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Posts posted by Chikachu

  1. Deep in the underbelly of Athera, in a cavern that was dimly lit by a few torches, a group came together to discuss the recent announcement by Arnorian Elendil. A dull dripping noise echoed through the cavern as they stood in a circle, their leader sitting upon a throne made entirely out of bones. Few of them were actually human, but the animals ones that were there had been marred to make them look like broken versions of human bones. Two actual human skulls decorated the end of the arms of the throne, but other than that the rest were sheep and cow skulls. 


    A single man knelt before the throne, his head bowed and his face covered by a silvery-gray mask with six eye slits meant to replicate spider eyes. His clothes were all black, and fairly tight fit, clearly meant to keep from impeding body movement. Around him in a circle were six or seven others, all dressed in the same clothing, but with black cloaks, the hoods pulled up, and the same masks. Lounging comfortably upon the throne was yet another man. He was dressed in black robes with desgins stitched into the hem to make it look bloodstained. He had his legs kicked up over one side of the throne, and he was spinning his own spider eye mask in his hands, watching it spin boredly. 


    "Arnorian is requesting that all Adunians gather again to remake Adunia," the man kneeling before the throne was saying, "He intends to bring Adunians under his rule as the 'Last of the Royal Bloodline'."


    The man on the throne snorted, "Arnorian... my dear sweet uncle. Look at him sticking his neck out again." He stopped spinning the mask, studying it for a moment and running his finger along its surface, "Such a pity. I wonder if he really thinks he can suceed in this."


    "My Lord Blood," another man said, stepping out of the circle and putting his arm across his chest as he bowed. The man on the throne looked down at him, his cold eyes ringed with red and with dark circles, but lit with a vibrant blue light. "Perhaps we could strike him down now. You bear the circlet: it is you who should rule, certainly."


    "Hm..." the man on the throne mused as his eyes wander to one end of the room. A figure hangs there, held up by chains from its wrists, its feet barely touching the ground and chained as well. On it's head, a crown glints lightly, with a beautiful blue gem in the center: the Circlet of Harren, "Unfortunately, it is not to be. My time has passed. If only the one meant to carry the circlet would accept his responsibility."


    The man kneeling cleared his throat and then looked up, "Perhaps... perhaps his unwillingness should be cause to.. pass him over. My Lord, you know that there is another who will take his place gladly."


    The eyes of the man on the throne narrowed as he turned to look at the kneeling man again. A moment of silence passed and the kneeling man's clothing lit on fire. He shouted, quickly attempting to put out the flames but they continued to , "You dare, Torrhen? You dare attempt to usurp the throne of your brother."


    "F-father," the man screamed in pain, writhing on the ground as the figure chained to the wall stirred. Finally the flames vanished, leaving the man heaving his breaths on the ground. 


    "What do you think, Toov?" the man on the throne said, looking at his mask, "Don't you think Arnorian deserves punishment? He attempts to take the throne belonging to my son. Blood traitor." He chuckles lightly, "Blood traitor. And he'll be punished by Blood... yes he will."

  2. Happy birthday!


    What's your opinion of me?


    Potatoes or bananas?




    I think you seem pretty cool, and I LOVE your guides. So true.


    And Potatoes. Definitely Potatoes. Preferably baked with butter, sour cream, cheese, and bacon.


    How did you get magical adunian singing powers?


    It was a very long and drawn out process including three monkeys, a tortoise, Morgan Freeman, and a couple of caught maces. Tbh, I'm surprised we suceeded.

  3. why do you taint your body with alcohol


    it defies the will of muhammad


    Because it's the first day of my life that I can legally drink so my friends are going to hogtie me and force drinks down my throat. 


    Admit gunnerdude is the best australian in server you know it's true


    I dunno... we have a lot of cool aussies on the server... you're definitely in my top five though. Possibly Top three.


    So you finally, actually, an adult tonight. Welcome.


    I am glad to join the ranks.



    Why you no doctah yet?



    If I were a doctor, I would probably be the worst Doctor EVER. Unless by doctah you mean Time Lord in which case: I am.

  4. Happy birthday Chi.

    What's your honest opinion of me?

