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Everything posted by Battal

  1. Hey guys the world ended yesterday xD

    1. Scipp3r
    2. argonian


      If you dig deep enough into the earth, it's still the 21st. Time passes slower nearer to the centre of the earth.

  2. chuckaboooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

  3. It... feels.. so.... much......... different w-w-with.... out........ hawk's modpack...

  4. A villain shaman swordsman, very highly respected in the lands of the War Nation

  5. This is my dream character

  6. Can't wait to make a VA app, and also be a shaman, both at the same time, that is what I dream to be

    1. Cappy


      A VA app? You have to apply to make a VA now? Q.Q

  7. Nevermind

    It says, I have no profile comments on my thingy, and then it says, why not say hello? so I literally pu- omg I am talking to myself

  8. Anyone know where I can find the Orc Dictionary, been searchin' for it, :/, and if you are going to give me the link, please tell me where you found it, because I am looking forward to finding it myself next time. :|

    1. Miquill


      Cloud Temple Library, I forget where it is on the forums

    2. AllenTheGreat
  9. My app is accepted! I knew if I never gave up, I will be playing this server! and would you look at that, I really am playing on this server while this is posted! :D

    1. Jchizz


      Congrats! Welcome to LOTC! :)

    2. Guest



  10. My app is up right now! WISH ME LUCK!!! ! ! ! !!!! ! ! ! !!!! ! ! ! !

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. EpicSmith


      May the force be with you Harry - Gandalf

    3. Slic3man


      This is me wishing you luck, though it is a trial offer. Should you want to keep this luck and or have the full version of this luck, you must purchase the rest of said luck wishing. I assure you the $49.99 you pay for it will be much worth your money.

    4. Battal


      Thank you

      Thank you

      *Gives $50.00 "Where's My Change?"

  11. It is so annoying waiting until i can post my new and improved app. -sigh- i felt like this on all my other denied ones, but i know for sure, this one will be the ultimate superior app that i will create!!!! ! ! !

    1. EmeraldStag


      Good Luck, and I hope you get accepted!!!! ! !

    2. Battal
  12. Battal


    Thank you for the suggestions, I have a question, usually after I watch a certain series of a show, and completely get obsessed with it, I, for some reasons, can only watch a show that has relations to it, I call it the show flu, for example, I recently watched the show ouran hoghschool host club, this show had fighting but at a tiny amount, so let's get to the point, my question is, do you have any show that has these aspects:...... Love, comedy. I am going to be very picky, I want a show, not so gloomy, I took a look at soul eater, that's very gloomy, I want a very happy comedic, love set, I would like to know if you have a show like that I KNOW I AM VERY PICKY BEAR WITH ME. So if you have any show that involves those aspects I will very much appreciate it I you told me, if you don't, that's ok, because I am being very picky right now, sorry for the pickyness!!! Ty for reason @Albattal :D
  13. Got my 3rd app denied, it was in between good and bad for a little i can almost taste getting accepted, i am getting closer, and i will never ever give up!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Ancora (pandalex12)

      Ancora (pandalex12)

      Hint: Try to give as much detail as possible whilst keeping in real-life boundaries.

    3. Pnoynoy


      Lovely to see this kind of statuses! Keep working on it!

    4. Battal


      Thanks guuys :)

  14. Battal


  15. Battal


    Over the past time these days my love for anime has taken over me, I would like suggestions for very good anime shows My anime show taste (you will need to know this to give me suggestions for a anime show): Avatar: The last airbender Legend of korra DragonBallZ MY FAVORITE ANIME IN THE HISTORY OF MY ANIME THOUGHT COLLECTION............. Ouran highschool host club Why do I like avatar?: fighting everywhere, a little bit of love and emotion across every corner Why do I like legend of korra?: extremely emotional, good fighting (not the best) Why do I like dragonballz?: amazing fighting, great storyline, very detailed, lots of episodes WHY DO I ABSOLUTELY LOVE OURAN HIGHSCHOOL HOST CLUB?: Ok listen I understand ouran is also show for girls, because of the guys in the show,I like it because of the emotion, love, fighting, dedication, comedy, and it is amazing, it really dazzled me when I saw it, and I wish I could erase my memory and start the series over. It just has every good aspect it needs :D Shows I am planning to watch from YouTube suggestions (by the way ouran came to me by a YouTube suggestion): Full metal alchemist, Naruto, Fruits Basket, Vampire knight (or night I forgot which way the series was spelled), deathnote, these are the ones I am planning to watch, other suggestions besides these will be appreciated THANK YOU!!! Please reply I need your suggestions!!! REMEMBER I AM A GUY, I don't want a show completely for girls! No this is done lol!! :D
  16. Got denied twice, i am gonna be able to make a new app at 4:48 A.M. Wish me luck!!!

  17. I am talking with you on TeamSpeak right now! :D

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