years before returning to Branborough. When her father returned, Molly quickly abandoned Averroa to her father’s care.

    “I’m not going to be tied down to this filthy scrap you’ve cursed me with; you take her,” said her mother as she shoved a then eighteen-month-old Averroa in her father’s direction.

    Averroa received her name from her father—who named her after Averroes, a philosopher that he was fond of—since her mother hadn’t bothered to call her anything beyond “it” or “scrap”. If it weren’t for her mother’s neighbors, Averroa probably would have eventually died under one of the mounds of discard Molly left around their squalid excuse for a burrow.

    Molly soon left for the city after depositing Averroa in the care of her father. The more optimistic of Molly’s neighbors blamed her unusual penchant for adventure for her lack of care for Averroa, the more pessimistic blamed her selfish attitudes. However, despite his initial shock at Averroa’s existence, Anton easily assimilated his fatherly responsibilities into his routines after Molly departed.

    A natural father, Anton raised Averroa with care and kindness but was also strict enough to keep her out of serious harm. Many a day passed where the young halfling would accompany her father on his routine woodland hikes and mountain climbs. On these trips he would tell her stories from his previous years, often repeating them without realizing it—much to the disdain of his young daughter.

    “Da! You’ve already told me that one!” –Averroa’s common complaint.

    “Oh? I ‘ave? Well, how ‘bout this one…” –Anton’s even more common response… which would often lead to his retelling of yet another repeated story.

    When she wasn’t hiking, scaling mountains, or attending school, Averroa would tend the small family’s equally small flock. Five sheep and her father’s dog, Rooster, were Averroa’s companions in the pastures around Branborough.

    During Averroa’s twentieth winter, a starving wolf attacked her flock. Rooster was able to fend the mangy animal from most of the sheep, but the oldest of the flock suffered serious injury to her throat and flank. Rushing to her ewe’s aid, Averroa, who hadn’t treated anything more than a headache with some herbs or sealed small wounds with egg whites, was unprepared for the carnage that lay before her: one could hear the ewe’s rasping breath as she gasped from pain, her right flank was shredded—stark white bone peeking through her glistening blood, her throat gored with wolf bites, dark red blood trickled in her white woolen coat and the pale skin around all her open wounds and scratches. Ripping strips of cloth from her clothing, Averroa tried to wrap her ewe’s more profusely bleeding wounds to prevent her from bleeding to death.

    Leaving Rooster to protect the flock, the young shepherdess made a hasty trip to her burrow to fetch a dogcart and other medical supplies and then hustled back to her bleeding sheep.

    Over the course of the Second Seed, Averroa nursed her ewe but to no avail—the elderly sheep’s wounds swelled up and burst out with pus, much to the trepidation of young Averroa; the ewe died less than a week after the attack. In the following Seeds, however, Averroa spawned and cultivated a growing interest in the study and well-being of living things. She began dissecting every dead animal she came across and intently studying every living animal. Now, nearing adulthood(30), she is intent on expanding her knowledge of medicine—both for animals and people.

    - - - - -

    Averroa stands a little under three feet tall. Her left eye is deep green while her right eye is heartwood brown. She wears her light golden brown hair in a medium-length fishtail braid over her right shoulder. Her clothing consists of a forest-green camisole under a white weather-worn coat fastened by a golden-colored clasp and a bark-brown, mid-thigh length skirt. She also wears thin leather shoes when away from the Vale.

    She considers her mother an example of everything she doesn’t want to become; however, many of her older neighbors think that she inherited some of her mother’s adventurous spirit. When she sees something ‘gross’ (such as blowfly larvae enjoying a carcass) she’ll likely be disgusted at first, but her curiosity will quickly overcome her as she observes the specimen more and more. A detail-oriented soul, she takes careful notes during all her dissections and observes other practicing physicians when she gets the chance. She’s a child of learning—mostly about living creatures—and enjoys reading as many books as she can get her hands on.

    As a halfling, Averroa never really left the Vale much during her childhood. However, she’s always been as curious about the rest of Asulon as she is about the insides of every organism she lays her eyes on.

    Born a few decades after the exodus from Aegis, she’s heard as many stories about the undead as she’s heard about the orcs—all of them horrifying and frightful. Her father always warned her to avoid orcs lest they decide to turn her into halfling stew.

    What are your character's ambitions?:

    -To master the art of healing, both for people and animals

    -To learn more about the living world around her

    -To enjoy life and make the best of it

    What is your character’s favorite tool? (sword, pickaxe, shovel, etc): The scalpel—to assist her in her scientific explorations; the magnifying lens—to inspect specimens in closer detail; and the pen—to write about what she finds. (Her favorite Minecraft tool: Bow and arrow)

    What are some of your character's most skilled talents? Veterinary medicine; playing fetch with Rooster; dissections

    A screenshot of your skin (must be in proper format):


    Other Information about your character:

    Her obsession with the study of life and medicine has almost totally consumed her being—although she does enjoy adventuring and spending quality time with friends.