    Hm.. honest opinion...

    You're pretty awesome, tbh. You have a good heart and you always want to do good by the world from what I've seen. You can be a little dramatic, though I'm honestly not sure if that's a bad thing since drama helps make life more interesting, and when you care about something you are dedicated to it. It's a great way to live, for sure.

  5. I think by now you guys know the drill for these kinds of things. I figure I will probably regret this but it's too late.


    I might or might not be drunk when I answer some of these, so take it lightly. I honestly have no idea if I'll be conscious of what I am doing tonight, but as I said, it is my 21st, so my friends will probably get me slammed. No guarantees on coherency as the night progresses either.

    So here we go. I haven't decided if I will still answer questions after the day is over so ask quickly.

  6. Honestly, I see a lot of comments about how I'm not active yet, but if you read my application I have been going around the server as my alt accounts to avoid bias. I even told you which they were. Barring the last few days that I've been preparing a funeral, I've been on every day on at least one of those accounts. I have a farm up near Polaris on one of them, the other was playing a character in Aesterwald until recently, and my main account has been hanging out in Petrus. I really did wait awhile to make sure that I was alright and I could get back into the community proper and I plan on getting more and more active.

    It's my understanding that they aren't looking for new gms, but I figured I would get this up anyway.

  7. I have been using a couple different alts, the ones up above, steadily for about a month now. None of them have been very important, and I've been trying to avoid becoming big again for awhile, but yes, I have been active. 


    Edit: I've also been avoiding some of my old cliques in favor of new ones, particularly with those alts, in order to get views that I didn't have the last time I applied for GM.

  8. Minecraft username: Chikaea/CharredAsh/Maliigne
    Age: 20 (a few weeks from 21)
    Time zone: MST (GMT +8)
    What is a GM’s role in the community, and how would you see yourself fitting in it as a GM?:
         I think that GMs have a few different roles. One of those is to be the more visible part of the community. The Admins don't always have time to spend with the community, though they do their best. Instead, it falls to the GMs to be the visible part of the situation. 
         Another part of the GMs job is to enforce the rules with players. Like the police, the GMs spend much of their time enforcing the rules with players, and helping to make sure that roleplay is safe. 
    Why are you applying to be a GM?:
    I was a GM once before, and I feel like, barring a few mistakes, I did a fairly good job. I enjoyed my time with the team, but due to some circumstances beyond my control, namely, that I lost my internet, I had to resign. Now that I've gotten my internet back, and taken some time to reconnect with the community, I feel like it is the right time for me to reapply.
    The most impactful GM’s the server has had have always done more than the basic duties of a Global Moderator. What aspects of LotC aside from universal GM duties would you be willing to delve into?:
    Well... anything! If it makes things better, and it works to help the community get together and work together to improve, I'd be glad to do it. I guess the hard part would be figuring out what that is, but I'd be willing to work towards that too. 
    What members of the staff and/or community could you look to for guidance of these additional responsibilities?:
    The Admin team helps, as they are pretty much the biggest part, and I think, for the most part, the players would do some to help too. As are the rest of the GMs, since they understand the current situation, and know the best ways to deal with different situations. Even members of other staff teams can help to make those decisions. 
    What faults do you believe other members of the community see in you, and how do you intend to improve on these perceived faults, if necessary?:
    I know that I have been accused of plenty, but I've done my best during my time trying to reconnect, and I think that I've helped to address those problems. I know I am still seen as a bit impulsive, and I'm going to work to make sure that I put plenty of thought into actions before I do them, to avoid making a hasty decision. 
    How much free time do you have? Will this change in the foreseeable future?:
    At the moment, I have at least a few hours every day that can be spent on the computer. Around five or six hours, at many different times of the day. Most of the time I get on at night though, or early in the morning, during Aussie times. As of now, I don't see that changing for a little while, but I will be going to school in a few months, and, funny as that sounds, I'll actually have more time. 
  9. Keep in mind that these are CURRENT staff members (At least current to the best of my knowledge). So Ouity and Kai wouldn't be on here.

    Benboboy is right, Dizzy is in fact the jigglypuff on #2, and husky is the poocheyen a in #6.

