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Posts posted by Chikachu

  1. I agree, this is very sad.

    I made this thread with the idea in mind to try and help fix a problem that many people have told me was 'seriously, the biggest problem with LOTC right now'. Many of you have posted some good points and those I am considering. The ONE post that I have hidden was one in which the definition was posted within a minute of my post, which to me was a rude move showing he'd read nothing of what I had said. I have not been hiding people's definitions.

    Honestly, I am doing my best here to try and fix the problems I see. This is not something to hurt people or point fingers. Really, I don't see where I pointed out anything. I was told a problem: defining trolling. So I asked for definitions from players got one and had several players and staff look it over and tell me what they thought. This was the product. And look at this thread. Seriously, read through all the five pages of rude responses and bad jokes dished out for trying to do something to help fix things.

    I promise you all that the GMs really are doing what we can to make the server better, but a little bit of support when we show you we are trying to do something would be nice now again. Especially since that's really all the payment us GMs get. Think about that sometimes. Regardless, I'm locking this and processing the information to come up with a better solution. Thank you to those of you who were polite with your responses.

  2. I'm not against anyone here, I'm fine with the disagreement and the irritation. I'm not even saying you should HAVE to do any of these things. You guys are misunderstanding the tone of my posts. Dx. Think doped - up hippy spouting peace and love. I'm just trying to offer suggestions of little things that might help repair relationships.

    If you guys disagree with the approval thing that's totally fine. It was just one of the ideas I came up with that I thought might help. I'm certainly not perfect when it comes to brainstorming. My suggestions were an attempt to get the ball rolling on your ideas: I know a lot of you guys can come up with way better plans than me once the creative juice is flowing. I'll try to figure out ways to make my posts sound less passive-aggressive. Apparently that's a big problem of mine. ;_;

    P.S. I found the banners. :D

  3. Don't worry Cray, I was set to blow soon you just happened to be the one that set it off. I still love you. 


    Thanks for the agreement there Telanoob. I appreciate it. 


    And Sky, I repeat what I said to Geo: offer your own suggestions and which ones you DO like just as much as the ones you disagree with. The positivity will help the situations between GMs LOADS I promise. Just being nice enough to say, "This is a great idea!" makes it ten times easier for people to take criticisms. Also: when I said giving opinions, I meant on topics like rules, bans, and other such, not just any old opinion thing. 




  4. I'm going to add that to the list, Geo. Instead of just saying, "Hell no I'm not doing this suggestion" try: "You know what, I can't see myself doing this because of this reason... but I like this and this idea" or "but maybe this could be added too!" Otherwise you sound like you don't want a team at all you just want to do what you want and screw anyone that tries to stop you.

  5. Alright, felt like this needed to be shared because it's been irritating me for some time.

    I'm sorry to those who were there a couple of days ago when I exploded about my silly trolling thread. The thread itself certainly wasn't worth that and I know that excuses aren't important, but I will still say it was a 06 pretty bad week for me and a pretty bad time of the month as well. (If you don't get it boys, ask Rhia.)

    To be honest though, the main idea that fueled my frustration and anger was a valid problem and in my opinion it is probably the worst problem that we GMs have. It's not about the silly threads or the bans or the comments, but more and more lately I have seen gms throwing each there under the bus. Not everyone is guilty, but I think a lot of people can look a bit and see it. We aren't very much of a team at all.

    Some examples might be when we publicly post things against another gm in the forum. Since its the example that caused my explosion, sorry Cray, I promise I love you, but like when I posted the trolling definition and crayfish publicly posted against what I had done, saying it was a bad idea. Now of course that's not to say we can't second guess each other, but the Admins are constantly telling us NOT to do that because it shows disunity.

    I have seen something backed up with plenty of research that when a groups leadership isn't unified and working together, the whole group 8 going to have a hard time working together. I know that a lot of us want to help the server, and it's certainly frustrating when it seems like the server cannot get along with itself. I think if we are going to fix or change anything around here, the first thing we need to do is fix this team. That's what we are, after all, we're a team.

    So here are some of my suggestions to start off. I'd appreciate it if others can post some things they have seen that promote disunity and ways we might be able to fix it.

