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Status Updates posted by AndrewTech

  1. Question: these IPs. Anyone got a working one?

  2. This unresolved host error for some people. It still exists. PLEASE techies/GMs, could you find SOME way to fix it...?

    1. Ivran


      Use a different IP, mc.lordofthecraft.net works fine for me.

    2. Rassidic


      Use the TS Ip.

  3. Hmmn. "Unresloved Host Name" error. Help please?

    1. The Womping Wizard
    2. seannie


      getting same probs

    3. AndrewTech


      Already tried that.

  4. Anyone else having troubles with the /setname command?

    1. ThatCanadian


      Yes, I have the same problem.

    2. Dry Crackers

      Dry Crackers

      It says "internal error"? Yep.

  5. Just read the thread announcing Trench Warfare. This and the World War 1 documentary I've just watched have made me pretty darned excited...

  6. 101st post, and 1st status update!

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