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Posts posted by Knightei

  1. dscf2569.jpg

    Borric Rises from his prayers, the smell of incense heavy in the air.

    So this is what it has came to.

    The thought came to him from from the back of his mind, making his way up the mountain lopes to the Lion Fort.

    The exhale and inhale of air grows louder the higher he goes, vertigo sending his head dizzy. Borric looks up at the Fort, looking at the Orcish architecture. They took this by force.


    He meanders through the camp, weaving inbetween the other Knights, all of which of Higher Rank or Richer than he.

    Borric was a poor knight, but that didn't matter. For Duty is more important. Duty until death.

    He reached his modest tent, large enough for his bunk, armour and room to get into it. But nothing else.

    He Needed nothing else.

    He starts to take the armour off its stand. The Breastplate scarred and worked over, and over. It has seen much action.

    Borric's fingers fumble with the straps, adding each successive piece of steel onto his large body, finally taking up his bastard sword.

    He owned full plate as a reward of Service. Borric Tyrus was a Knight. And a dangerous one at that.


    The march of the Lion started, the Many Knights leaping atop their horses.

    Borric owned no Horse.

    He didn't need one to kill.

  2. Cheating on me with a male goblin

    ((The goblin part is not true, but she was told as such so it is rped as such. No making fun of Adore :P. ))

    ((Actually, I think it was still a female goblin, I may/may not have been speaking to him at the time.))

    Borric sighs at this news, being told inside his tent at the Lion Fort. He leans forwards slightly, towards his bed, and rests his head on the heavy woolen side of the small tent.

    "Adorellan was always more headstrong than what he had sense. He was a fool at times... Nevertheless, I have a duty to fulfill farewell Adorellan."

    Borric resumes looking for his tunic, to fold it for the journeys to come.

  3. Borric looks at the letter, rubbing his beard slightly, wondering what to write. When he finally decides, he writes on a piece of yellowed parchment, the black writing slightly scraggly due to the below par handwriting.

    I Borric Tyrus, am a Knights Errant of the Chapter, being recently Knighted by the Grand Knight Uthor after serving as his squire for numerous years. Before that I served in the Lances, ending at Master-at-Arms, being with them for ten years.

    Name: Borric Tyrus

    Race: Human

    Age: 27

    Skills: Adept user of Swords, Maces and Axes; Adequate Archer; Unwavering Loyalty

    Rank: Knight Errant

  4. Borric stands at the side of the court room, brooding over the current going on. He glances to the gilded doors, his blue eyes glancing at the newcomer. He is about to look back down but he looks back at him, not believing what he is seeing. 'This man died' Borric thought, uncomfortable with the new badge of Sheriff-hood on his chest. He watches Charles as he advances, remembering this man started his ascent to his current Offices, of a Knight of Oren and a Sheriff of the Capital. Borric stands and slowly paces the side of the room, following him as he walks forwards, halting near the throne, observing what will unfold.

  5. I'd personally like the multiverse plugin to be finished sooner, so we can mine more minerals like lapis and redstone, without having the risk of running into diamonds. Currently, if any one bothers to look, the entire maps is near enough hollowed out by massive mining parties ran by the nations, and some of my friends have jested that you can walk from the orcs to the dwarves without seeing the light of day. The mining of Elysium was a mess, and I'd like to see it rectified.

    Also, I'd like to see more restriction on building, as many a time I saw a castle being thrown up and occupied by two people, when it could house twenty. The elves, dwarves and orcs haven't done this, but I look to my own race, of the Orenians. We could do with a main city, a couple of forts and possibly a second village. Nether the less, I hope this map brings fun.

  6. Application:

    Mc Name- assassinmaster56

    Rp Name- Corvo Dracaena

    Age- 14, young but good with a blade

    Old Jobs and Work- None

    Skills for odd jobs? (Mining/Lumberjacking/Etc)- He is a decent medic and he is good with a blade.

    Weapon of Choice and ye mastery with that? (Weapon Skill lvl)I have a dagger that he uses.

    Why do ye wish to Join the Lances? I want to help the good people of Oren and become a lance. I want to help in wars and take the enemy's down to make Oren a safer place.

    Do ye take the Oath-needed- Yes, I do

    I Corvo Dracaena pledge my Weapon, my knowledge and life to the Knightly order of the Red Dragon. And Swear my allegiance to Emperor Godfrey Horen and His Line of Succession. I shall serve the King, Order and Oren with undying loyalty and will do all that I can to keep them from harm.I will always complete a quest given to me by my king, Knight and Kingdom. I swear to protect its people and to stay true to the order and obey its ways and laws.