    First, from the example, if a GM has already posted an opinion somewhere, don't post a counter opinion, talk to them about it in private. Same goes for if you disagree with something they've done.

    Second, I think we should make a forum post about clarifying the rules and work together on figuring out more exact punishments and what exactly is wrong. It may be the Admins job to make the rules but it's our job to enforce them and we need to work together to be able to do that.

    Third, I think instead of handling bans on our own, we should include whoever is available in the decision. It will help to give it more weight when a ban is contested because even if the player complains, more GMs can come forward and say they agree.

    Four, I think we need to stop going into battle with each other over issues. We need to work on discussing more than arguing. If the other person doesn't see your side, try explaining it again. If you still disagree, just agree to disagree. If it's about something serious, bring it up with an admin. For the most part though, it's alright if we don't see eye to eye all the time. One GM might find something a serious offense. I know that I find trolling a serious thing, but I know others don't. Just be willing to step back if you need to, and don't hate the person for having a different opinion. Let it go. *insert cheesy frozen reference.

    fifth, stand up for each other more often. I don't know how many of you saw it, but earlier today in the LM chat, they were all up in arms over some **** who was being mean to Kalenz. It wasn't a big deal, and even Kalenz didnt care, but the others were angry for it. They cared that some one was being mean to their teammate even though it really wasn't true and bothered no one. When we see something being said bad about another GM, we should never step back and let it happen. Get involved in defending them, even if you hate their guts and you disagree with what they've done, you should still defend them against other players.

    We are in a situation that is just like what my parents have always told me. Growing up in a family of ten with eight kids is crazy. Half the time you love your siblings and the other half you hate them. But the only people who I can turn to that really understand what I'm going through with my family are my siblings. We are the best team because we share that in common.

    Same idea goes behind the GM team. Who understands better how annoying Adam Barnett is? Who else understands how frustrating and dramatic cyndicate can be? We are the only ones who will understand exactly what GMship is like right now, and not even Aislin can say he knows what it's like to be a GM with these players and this map and these staff. We are all we've got in that department. We need to stick together.

    So again, I'm sorry for how I acted earlier, but it led to all this and this needed saying. I'd love to hear other suggestions of how we can promote teamwork and friendship within the GMs and I know it will help us to get the job done easier with a team at our backs.

  6. As I have mentioned in a few threads now, I and a few others have been discussing and working together to create a definition of trolling, but since trolling is somewhat difficult to discuss, I am making this thread to ask everyone if they have any thoughts on things that may have been missed and need to be touched on in this definition. So here you are, tell me what you think. 




    Defined first and foremost when interacting over the internet it means to post inflammatory comments or remarks in an attempt to attack, belittle or otherwise gauge a reaction much like a local bully would. However, on LOTC, trolling has taken a slightly different term.
    Trolling In-Game:
    The act of acting out of the norm in a way that breaks the immersion of people around you, such as bringing OOC jokes into serious IC matters. Example: "4.0 BLAZE IT" being repeated over and over in full capitals at an important moment in the story.
    The act of preforming actions in order to annoy, upset and otherwise attack people out of character as well as in game. Such as following someone around and repeating the same actions over and over again directly to their character either vocally or physically with no real IC reason for it. Such as punching someone over and over again when they have clearly told you to stop both ic and oocly. 
    The use of obvious pop culture in IC when it is not appropriate, such as shouting "FUS RO DAH" IC when a dragon turns up even though your character wouldn't know or understand the meaning ic nor would it do anything.
    Trolling on the Forums:
    The act of targeting a group of people with remarks to otherwise upset or belittle players or provoke reaction from them. 
    The act of bringing ooc jokes into important IC situations, such as an important council meeting being held over the forums only for "Random peasant" to run in -somehow- and shout "chicken butt", adding nothing in regards to good rp to the situation.
    The act of preforming social taboos as an indirect attempt to upset others, such as indirectly quoting or using materials from hate references from groups such as the KKK or the Nazis who obviously display their views in public. Using this material otherwise in parody when in a public situation, whether with people directly involved might take it as a 'joke' or not. 
    Posting IC threads that is essentially an ooc in-joke that only you and a couple of others will get that involve belittling or targeting others who do not take kindly to the joke in an attempt to upset them or gauge a reaction from them. These posts can be considered spam as well, and will fall under the spam rules when applicable.
    Trolling and its Relation to Harassment:
    Generally, trolling in some mediums depending on how often it is repeated can be justified and otherwise classified as Harassment, and thus falls under the rules of Harassment.
    When does the Rules of Trolling not Apply?:
    The rules of trolling do not apply when you are merely having a small joke between a select group in private which they are all in on. However this does not extend outside of a private sitting. Conducting these jokes and involving public participants who do not want to be involved or haven't given consent prior is classed as trolling. Note this is referring to when the joke involves other groups or people who are not apart of your circle in a way that is spiteful or to upset them.
    You can do whatever you want around your friends, so long as they consent and play along with the joke. Just don't try to bring others in or target others with such jokes, as they may not take it as well as any of your friends do. What you do in private is entirely up to you, we can't control that. However doing anything said above on LOTC mediums to the general public outside of your social circles counts as trolling. 
    Note that the status bar is an LOTC medium, and thus all rules above apply. 
    Doing something and then claiming that it was "merely a joke" is not a correct reason to do something, jokes can be offensive to others even when you yourself do not see it as being offensive. Be thoughtful of others when conducting your actions on the server, even if they are not a personal friend of yours or are apart of the same group as yours.
    We are a community of roleplayers in a game, there are no true "sides" to take. So long as you remember that the community will continue to flourish.
    What separates a joke from trolling?

