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  1. to be a diffrence, if ever I hae a chance to play LotC.. my parents arn't going to be killed ICly by orcs.. oh no... its going to be elves... or dwarfs...

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. LPT


      There damn cuteness killed your parrents

    3. -The Doctor-
    4. Ben-Powell


      Ar mal, I think.. I'l just leave it to be as 'left home' and doctor.. How you feeling brah'?

  2. I wonder if I should use more semi-colons... Hmm

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Secret Lizard President

      Secret Lizard President

      Take 5 minutes and look up the proper use of semi-colons. It's not hard.

    3. Ben-Powell


      Heh, and if anybody didn't get this, then maybe you should; remember how I use to write; I mean it was terrible; utter drivel. ( and that; is how I use to wrote; Period. )

    4. ACanadianCraft (Nate)

      ACanadianCraft (Nate)

      Thank you Nirvash. #NoFunAllowed

  3. Yes yes yes yes YES! I managed to get on a course in collage! uniformed services, Yes!

  4. http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/84199-the-tale-of-the-powell-family/ The best moments on lord of the craft for me, Ever, all written out, come give us your own opinion on the book, or what about telling us your own stories?
    1. Lefty


      Just a quick question, d you remember me?

  5. Cant sleep, I'l be posting a final thread before watching a film, keep an eye out for it, it may peak everyones interest. ^^

  6. Night craftians, going to slumber now, I shall roam youal tommorow!

  7. Lets put it to a vote, shall I do the truffle shuffe, record it, and post it on the forum, or not..?

    1. Maletone Blazebeard (Aqua)
    2. Gemmylou


      what is the truffle shuffle...

  8. Would it be so wrong to say; I would personally worship anybody whom posts a video of them on this forum doing the truffle shuffle?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. JtPv


      I havent seen the goonies in....7 years? 8?

    3. Ben-Powell


      Me neither, but you never forget a classic.. Now I want to see it... ._.

    4. Maletone Blazebeard (Aqua)

      Maletone Blazebeard (Aqua)

      The goonies is actually pretty good movie and the truffle shuffle XD

  9. Good night LotC, Il roam you tommorow, and In beefore James, its 8 AM here, T.T

  10. You're all keeping me awake craftians, I miss yer'

  11. Goodnight Craftians, II'l e going to sleep now, But I shall be roaming you tommorow, Sleep well M'dears, and may your tommorow be better than, uhm, today?

  12. To those thinking of leaving, A year ago I made a major mistake and because of it I was forced to go, Althought I am not able to return, I am back every now and again but not with permission, I am saying this because, leaving Lord of the Craft was a large mistake, and to this day I regret it profoundly, my advice to you all is; bear with those whom OOC, tell them of there mistakes, and if they do not listen, then simple ignore them, and stay from their way. I love you all, and have a nice tim...

    1. Bircalin


      I know -exactly- where you are coming from. Kudos to you, friend. I hope life is treating you well.

    2. Ben-Powell


      Actually, it has been doing so, I'm starting collage in September, applying for a job at staples, Got to say, the recent events in my life, have made me feel as if I am ready to return to you all, a changed man.

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