  10. So...

    In a bit of fun with a few of the GMs, and going through some of my old art, I was asked to draw pictures of the GMs, and other Staff members, as Pokemon.

    Some of the pokemon I've changed a bit to fit the GM more clearly, and some of them I've kept as the Pokemon because I like the look better.

    See if you can figure out which is who!

    DISCOVERED: Frottimer





    DISCOVERED: Taufirewarrior





    DISCOVERED: Rittsy


    This last one is actually the one above and another of the Staff teams put together because, according to the other GMs, this fits well.

    DISCOVERED: Husky and Rittsy


    DISCOVERED: Benboboy



    This one is actually one GM and one NOT GM. See if you can get it. 


    DISCOVERED: Readicti and Chikaea




    Here comes another!


    So there it is!

    Happy Guessing!!

  11. The Adunians had a list of these once... i know at least one of them was using the insult "malaherl" to mean someone who is stuck up. I'll see if I can find the others.



    Acting the fish: To act like a fool, or make a fool of yourself or others.

    A mina to you: Basically good luck

    Bear’s a bear: Tell the truth

    By the Orc Calendar: When Pig’s fly

    To be a horse by the ninth mile: To be Exhausted

    Stuffing the Brain: To force an idea into someone, to indoctrinate someone (‘e’s dun a bitta’ stuffin’ th’ brain, ‘adn’t ‘e?)

    The gem that overflowed the dwarven vault: Basically the straw that broke the camel’s back

    When you speak of the birds…: Basically speak of the devil. The long phrase is, “When ye speak o’ th’ birds, the birds do be a flappin’”.

    I’m sure surprised: “I don’t care”. Usually accompanied by the rolling of the eyes.

  12. To start off...






    I am so glad to see that you were promoted, you a thousand times deserve it! I can't wait to see all the things that you'll get done!




    Next off, let me explain to those of you naysayers exactly why I believe that Cappy is the best choice that the Admin team could have chosen. 


    Looking back now at my time as a GM, I realize one of my biggest problems was that i wanted to be liked. I did. Sure, I pretended that I was tough and didn't need anything from the playerbase, but I loved when I was loved. It honestly made me one of the worst kinds of GM. I was so nice to everyone, and considerate, and allowing, that when it came time to choose between two groups, more often than not I felt like I was chosing between who would hate me less if I chose the other side, or who's hate would be seen as less in the eyes of the community. It was painful. It was hard for me. It was more stress than I could take and it burnt me out. It became harder and harder for me to do things because I didn't want to be hated. 


    Then I moved into a hateful stage of being a GM. I was angry at players who talked back to me because I felt like I had done everything for the server. I felt like I had fought to be the best of the best and they were turning me away. How DARE the players not appreciate me. I know, it was crap. I was crap. I hated myself and I was angry and, once again, stressed all the time. It wasn't right, and I despised myself for it. 


    You know who was the one who got me out of all of that crap? Cappy. Thank god for him, because what I mentioned above was seriously nasty. Cappy doesn't have the problem I did. Some people berate him for being uncaring, but the sad fact is that you CANNOT please everyone. So I think it is absolutely fantastic that he doesn't care. I think it is part of what made him such a great GM. He followed the rules to a "t" and yes, he was strict and harsh - exactly how any GM should be. It is the job of GM's to follow the rules, not to try and bend them because they don't think they're right. I can tell you right now though, that at least some of the rules that were generally considered "stupid" Cappy fought against in chat. But he was a good GM and he upheld them in practice. 


    If you think that Cappy should have bent the rules more, you can expect he'll probably be part of the discussion to get rid of the rules that make no sense. He'll be part of the reason that things change on the server. BECAUSE he doesn't have any problem doing what needs doing without caring about being hated by the server, he never burnt out and got hateful like I did. It's the reason he's been able to get on for so long, and do so much on this server. Cappy is absolutely the best choice for Admin that I could imagine, and he should be applauded more than anyone else. Screw whatever people are saying, and I mean it, because most of what I read is ignorant heresay from a long long time ago when people were idiots. I support Cappy 100% and if you don't, you should move on and complain about something else.

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