    [Name], you have been accepted into the lances, travel to New Oren's Capital and seek out the Barracks by The Armoury and Holy Arms. Seek me, Ser Borric Tyrus, Commander of the Lances, for your tasks and bunk.

    Ser Tyrus, Knight of the Holy Order of Red Dragon, Chapter Lion.

  7. Mc Name-hbergren1999

    Rp Name-William Arcuarius


    Old Jobs and Work-n/a

    Skills for odd jobs? (Mining/Lumberjacking/Etc)- I can mine, and I can cut wood

    Weapon of Choice and ye mastery with that? (Weapon Skill lvl)I am a good archer(1), and I have room to improve on using the sword(1).

    Why do ye wish to Join the Lances?I wish to join the Lances to build upon the principles I was taught at a young age and fight and protect my homeland. I wish to honor those who have fought for Oren by protecting it. I wish to serve a higher cause than just beating back ruffians all alone, I wish to be part of a group and fight as such.

    Do ye take the Oath-needed-

    Oath: I William Arcuarius pledge my Weapon, my knowledge and life to the Knightly order of the Red Dragon. And Swear my allegiance to Emperor Godfrey Horen and His Line of Succession. I shall serve the King, Order and Oren with undying loyalty and will do all that I can to keep them from harm.I will always complete a quest given to me by my king, Knight and Kingdom. I swear to protect its people and to stay true to the order and obey its ways and laws.



    Mc Name- Skytt1995

    Rp Name- Wellington

    Age- 56

    Old Jobs and Work- Guardsman, farmer

    Skills for odd jobs? N/A

    Why do ye wish to Join the Lances? I wishes to return into the military district and yet again serve and protect my kinsmen.

    Do ye take the Oath-needed- I pledge my life and my blind loyalty.

    I Welling pledge my Weapon, my knowledge and life to the Knightly order of the Red Dragon. And Swear my allegiance to Emperor Godfrey Horen and His Line of Succession. I shall serve the King, Order and Oren with undying loyalty and will do all that I can to keep them from harm.I will always complete a quest given to me by my king, Knight and Kingdom. I swear to protect its people and to stay true to the order and obey its ways and laws.

    Oren Lance Application

    MC Name - DatSevir

    RP Name - Jonathan Sevir

    Age - 22

    Old Jobs and Work - None, though I'm certainly capable of taking care of any menial labor set before me in service of Oren.

    Skills for odd jobs? - N/A

    Weapon of Choice and ye mastery with that? - I prefer to use a blade when in combat. I'd say my skill level is around that of an adept. I've been training for nearly four years now, with guidance from my father.

    Why do ye wish to Join the Lances? - The life of the military has been a long tradition within my family bloodline (The Sevirs). My father and his as well both served honorably within the Empire as lances to the Emperor. My great grandfather also served the grand kingdom of Al'Khazar during the times of Aegis and the Undead wars. Now that I am of age, it is my turn to take the mantle of becoming a soldier in protection of my kinsmen and country.

    Do ye take the Oath-needed?

    I, Jonathan Sevir, pledge my weapon, my knowledge and life to the Knightly order of the Red Dragon. And swear my allegiance to Emperor Godfrey Horen and His Line of Succession. I shall serve the King, Order and Oren with undying loyalty and will do all that I can to keep them from harm. I will always complete a quest given to me by my king, Knight and Kingdom. I swear to protect its people and to stay true to the order and obey its ways and laws.


    Mc Name- AllegedlyBored

    Rp Name- Cylius Steele

    Age- 14

    Old Jobs and Work- N/A

    Skills for odd jobs? (Mining/Lumberjacking/Etc)- N/A

    Weapon of Choice and ye mastery with that? (Weapon Skill lvl) Sword and Bow, the art of swordsmanship has been in my blood forever, I have fought off many threats to the empire.

    Why do ye wish to Join the Lances? I wish to fight for the glory of the Holy Empire of Oren and preserve and protect the status quo which has been established here with the colonization of Asulon.

    Do ye take the Oath-needed-

    I Cylius Steele pledge my Weapon, my knowledge and life to the Knightly order of the Red Dragon. And Swear my allegiance to Emperor Godfrey Horen and His Line of Succession. I shall serve the King, Order and Oren with undying loyalty and will do all that I can to keep them from harm.I will always complete a quest given to me by my king, Knight and Kingdom. I swear to protect its people and to stay true to the order and obey its ways and laws.

    Thomas leaves an application form in((where-ever we would put these)).


    ((Mc Name: james2k))

    Rp Name: My name is Thomas.

    Age: I am 25

    Old jobs and work: I used to gather wood for my family back in the Wilds. I am a decent lumberjack. I have also been an Elendil Bannerman for many years, and I am a great fighter because of that

    Skills for odd jobs? (Mining/Lumberjacking/Etc): As I said, I am a decent lumberjack.

