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Jake the Dog

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Posts posted by Jake the Dog

  1. 6 hours ago, Priceflash said:

    So far the videos are using tasteless texture packs with not even good shaders and flying around the map. Not only that, we get some subpar narration that I could pay 5 dollars on fivver to outdo.


    Why not have more interesting and relevant media that provides a service to the existing community (in the form of entertainment or information) and also advertises the server to new players?


    Nothing stopping you applying, making videos and paying for voice overs.

  2. 5 minutes ago, DPM said:

    The videos are cool but theres some weird mistakes left in a lot of the videos i.e dropped items, seeing potion particles (the little swirling death faces).


    In the 'Goodbye Axios' video the dwarves are not shown yet four human builds are shown (Adelburg/Marna/Haense/Fort Dunamis). 


    Yeah got cucked by the End of map events that added all those damn 'black sky' boxes. So I had to skip some people

  3. Current Username: JaketheDog115
    Discord(‘You got it’ does not suffice): JaketheDog115#9874
    Timezone(s) you mainly play: Late GMT
    What group/nation do you consider to be your main? Currently Haelun'or

    Have you held a staff position before? Nope
    Do you currently hold a staff position? Nope
    Do you plan on applying for other staff positions? Nope
    Have you ever been banned before? If so, how long ago and what reason?  Another Nope

    What kind of media formats would you like to work on the most? Cinematics, and world showcases. I can do both screenshots and videos without other players.

    List three factors/tips you feel are important to work in the fields of PR and expand on them.

    Quality, if the presentation looks sloppy, then why would anyone care. Making sure what you make is the best you can put out, is something everyone should aim for.


    You need to have interest in the subject, hating what you do will cause you to dread making more. Without interest in making videos or screenshots. There is not really a point to be applying for the position other than wanting a pretty name tag.


    You need to be able to take criticism, personally every video I made for lotc, has been slammed by one party or another, due to conflicting views, but I found these funny. 

    Provide three examples of your previous work (Either three portfolios with different themed screenshots, three different videos or three different news posts):

    This I made as I made this app, in about 3 minutes. With no editing to show what sorts of videos can be made


    This was during the Courland Oren war, I thought of it one night, so made it in about 1 hour or so.




    Then I made a spoof on the revenge that courland did due to that video 



    Why do you wish to become an MST-Editor Member? It's the only staff team which I have interest in or at the very least I have some skill in.

    What strengths would you bring to the team? A decent PC which can crank out some rather nice looking videos. Prior skill in editing raw minecraft footage.

    What are your weaknesses? Upload speed, a video which takes an hour to make, takes about six to upload. Anytime minecraft updates, i'm going to loose all the mods I use to make videos.

    How much time could you give to this position in the foreseeable future?  I don't work full time currently, so I have days spare I could put into videos.

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