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  1. Aww Skippy will have to wait for his ale..

  2. Sorry about the double post, my comp lagged out.

  3. Dieing from friggin anticipation? Will Bock be accepted?

    1. Bockus


      Found out in our next episode!

    2. Bockus


      Found out in our next episode!

    3. Zayden (Znes6)
  4. I'm finally affected by the skindaster...

    1. Bockus


      Or Stevedemic,Skinpocalyspe,the shedskin,the Skinning,the zombie stevepocalyspe.

  5. Alright... Its a grapefruit not a pineapple, but noone has to hear that.

  6. Lives in a pinapple under the sea.

    1. Nworb Mas
    2. Samoblivion


      Seriously, who's giving out my address!?

  7. Now... how do birdies work...

  8. I'm recieving alot of help and support from the community, Hopfully I can get this done right soon.

  9. Applicationator, destroyed... messed up on the questions.

  10. Applicationator Deployed! Prepare server joinination!

    1. EmeraldStag


      Ha ha, hope you get accepted~

    2. loakmendbe
  11. School has delayed my application a bit, but its almost done.

  12. I'm glad I've got supportive commentors,I'll be submitting my app today.

  13. After school I'll craft another application form,maybe study the lore a bit more.

    1. Raptorious


      Thats the spirit. Dont worry, you'll be accepted in no time.

    2. Slic3man


      With that attitude you should be at it in no time my friend, good luck!

  14. Thanks for supporting me!

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