    Weapon of Choice and ye mastery with that? ((Weapon Skill lvl)): I am a master at swordsmanship.

    Why do ye wish to join the Lances?: I wish to serve my home, Oren, as my ancestors did before me.

    Do ye take the Oath-needed:

    I Thomas pledge my Weapon, my knowledge and life to the Knightly order of the Red Dragon. And Swear my allegiance to Emperor Godfrey Horen and His Line of Succession. I shall serve the King, Order and Oren with undying loyalty and will do all that I can to keep them from harm. I will always complete a quest given to me by my king, Knight and Kingdom. I swear to protect its people and to stay true to the order and obey its ways and laws.

    A response is given to each application:

    [Name], you have been accepted into the lances, travel to New Oren's Capital and seek out the Barracks by The Armoury and Holy Arms. Seek me, Squire Borric Tyrus, Master-at-Arms of the Lances, for your tasks and bunk.

    Squire Tyrus, Squire to the Grand Knight of Oren, Uthor Silverblade.

  8. Borric reads this intently, face set in stone. He lets out a snarl, saying the words:

    "The Empire has armies. The order of the White Rose, and the Lances of Oren.

    What is to happen to them I wonder? The Roses are fine, but the Lances? My Lances? We're being ignored again, given to support as normal. What is to our duties if not Army? I'm not degenerating the men to a simple Guard force! A pox on it all!"

  9. MC Name: Knightei


    IC Name Katarina Vuln

    IC Race: Elf

    What can you bring the Black Dawn and how does this benefit us?(talents, skills, etc)

    Previous sailing experience, aboard ships of the Pirating kind too. Also I am skilled in the use of a cutlass.

    Why do you wish to join the Black Dawn?: I seek a crew that's worth they're salt, and to actually get along with some pirating!

    Are you willing to prove yourself to your captain upon acceptance? Aye, aye and aye.

    Sign your name here:

    Katarina Vuln


    Links to accepted VAs or Minor VAs: Here

    Skype name: Would prefer not to use skype, but I can provide if needed.

  10. Squire Borric stands still as a statue during the wedding, bedecked in his uniform armour, watching over the events by the door. He smiles briefly beneath his helm as the wedding comes to a close and he follows the nobles to the ball room, following his Master into the room.

  11. Ok, just injecting myself into this ever so slightly, the first of which is to mention to Yayfunfunfun6's snipped post & how Mogroka reacted to the first point. He had heard, as I had told him. I experience a mass of poisonous spiders spawned on top of my head, with no role play emote at all while in the Caverns after the Mori had died. I then questioned Dusk to find out that she had emoted, but to the others in Caverns, who happened to be around about... 50 blocks away, so I had no idea this was happening, until I heard 'S*** Run!' on Team speak, and then getting killed. No I have no screenshots, as I wish not to actually complain, as speaking to Dusk afterwards, I was dealt civilly, I may have not been refunded of the items I lost, but I was satisfied by her mistake and how she dealt with it, so I hold no quarrel with her.

    Jroy96 - Well done, I can't think of a better person to get the job.

    Rhia - From the ten seconds I have interacted with you, you seem to be up for the job

    Dusk - Well done also, and congratulations. (On a more lighthearted side, your personal stalker would be thrilled to hear this)

  12. Well, it seems that the majority of the server didn't enjoy themselves, however in Alantopia (an actual village) was enjoying our role play... There was about 20 of us there at the time the server was taken down. I was enjoying myself, and many others were. Now I think that the poll to bring it down was rushed. In that half the players didn't even know it existed until the server was pulled down. You could of asked us all to vote quickly beforehand. Also, while we're at it, myself and a few other individuals did get INCREDIBLY annoyed when an unnamed GM spawned three wither bosses on Alantopia. This also needs to be restricted on, before those GMs give LOTC a bad name.

    Back on topic however, as I believe that the spawn was dominated by Wandering souls PvPing. This was the same with the last temp server, and we managed then.

    Interpret this at your will.

  13. Incredibly well put Kais, however, if you've ever read the Riftwar Chronicles by Raymond E. Fiest, one of the races on that has a game much like this, but on a much more extreme scale. On one of the offshoots of this series of books, the Empire Trilogy, and entire noble family is slaughtered in an attack, but they're rivals come in and win for their side moments afterwards.

    And to note on Parizal's comment about soldiers also playing the game, they really, really are. As one of them is me. Indeed the Emperor is the only true player... But what if he dies? Then many pawns become players in their own rights. But nevertheless your theory is correct slightly, but I think not as extreme as you've said (from what I've seen that is). But gratz on writing this!

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