    A joke is generally a light hearted en-devour that doesn't directly attempt to target certain people in an attempt to upset them or gauge a reaction that the joker would find pleasure in. Light hearted jokes could include running jokes which everyone is in on and enjoys.
    Trolling however is done directly to gauge a reaction that they would find pleasure in, usually out of spite due to certain events that happened in game that they did not like oocly, and thus started to target those involved for the sakes of personal enjoyment and not for the enjoyment of others. Note this is referring to the enjoyment of one personal clique or group. 
    Examples of some things that are immediately regarded as trolling are as follows.

    Saying or shouting ooc things in the rp channel without marking it ooc.
    Saying or shouting anything with reference to modern technology or tools in the rp channels. ((Which includes shouting without marking it as ooc))
    Saying "so-in-so says this" in order to bring in ooc to an rp thread you would either: not logically know about,would not be involved in, where your post interrupts the rp, or with request from anyone participating in that thread, particularly the thread OP.

    Jumping into another channel on teamspeak to play loud music, scream, shout, or make any unusual sound, or use an audio file.
    It is up to the moderators in charge of the report or who are reading it whether they see it as trolling as well as up to the one being trolled against. If they conflict another moderator should be called in. Ultimately, though, it is up to the one being trolled whether it is dismissed and it is up to the moderator if it is acknowledged. This also means if you do one of the automatic trolling things listed above and the one it is done against is fine with it it is considered a joke. (However, the first and second ones do NOT change due to who is around you. It is still considered trolling.)) So just make sure you have the right audience. 

  7. Aye, but you'll never be a GM again laddie. Ya know why? Cuz yer a filthy potato who don't know what 'e is!




    I don't think that being strict makes for a good teacher, I know sometimes I did great in strict teachers' classes and sometimes did horrible. Same with easy, nice teachers. Likewise, school =/= LotC, we shouldn't treat it as nearly as serious a thing. Sorry to hear about the less than ideal stuff going on in your life though, that's really unfortunate :./ best of luck!

    I understand it doesn't always apply, and it's a situation in one place with these certain students from this demographic, I just feel that a lot of times in these sort of popularity contest like posts it does. "So - in - so gave me this so I like them" "So-in - so banned my friend so I hate them" and so on.

