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Status Replies posted by Battal

  1. 2 days left to live. And I never even knew what it was like when it snowed on Christmas.

  2. Hawks modpack is letting me down... Why do I have to push the Escape key to get out of chat?

    1. Battal



      Follow these steps:

      1. Go to %appdata%

      2. After go to .minecraft

      3. Go find a program called, "optionsVR"

      4. Open it

      5. Change "KeepChatOpen" to false.


    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  3. My app is up right now! WISH ME LUCK!!! ! ! ! !!!! ! ! ! !!!! ! ! ! !

    1. Battal


      Thank you

      Thank you

      *Gives $50.00 "Where's My Change?"

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  4. It is so annoying waiting until i can post my new and improved app. -sigh- i felt like this on all my other denied ones, but i know for sure, this one will be the ultimate superior app that i will create!!!! ! ! !

  5. One does not simply go to bed without lurking on the forums.

    1. Battal


      One does not simply stop saying these one does not simply jokes

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  6. Got my 3rd app denied, it was in between good and bad for a little i can almost taste getting accepted, i am getting closer, and i will never ever give up!!!!

  7. Got denied twice, i am gonna be able to make a new app at 4:48 A.M. Wish me luck!!!

  8. Got denied twice, i am gonna be able to make a new app at 4:48 A.M. Wish me luck!!!

  9. Is the server getting ddos'd again?

    1. Battal


      Zakanater19 is owner! THIS IS HAMACHI! THAT MEANS IT ISN'T 24/7!!! That's a lie huh?

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

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