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Status Replies posted by Tayelikel

  1. 4 hours later i still have a problem on the server

  2. Would being ordered to lie to a group of people require a VA?

  3. My half orc- Elphaba just had her first taste of bloodlust..hmmm this is gonna be intresting :3

  4. Im looking for someone to play my half orc childs mom (a elf) hmmm anyone intrested?

  5. Im looking for someone to play my half orc childs mom (a elf) hmmm anyone intrested?

  6. Im looking for someone to play my half orc childs mom (a elf) hmmm anyone intrested?

  7. Im looking for someone to play my half orc childs mom (a elf) hmmm anyone intrested?

  8. Shoot acales been banished from the ugz....If illera is kidnapped again...cccraappp thats gonna be a problem x.x

  9. the temp server has issues but i like it. i have found alot of good rp, and battles. im acctually enjoying it

  10. Any girls out there intresting in playing my daughter? a 7 year old half orc? i NEED someone to play her

  11. Any girls out there intresting in playing my daughter? a 7 year old half orc? i NEED someone to play her

  12. Any girls out there intresting in playing my daughter? a 7 year old half orc? i NEED someone to play her

  13. I need to find another lera, i need to find the right one. the first lera was perfect, save for the lack of rp time with her, the 2nd didnt take it seriosly and now i need someone who can have the time, and the skill to play her

  14. What is Panda to do today... She is not the red queen nor the rabbit !! * sighs* Panda guesses she will need to improvise..

  15. Hmmm my muse of writing has spoken to me, and it says to write a book baised on acaeles life and adventures

  16. Acaeles life now: Has Illera and autumn, mercy and shartos are on there own but on good terms with her again, and she finnally has her life back from the orc troubles :) .....Raevyn: At 5 years old shes learning alot from her brother who is quickly taking a father role in her life due to her biologiclal father being gone alot of most time Scarlet: A peaceful child still learning and growing up

  17. So the orcs took my half orc daughter and acaele has a plan to get her back, shouild see put it into effect, and it works, would i need a VA for 'Kidnapping' or if lera comes willingly will i not need one at all

  18. So the orcs took my half orc daughter and acaele has a plan to get her back, shouild see put it into effect, and it works, would i need a VA for 'Kidnapping' or if lera comes willingly will i not need one at all

  19. So the orcs took my half orc daughter and acaele has a plan to get her back, shouild see put it into effect, and it works, would i need a VA for 'Kidnapping' or if lera comes willingly will i not need one at all

  20. Going to have to find someone else to play my daughter now...Blah.

  21. Going to have to find someone else to play my daughter now...Blah.

  22. Meh... I feel depressed...

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