  8. Just gonna put this here as an example of real life figures of authority and their work... and granted I realize that in some situations it won't apply the same... but my mother was a teacher at my middle school when I was younger, and while working there she pointed something out to me. She had earned some silly school based "Favorite Teacher of the Eight Grade" award or something, and she pointed out that she doubted that most of the students remembered half a word of what she had said to them in class. Why? She was very nice, and didn't like to make them mad at her, and as a result they pretty much ignored her the entire class. The students in her eighth grade classes has some of the worst grades in the school and she had had to force extra credit and put it in EVERYTHING so her students could pass. Meanwhile, the eighth grade math teacher, who was generally regarded as the worst teacher you could ever get, had a class of A students who rarely, if ever, spoke in class, and paid alarm full attention to the teacher and the board constantly. Why? Because she would smack rulers on desks if you fell asleep, would take points away from your grade if you looked anywhere but at the board or at her, and NEVER offered extra credit. Yet almost all of her students aced her classes.

    So honestly, whether this really applies to LOTC perfectly or not, I feel like if a GM has a bad status from a few people, it's probably because they did their job, not because they are bad at it. I understand that some are more fair about that, but it's how I see things a lot of times. Sometimes in order to get the point across we have to be firmer, and I have certainly been trying to do that as best I can.

    Granted, a lot of people have marked me down because I am not active, and I sincerely regret that. Between trying to work two jobs, having no Internet at home and my computer decided to break a month after buying it... I'm going through a rough patch of life and I apologize. But I do try to at least get online for the two hours allowed by my local library to get on each day. I am doing the best I can to get these issues resolved but they're not easy, and I'm sorry to those who are suffering because of it.

  9. Alright, I think this has honestly gone far enough. This is just getting worse and worse so I think we're done here. Helpinghands, if you would like to see if this lore can be approved onto the server, then make an ideas lore post about it before just making a guild. that was there is a public record of the GM and the LM that said you could do this, and then you can continue. For now, I'm locking this. If you really feel the need to keep arguing, take it to PMs please. 

  10. I've actually been working with a few players and as many moderators who have given time to go over a nicely fleshed out definition of exactly what trolling is so that we can say with a fair amount of exactness what is considered trolling. Due to unfortunate internet connections I have had a hard time working on it the past few days, but if you'd like to see what we have so far, feel free to send a pm.

  11. Alright, for a long time now as I'm sure many of you know, I have been seriously advocating trying to find a definition of trolling that will make it so we can recognize trolling without having to worry if it is just a joke or what not.

    A short while ago I issued a challenge to some of the players who were angry about the excess trolling - which I admit has been getting less lately - and asked them to come up with a good definition of trolling. Only one got back to me (Blundermore) and since when I talk in Skype people haven't all been noticing what I say, I figure this is a good way for everyone to see it and to share opinions.

    This is what Blundermore sent me regarding a proper definition of trolling.



    Defined first and foremost when interacting over the internet it means to post inflammatory comments or remarks in an attempt to attack, belittle or otherwise gauge a reaction much like a local bully would. However, on LOTC, trolling has taken a slightly different term.


    Trolling In-Game:

    The act of acting out of the norm in a way that breaks the immersion of people around you, such as bringing OOC jokes into serious IC matters. Example: "4.0 BLAZE IT" being repeated over and over in full capitals at an important moment in the story.


    The act of preforming actions in order to annoy, upset and otherwise attack people out of character as well as in game. Such as following someone around and repeating the same actions over and over again directly to their character either vocally or physically with no real IC reason for it. Such as punching someone over and over again when they have clearly told you to stop both ic and oocly. 


    The use of obvious pop culture in IC when it is not appropriate, such as shouting "FUS RO DAH" IC when a dragon turns up even though your character wouldn't know or understand the meaning ic nor would it do anything.


    Trolling on the Forums:

    The act of targeting a group of people with remarks to otherwise upset or belittle players or provoke reaction from them. 


    The act of bringing ooc jokes into important IC situations, such as an important council meeting being held over the forums only for "Random peasant" to run in -somehow- and shout "chicken butt", adding nothing in regards to good rp to the situation.


    The act of preforming social taboos as an indirect attempt to upset others, such as indirectly quoting or using materials from hate references from groups such as the KKK or the Nazis who obviously display their views in public. Using this material otherwise in parody when in a public situation, whether with people directly involved might take it as a 'joke' or not. 


    Posting IC threads that is essentially an ooc in-joke that only you and a couple of others will get that involve belittling or targeting others who do not take kindly to the joke in an attempt to upset them or gauge a reaction from them. These posts can be considered spam as well, and will fall under the spam rules when applicable.


