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Status Updates posted by JazzBoatman

  1. Anyone else have to sit around for several minutes and relog multiple times to get onto the server? Waiting 10 minutes each time I log in is getting boring...

  2. Anyone interested in being a shipbuilder? May have an opening soon.

    1. orionisgreat


      ill do it do i just build ships doe



  3. Tavern ahoy!

    In me' new settlement o' Margrate I have myself a lovely tavern with noone to run it! Oh what should I do?

  4. Best places for RP besides Petrus?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. monkeypoacher
    3. TavernLich


      Orc's place! Orc! Orc! Orc!

    4. Blundermore


      Nowhere it seems, even petrus is devoid of RP.

  5. So, if i'm deciding to come back from my more than extended hiatus, what would you suggest I do in this later version of Lord of the Craft? Where are the hotspots? Who's a cool faction? Stuff like that.

    1. GodEmperorFlam


      SWTOR and WoW RP is looking rather nice this time of year

    2. Kim
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