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Posts posted by Jachnun

  1. Cederick addresses Tylos


    I was unlawfully blamed for the death of a Bishop. From that, without a chance to speak, I was banished.

    I do not seek power. I see reform. That is not being power hungry.

    How is Oren Oppressive?

    It seeks to control every corner of Athera, and control each of its subjects as they please.

    Their judicial system is corrupt, as I have experienced first hand, luckily escaping.

    And their leaders stand by and actively encourage the practising of these acts.

    I merely counter attacked Oren to ensure at least One voice of reason spoke in the wilderness."

    Branaford hears of this saying, "I am not a bishop! Just a priest who almost got killed 3 times by you! And as for your ignorant and scarce allegations against the judicial system? What defense would you have had? You are an ill-minded nordlord as witty as my toddler of a nephew with the ambition of a snake. There have been witnesses of you shaming the kingdom publicly by addressing the grand council in times of war suing for peace in name of the Commonwealth claiming you have been sent by the privy which you I am afraid to say were not apart of, thus feeding onto the allegations of you cooperating with the stout king." 

  2. ((Date was 3 weeks ago sometime.))
    [DAY] of [MONTH], the Year of His Falling [YEAR]
    First Priest: Branaford of Cavan.
    Sermon: Sermon on Saint Siegmund. 
    Location: Petrus. 
    Other Clergy in Attendance: N/A



    There were two schismatics present in the Mass, the priest felt it would be appropriate to do a sermon on Saint Siegmund the exalted listing his accomplishments during his lifetime as well as his importance to the faith and humanity as a whole. 

  3. If you are actually leaving I really did not like you as an admin found you quite incompetent compared to others, a failed community admin which the job has been done better by the successor (sky) a job that can be done quite well by a lot of people if you actually tried, which you actually did not. You were a perfect example of what an admin shouldn't be, for example your "This isn't a democracy." speech basically implying you were a demigod amongst the players, thinking you were above when you were really quite useless and incompetent in the eyes of GMs players alike. 


    Either way as a person I hold no grudge against you its a game but this is just some criticism for the future, have a good life i'm sure you'll do better than you did well and hopefully you will live a long and happy life! 


    A puzzled Branaford would look over to the casket of the late Bishop Kristoff remembering the days of old. He retains a firm posture solemnly declaring, "A man of god, and a theologist. He favored tradition over the politics that once infested the depths of the faith in the days of the schism, he helped cultivate and make the Canonist Church what it is today, a truly traditional church. May the Creator take him by his side in the Seven Skies." Branaford then turns to the audience wiping a long tear running down his cheek. 


    Branaford of Cavan would sit atop his room in the cathedral of Petrus as he burns the bloodied poster thinking to himself, "They are too mighty for me.." He then rises up to the streets of Petrus screaming, "AMOSS HAS RETURNED AND HE HAS RETURNED WITH STRENGTH." The many people roaming the bustling streets gather around Branaford's presence, quickly chatting on what he speaks of. Branaford cries, "The De Bolbecs, they have sided with a wizard named Amoss! A powerful wizard!" The rest of the crowd then bursts in to laughter hearing the name "De Bolbec" and "Amoss The Wizard." and leave the scene. 

  6. "Umros are quick ta forget dat de orc-dwarf alliances in da past 'ave nevah failed ta win ah war."

    "Rumors are also quick to forget that the allied human canonist states defeated the Dwarves Orc, Aesterwald and Elves while separate and outnumbered." Branaford remarks quite frustratingly. 

  7. What someone plays or whos group they are in has nothing to do with choices made to gain a position. It is based off their actions, how they handle things, attitude, and maturity. Several that became Admin haven't even played their druids until very recently and that was only because they wanted to play them again. Its their characters, they are allowed to play them and allowed to join whichever group they wish to be in just like anyone else here in the community, providing the RP.

    Also, congratz to you all ^.^


    Ideally, yes. But if you haven't realized what I was implying is that I would rather not have the admins pick friends from their inner circle which I seem to think is the druids. I mean I don't doubt that their not capable its just I haven't seen much work from Readicti especially while Sky and Frottimer I know as a fact work quite hard. It was a genuine concern by all means  I meant no offense but it was easy to assume that since I have not seen him do much work. 

  8. (( Still wondering how people are receiving information on this contract. It has been clear that it was send to the High Elf council, not placed on a noticeboard for all the salty Oreners to spew insults at in silence. Thanks once again. ))

    ((Ok I shall snip my post. 




  9. I wasn't around much for Mog's until early June which was really p much the end of it. Carrion once I got involved was very fun the noble ratio was very good because I remember many nobles from the days I played during Mog's empire but that comes to a point of personal preference. Aiim wasn't that good if im going to be honest Otto seemed p insane to me like forcing his subjects to tie themselves to trees but I enjoyed helping Otto in taking out the cannibal ring in Abresi which was some good and fun rp. Cracker was p stable but wasnt as climactic as the rest imo. Knox was really fun in the beginning height for me was the Rusko-Lucien conflict but he really made some bad decisions towards the end. After that Knox I didn't really enjoy any ruler after that maybe Maly but he was too short even tho I had some good memories from the three days he ruled. 


    Best was either Cracker or Mog worst either Will or Ark. 

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