    Trolling and its Relation to Harassment:

    Generally, trolling in some mediums depending on how often it is repeated can be justified and otherwise classified as Harassment, and thus falls under the rules of Harassment.


    When does the Rules of Trolling not Apply?:

    The rules of trolling do not apply when you are merely having a small joke between a select group in private which they are all in on. However this does not extend outside of a private sitting. Conducting these jokes and involving public participants who do not want to be involved or haven't given consent prior is classed as trolling. Note this is referring to when the joke involves other groups or people who are not apart of your circle in a way that is spiteful or to upset them.


    You can do whatever you want around your friends, so long as they consent and play along with the joke. Just don't try to bring others in or target others with such jokes, as they may not take it as well as any of your friends do. What you do in private is entirely up to you, we can't control that. However doing anything said above on LOTC mediums to the general public outside of your social circles counts as trolling. 


    Note that the status bar is an LOTC medium, and thus all rules above apply. 



    Doing something and then claiming that it was "merely a joke" is not a correct reason to do something, jokes can be offensive to others even when you yourself do not see it as being offensive. Be thoughtful of others when conducting your actions on the server, even if they are not a personal friend of yours or are apart of the same group as yours.

    We are a community of roleplayers in a game, there are no true "sides" to take. So long as you remember that the community will continue to flourish.


    What separates a joke from trolling?

    A joke is generally a light hearted en-devour that doesn't directly attempt to target certain people in an attempt to upset them or gauge a reaction that the joker would find pleasure in. Light hearted jokes could include running jokes which everyone is in on and enjoys.

    Trolling however is done directly to gauge a reaction that they would find pleasure in, usually out of spite due to certain events that happened in game that they did not like oocly, and thus started to target those involved for the sakes of personal enjoyment and not for the enjoyment of others. Note this is referring to the enjoyment of one personal clique or group. 


    Examples of some things that are immediately regarded as trolling are as follows.

    Saying or shouting ooc things in the rp channel without marking it ooc.

    Using excessive ooc. (Definition of excessive is up to the moderators.)

    Saying or shouting anything modern in the rp channels.

    Saying "so-in-so says this" in order to bring in ooc to an rp thread you would not know anything about, would not be involved in, where your post interrupts the rp, or with request from anyone participating in that thread, particularly the thread op.

    Jumping into another channel on teamspeak to play loud music, scream, shout, or make any unusual sound, or an audio file when it interrupts conversation.



    It is up to the moderators in charge of the report or who are reading it whether they see it as trolling as well as up to the one being trolled against. If they conflict another moderator should be called in. Ultimately, though, it is up to the one being trolled. This also means if you do one of the automatic trolling things listed above and the one it is done against is fine with it it is considered a joke. So just make sure you have the right audience.

  12. Anyways, here is the list of settlements that will be offered the option of PvP flags (any protected region will be offered the flag in 4.0):

    • Kaldonia (Humans)
    • Vekaro (Humans)
    • Kal’Arkon (Dwarves + Alras)
    • Haelun’or (High Elves + Dark Elves + Kharajyr)
    • Krughanistan (Orcs)
    • Lin'ame (Wood Elves)
    • Ivybend (Halflings)

    The Nations Leaders of these settlements should modreq to get their region created.

    - P-p-p-p-p-p-p-p-p- Aduniaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

    Shhh, silence Tape. Everyone knows Adunia doesn't actually exist.

    With this, I am gone until 4.0

    Honestly, after a huge raid on a SMALL village at the VERY EDGE of the map, which broke so many rules without any punishment, I am tired of raids. I moved AWAY from other cities to avoid conflict rp like this. I can not sit on this server knowing if someone who has an OOC dislike for me, can bring all of OREN on my head in a SMALL village as often as he wants.

    I play to relax and get away from the stress of real life. Not to come on here and wonder if I see a raiding party camping my SS pillar at my home.

    You misunderstand, Jade. Now you can move back to cities that won't allow pvp. It's to bring rp closer together.

    You all need to read the whole post and think about it before Rittsy starts posting ridiculous memes

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