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Posts posted by Chikachu

  1. ((Much and Many apologies to everyone, I wasn't able to start the festival on time. However, here is the necessary information. The Team Battle has been removed temporarily due to lack of contestants. If there is time at the end of the day, it will begin again. The festival itself will officially be beginning in two hours, starting with the Battle of Edges at 4 pm EST. Shortly after that, roughly an hour, will be the Pole jump, and then the mud battle around 6pm EST. Apologies to the earlier time zones. If you cannot participate, I would love to hold something, probably tomorrow morning, although I have work so there is no guarantees. I'm very very sorry.


    Whether these events will be done through RP or PVP will be decided at the festival. Good luck to the contestants.


    The festival itself will be taking place directly outside Atgaard. If you need directions, please send me a pm.))

  2. If not bias, evidently bad decisionmaking all around. Bias seems most evident though, seeing as this appears to be an issue perpetrated by both sides and not just one side, nor any one player.

    Now exactly why was Knox banned again? If he didn't do it?

    I personally don't care who wanted to ban him, bias can form in groups, that's not impossible and I've dealt with it in the past. I want to know why he was banned and what evidence you have. There seems to be something coming from Chik that he was banned for bad attitude which is simply foolish to do. Verbal warnings for that kind of thing first, always. Especially since he didn't do anything and most especially since you are involved with the side he is opposing.

    The playerbase has EXTREME faults, indeed, but there are many faults being laid down here by GMs themselves and I do not like the smell of it. Are you self-serving now?

    I sincerely encourage you to read the op as i explain why. As to the other demands, i shall do my best to explain the situation further tomorrow. Continue to spew hate and then get a good night'ssleep.

  3. A notice is posted around the Fringe and in the Cloud Temple, as well as in the major cities left in Anthos. A large title is written across the top and the notice below it reads:

    "Fellow Adunians and Non-Adunians alike,

    It is my honor an privilege to invite you to the first official Festival of Adunia, the Festival of Rebirth and Rivalry. This Festival is a festival meant to demonstrate not only the rebirth of the world, but also the rivalries that not only Adunians face, but also those of other races as well.

    The Festival of Rebirth and Rivalry was created to form a sort of warriorish agreement between the two main cultures of Adunia - the Highlanders and the Northerners. It was to assist in making a small bit of fun for the people and to allow them to make friends through their battle skills. In order to participate in these contests, one must first publicly, at the start of the contest, declare themselves to one of the other party - either to the Highlanders or the Northerners. This does not mean you join any certain group permanently, but any contests you win will go to the team chosen. The winning team will be awarded with a prize announced at the start of the festival.

    To show the spirit of this festival, taking place in five elven days, we will be having five different contests. Depending on how many contestants sign up to participate, the contests will last different times. The contests are as follows, as well as a description of them.

    The Mud Brawl

    This is meant to show the strength of those contestants who participate. No armor, no weapons, no rules: just a bunch of warriors beating each other in a mud pit. This will be until the last man is standing. Be aware, this arena will be very difficult to traverse and it is suggested that those participating are very very careful where they step.

    - Referee... there is none.

    A Battle of Edges

    This is meant to show an Adunian's finesse and skill in sword fighting. It will be one-on-one, and because of that it will be limited to only forty contestants, so sign-ups will be limited. Armor and weapons will be provided, so don't bring your own equipment to the fight.

    - Referee has yet to be chosen

    Team Fight

    This will likely be the longest of the many contests. It is a team battle, and as such there will be a limitation that each team must be equal. If you want to be on a team, you must find someone to join the opposite side. These teams will fight to find a helmet belonging to the other side hidden somewhere in a defined area. This will be a battle of stealth and speed, as well as team strategy to win.

    -Referees (three) have yet to be chosen.

    Pole Jump

    The pole jump is a test of the balance of a warrior. This will be done by traversing a field of poles, by only touching the pole themselves. The first to make it across, wins the contest. There is likely to be some form of fighting between contestants, so all items are to be left in designated areas, or at the home of the owner.

    -Referee has yet to be decided.

    A Test of Wits

    This will be a challenge of the mind. The contestants will be asked a series of questions and riddles regarding not only Adunia, but the races and history of the world. This will be a very difficult competition, but it will also be a carefully judged one. The contestant to answer the most questions correctly will win.

    - Referee has yet to be decided.

    Friends, if you would like to participate in any of these competitions, please sign your name below. We welcome those of any races who would like to compete, though remember that you will have to declare your side before the contest begins. If you would like to be a referee, you may also sign, though put that you would like to sign for that postion so we can be clear, as well as mentioning which contest you would like to referee. Depending on those who sign up we will decide where to meet. Keep in mind you can only sign for three elven days before the chance will be closed. Thank you and have a good day.


    The Triumvirate

    Dranan Elendil

    Kayrin Elendil

    Cirimas Elendil

  4. A letter is sent to each and every Adunian known to the Triumvirate for them to examine and consider. Each is addressed to the Adunian who received the letter, and follows as thus:

    "The time has come for the Adunians who wish to become a part of the Independent nation that Adunia has become to step forward and discuss exactly what this Adunia will be. Many announcements shall be made at this meeting by the Triumvirate, and we would ask that any who wish to become a part of this nation join in. Should the Lords consider you ineligible for any reason, you will not be permitted entry into the discussion.

    "That which shall be discussed will be as follows:

    - Possible ideas for future Adunian Festivals

    - Which clans shall take part in Adunia

    - Who will assist in the building of Adunia

    "A few announcements shall also be made, namely how the Triumvirate shall be run, how the nation itself shall be run, the Laws of Adunia, and how Adunians Clans will fit into the nation. At the end of this meeting those who wish to join this Adunia shall sign a census to declare themselves forever a part of the Adunian Nation. We invite you to at least attend to see if you would join your culture again.


