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Status Updates posted by Ryski

  1. I can't even comprehend how amazing this Humble Bundle is...

  2. Gois! Server's back up come on! Why onyl 9 people :(

    1. Garukumus


      I think it requires that you do not have a modded minecraft.jar

    2. Garukumus


      Of course, this is just speculation from only being able to log on when not using forgeloader

    3. Ryski


      Eh, no. I can log into the server I'm just saying there aint many people online.

  3. I'm baaaaaack! Been a long time, feels good to be on the server again ^.^

  4. Anyone in the Mage's Guild wanna log on and end my log wait outside? I promise my RP is SUPERB ;)

    1. Lvke


      Dun belev him!

    2. Ryski


      My hopes are at normal level. I've waited outside there before...

  5. Waiting outside the Mage's College... Gate is randomly open? Must... Have a peek inside... Uhh

  6. My Graphic Design knowledge is twitching with the LotC header... o.O

    1. Ryski


      The server IP need to be in different less dramatic fonts! D:

    2. Lord_Sauron_


      Also... the SHHH should be removed

    3. Ryski


      Yeah... That too

  7. WHAT THE ████

  8. *cries* The Rate The Above Users Signature thread has officially died... And I was the last person to comment on it. Wat ahve I done?! WHAT HAVE I DONE?!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ben-Powell


      Nutella and coffee... Coffee and redbull.. these are the things I love the most.

    3. Ryski


      *kneels down infront of the Nutella altar

      "Oh, chocolaty one! Your sweet sugary goodness will forever bless my sandwich. Please, may thee forgive me in thy wrongdoings, for I will forever continue to scrape your influence on this bready world!"


    4. Ben-Powell


      Darn it! I clicked the link, and now you have my soul.. jokes on you, I'm ginger.. [ link in your signature ]

  9. Well I just got beaten up by Orcs... My life is GREAT! WOOOO!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Ryski
    3. Sister Sequoia

      Sister Sequoia

      welcome to the club!~ my druid was nearly dragged off for, well, implied breeding, a couple times. -shivers- Arrow in their shoulder and quick feet got me out. :P

    4. Ben-Powell


      first time in asulon, first five minutes I walked into the desert... and found a little camp... Okay I thought to myself, and walked around it, explored a bit, and sat down... and then... all the orcs came from there tents... Damn. < true story

  10. I am officially part of The Off-Topic section...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. TheBareSheet


      Raped? I am slightly disturbed

    3. Lvke


      Your eyes must have seen little, for you appear to be sane

    4. -The Doctor-

      -The Doctor-

      Quick, run to the Forum Rp Agency! We will protect you from the horrors!

  11. Waiting for soulstones... So I can easily switch between my characters...

  12. Keep calm and...

  13. *logs into server* *cassualy jumps into chunk error* "WOOOOO!"

    1. Billyjimbo


      I RPed that my character was on a drug induced 'trip' caused by passing orc hippies. Same amount of logic everywhere it seems.

    2. Ryski


      Lord of the craft community. Roleplaying everything that happens in the server, even crashes, since [insertdatehere]

  14. Lotc comes online for 5 seconds... I got your hopes up! AAAAAAAND then I crushed them :D

    1. Lvke
    2. Ryski


      Patience is a virtue, young one. (There's been irl complications, just be wait)


  16. Creating a new character. Don't worry, I'll still be keeping Tybaro ;) http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/83125-calin-maehr-my-new-character/

  17. Nuuuu server!

  18. Accepted Villain now. Be careful MacHadden, you've done Tybaro some wrong in the past...

    1. Lvke


      Well, MacHadden shall rip off Tyb's head. And wear it.

    2. Ryski


      Only if MacHadden can catch said Tybaro's head ;) (Oh and you should probably get a villain app for your character. He seems like a phsychopath...)

    3. Ryski


      Only if MacHadden can catch said Tybaro's head ;) (Oh and you should probably get a villain app for your character. He seems like a phsychopath...)

  19. Just submitted my second VA. If you've ever roleplayed with me and enjoyed it, feel free to come and give me a reference ;) http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/82888-ryski-tybaro-sunfeathers-2nd-va/

  20. Okay... Can the GM that banned me, whoever it was, please unban me. I made an appeal, to no avail. The ban was a mistake, as in I didn't do anything. And it's been way over 24 hours now... Come on...

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Ryski


      Yes... Believe me I am patient. My ban was a misunderstanding, as I have explained in my appeal. It's not the appeal I'm complaining about. It's the fact that my ban was only for 24 hours, yet it has been way over 24 hours.

    3. Free The Hobbits

      Free The Hobbits

      Ulric, how many times do I have to tell you Nodus doesn't auto op you...get a better client before you speak. (Jk, don't use clients kids)

    4. Ryski


      *takes a deep sigh*

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