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Posts posted by Knightei

  1. Chaq & Skiddles make sense, all their points do.


    Except for the war team re-emergence. The only way to solve that is to have an individual from each MAJOR nation. The problem with that is, that any high ranker would go to each other's throats. Which is why /if/ this would be done, the nations would have to pick (or put forwards a selection of people) of lesser known individuals, who have clean slates and have never been dragged into OOC bloodshed. This may be difficult for some races, however it's a suggestion I make.


    Also: Warfronts +1

  2. I have only one wish and purpose for this topic, and that is to ask where all of the White Rose topics and related items.

    I'd like to see some impact of one of the most memorable groups of the server, but I can't find anything about us.


    Thanks in advance.

    The clan gathered at the Motte fort, and cheered at the sight of it, the wooden palisade upon showing how far they've come. From peasants to nobility.
    Robert clapped his brother on the back, the Earl grinning like a boy. "Come lads! Les' go up 'dere and celebrate!" The men charged up to the fort and sat on the grass under the frame of the unfinished donjon.
    The ale started to flow, as the Adunians cheered throughout the night.
    Then Reilly, the brute of the MacRoss decided to commit Kirk's dare. The clan gathered underneath a support and started to cheer as he attempted to lift it. Then, they stopped.
    The support was uprooted, and Reilly's strength was obvious, but it wasn't really thought through. The support topples, bringing the entire support crumbling down upon their heads.
    The MacRoss was Ended.
    And let it be known, that the Motte of MacRoss shall be a site of plight.
    (( Basically the entire clan has been Pk'd due to the fact that our main characters are becoming more demanding. It's been a good run guys. ))
  4. Hi Guys,


    In this shortened version although both sides took losses and damage the Blackmonts have the initiative for the next warclaim giving at a minor victory to the Blackmonts. This is due to the fact while their keep was heavily damaged it was also not taken or destroyed and the siege is broken from flank attack that happened towards the end of the siege helms deep style.




    Hope this clears things up,



    Borric cheers, "FOR T'EH MINOR VICTOREH!"

  5. Borric cheers with the rest of his Order, remembering the times when Horen crushed his enemies with a fraction of the force of the Empire.


    "Long live t'eh God Emporah! Long live t'eh Empire!"


    He yells this as he prepares his gear, for he will be needed with the large armies of his Brethren.


    They do this not because they need.


    But because they can.

  6. Upon walking through the Westerlands, you notice a new sight. One that was not there before hand.

    The oaken log raises 9 ft into the air, the once mighty tree simply cut down and stuck into the ground, stuck into earth without its protruding leaves and branches. Also, upon further inspection, it seems that the log has some glossy covering. Varnish it seems for as rugged a thing this is obviously it was engineered to appear as this, to appeal to a group of certain individuals.

    Currently, the post now one simple and thick square nail, forged from the crudest, and worse quality iron you can possibly find. But the more interesting thing, was what was upon this nail. It is infact a square and yellowish sheet of vellum, animal hide used for writing which is more durable than paper. The contents of this parchment is the most striking thing however of this whole venture.

    It is a Bounty.

    For Criminals.

    For Bounty Hunters and the like.

    The current bounty upon the board looks like this:



    ((Note: If you manage to successfully fulfill a contract, to prove you killed him, you must provide a screenshots of confronting and killing him. If you capture them alive or plan to, I recommend pm'ing me so we can organize a date and time for me to on as well as yourself. I am a GMT player just in warning. ))

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