    [size 13]The Triumvirate

    Dranan Elendil

    Kayrin Elendil

    Cirimas Elendil

    ((There will be a few ooc things also needing discussion at this "meeting".

    - How to expand the playerbase of Adunians

    - Where and how we'll be living in 4.0

    - What the finalized lore will be (so that we can declare it UNCHANGEABLE from now on.

    Don't post your ideas to this now, I'd rather you think over all the details and present them at the meeting. For this thread however, I want to know whether we should do it in a forum rp or in game. Since we have both roleplay and ooc things to go over, I'm not totally sure what we should go for. Another possibility is to make a skype chat for the meeting's ooc pieces and have that going on simultaneous to the meeting in game. Either, way, I'd like to hear what you all think. And trolls, you will be hidden and warned. Just sos you know.

    Much <3 Chi))

  5. This is actually something that has been bothering me for awhile now. I feel this pvp vs. Rp fight is yet another tear in the server. It's why I've been trying to work with the rest of the staff to find some sort of compromise. If anyone has any ideas I would love to hear them! Feel free to pm me.

  6. ((Sorry, didn't mean it as "Eyad i h8 u y u ruin my rp." I've met Eyad and I think he's cool! I mean it more like a "Eyad ye poodle relaaaax maaan. Enjoy the rp!" Think teasing not angry. Doesn't come out very well in text.

    Tbh, it kinda did irritate me, just because this wasn't a serious battle situation. It was meant to be taken more humorous than anything, butthe sudden jump for pvp was frustrating. I just wanted to make sure he specifically understood that the jump to pvp was unnecessary, and frustrating. This character doesn't fight at all, the most it can do is make people feel odd. He dies if you stab him once. The sad thing is, once you stab him, that rp is over. Besides, it only reinforces the stereotype that all Oren does in rp is flip to pvp. I just wanted to catch Eyad's attention and help him understand that in some cases a bit more rp is much more fun than clicking buttons when I plan to lose anyway. ))

  7. The Creature appeared in the darkness, black and almost formless, with large shining black eyes. It blinked, studying the world it had come into being in, turning around and around a few times until it's eyes landed on a man standing a good distance away. The man stared at it in horror, then it smiles, and changed.

    The change was swift, and in moments it looked an exact copy of the man in front of it. The man took a few steps back, in shock. The Creature smiled inside at it's ability - somehow it had just known to do that. It saw something, and it imitated it. That was how it happened. Then it turned to look again. Another man stood down the road. It raised it's hand and pointed, and the man shifted as well, mirroring the other two.

    Again and again the Doppelgänger imitated and altered people. The people cried out in horror and fear. A man shot fire at the creature, and although it's face remained completely emotionless, the creature cried out in pain. Another man stabbed the creature, calling it "heretic" and "demon". The creatures shrieked in the language of it's kind, a sound that caused ears to ring and glass to shatter, before it faded into nothingness.


    Again it formed, swirling into being, this time in a new place. The place was large, and white, and the Creature could hear something moving and speaking in the distance. It drifted out to investigate, studying the new place it had come to. This time, it's eyes focused on more beings, and it did what it knew it should: it altered itself into the nearest one.

    Again the beings were shocked and horrified, and the creature laughed, though it's face did not change. What a fun game! It reached forward to the second being, changing him into the first as well. Yet again there were three of one being! Then the first being shot fire at him, just as the beings before, but this time the fire didn't stop. The creature shrieked in pain and fear: what was happening? Where did these flames come from?

    The first being finally stopped the fire as the creature lay shivering and whimpering from pain. The beings approached, and to attempt to admit defeat, the creature changed the first being into the second one. This, however, only made them more violent, as they cut the being, causing him to shriek for a third time. Then the being faded again, to reappear in another place, perhaps somewhere far from the people who hurt it time and time again.

    ((Thanks to those who participated in some random event rp. To those of you who chose NOT to participate and called PVP default almost instantly - you know who you are (eyad) - keep in mind that not all creatures are "all powerful evil beings" and sometimes roleplay, which is, after all, what you're supposed to join this server to do, can be so much more fun that mechanics, especially when a lot of others are enjoying that roleplay. That said, I hope to bring back the creature a few more times, just to make things a bit random and fun.))

  8. Honestly, as a GM I've certainly given up allot, but you'd be surprised the fun you can still have. I haven't rpd as my character much, no. But I got to rp as a ghost for an event. I got to help with a huge battle. I rpd as a chicken in the cloud temple for a player who couldn't get wrapped up in roleplay. So if it's rping as your character you want, it would be tough as a GM, but not impossible. But I think it's well worth any sacrifice.

  9. The Creation Lore is basically what the Aegians were told of their history by The Wandering Wizard. Some of it is definitely factual, some of it could just be a story or could be facts. There isn't much set in stone, and you're character doesn't have to believe any of it.

    Then my point is that it should be made more clear. This is a tale, not necessarily the truth. See what I mean?

  10. Kayrin focuses his eyes on Cirimas as Arnorian and Dranan argue, his icy eyes narrowed. He leans back, putting his hands together and his fingers to his lips, and his expression displays as him thinking. Finally, he nods to Cirimas, looks at Arial to smile at her as well, then looks back at Cirimas. "I would agree to this idea," he says simply, "A triumvirate. I have worked with another ruler before for the short time when Lachlan returned. I can certainly chose to work with two others. Rules I can handle, and discussions will have to be plentiful if this is going to work. It suits the situation nicely, and brings two of the shards of Adunia back together, which is a good thing. It will be complicated for a time, but I am sure that the three of us can learn to work together. I'm glad for this new idea. Bloodshed is the last thing I wanted coming here today."

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