    Her current learning encompasses thorough dissections, what she’s observed from other practicing physicians, and basic brewing.

    Her halfling accent is a bit toned down, per say, since she reads so much and is more used to formal language.

    ((Assuming all goes well, my friend skabo55 plans on playing the role of Averroa’s father.))


    Whilst traveling from the Cloud Temple you see a small halfling, being harassed by two armed warriors—they appear to be trying to steal money from him. How does your character respond?

    Averroa, knowing that if the warriors are harassing another of her kind would be very capable of doing the same to her, would try to imitate some scary animal’s call to spark some fear in the warriors and distract them from the halfling. If her original ploy fails, she would fire a warning shot with her bow into the ground near them, with the intent of changing the focus of the warriors’ malice and having them chase her through the woods until she could, hopefully, lose them. With any luck, she would be able to escape to a forest and lose the warriors amongst the trees, then double-back to see if the halfling required any assistance.

    Your character wanders into Alras, and comes across a small stall, behind which a well dressed man is standing. He’s offering various wares, the merchant turns to you and says in a posh accent " 'ello there, what can I do you for today?" What is your character response?

    The merchant’s accent and sudden request startles Averroa, who had her nose buried in a book.

    *She looks up and glances briefly through the merchant’s stock.*

    Merchant: “Miss?” *Sees Averroa’s book in hand* “Perhaps I can interest you in some books?”

    Averroa: “I don’t suppose you have any books pertaining to anatomy or medicine?”

    Merchant: “Ahh! No books in that subject, but another fellow recently sold me a detailed diagram of the anatomy of a cow. Would that interest you dear?”

    *Averroa’s eyes light up.*

    Averroa: “Why yes, depending on how detailed it is. May I take a look?”

    Merchant: “Of course.” *Fetches the diagram.*

    Averroa: *Takes a look.* “Pahh. This is just basic anatomy. I’m sorry, but this isn’t detailed enough for my purposes.”

    Merchant: *Disappointed.* “Perhaps there is something else I can interest you in?” *Gestures to his other goods on display.*

    Averroa: “Thanks for all your help, but I don’t really need any of those.”

    Merchant: “Shame, are you sure?”

    Averroa: “Positively positive. I’d best be off now. Good day sah!” *Leaves, and buries her nose in her book again as she walks away.*

    Whilst wandering in the wilds, your character comes across a small hut, which appears abandoned. Inside it you see a chest containing a few iron bars, and a golden sword. How would your character respond?:

    Averroa has little interest in material goods (except for books). She cares only for biological goods. She would promptly search for any dead animals on the premises and look for any herbs that she could add to her experimental brews.

    Although, if it were night time and she needed a shelter, she might stay for the night and study the movements of the stars.

    Hungry and lost in the wilderness, you stumble across a small trading camp nestled in the forest; they greet you in the common tongue. How do you respond?

    Food. I need food. Averroa stumbles upon some travelling traders. She is disheveled. She is starving. She eyes the stew boiling over the campfire.

    Traveler: “Hello, can I help you?”

    Averroa gasps out: “Food? Water?”

    *Averroa’s stomach growls loudly.*

    Traveler: “The stew is almost done—I’ll get you a bowl. Here’s some water.”

    Averroa: “Thanks.”

    *Averroa slumps on a nearby fallen log.*

    *Traveler hands Averroa a bowl of stew. She eats it.*

    Stuffing herself with stew, Averroa finally takes note of her surroundings: there’s a light breeze dancing through the soft green spring leaves and some of the magnolias are in bloom; their giant white flowers attract a few pollinating beetles. Cockroaches frolic through the detris underfoot; the wooden caravans of the travelers form a semi-circle around their campfire; the squeals of some children playing tag filter through the trees.

    Her belly now satiated, Averroa sighs with satisfaction and opens up conversation with the traveler.

    Averroa: “That stew really saved me. What are you folks doing in these parts? Actually, where are we?”

    Traveler: “We’re heading to Alras to trade some goods, we’re actually not that far right now—‘bout a half-day’s journey east and you’ll see the gates of Alras. What are you doing ‘round here?”

    Averroa: “I was tracking down some stronger magnifying lenses and got lost along the way… My name is Averroa by the way, what’s yours?”

    Traveler: “Bartholomew, but you can call me Thole. Tending the stew over there is my niece Eleftheria.” *waves to Eleftheria*

    Averroa: “Pleasure to meet you Thole.”

    Thole: “And you.”

    --the two converse till the sun sets, Thole offers to let Averroa stay with the caravan until they reach Alras--

    You hear word that bandits occupy the road outside the town where you have been staying. The town guards have gathered, and are asking for assistance to help eliminate them. The leader of the party is offering a reward to any who offers their support. How does your character act on this information?:

    Averroa has little ability in battle (although she is proficient with a bow and arrow) and little interest in fighting. She might tail the guards to see the aftermath of the battle—and any injuries along with it. Although, seeing as these bandits could threaten the lives and livelihoods of the inhabitants of this city, Averroa would do what she could to help the guards… so long as it didn’t involve swinging a sword.

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