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Posts posted by ClassyDryad





    Added Clarifications:

    No teaching of the voidal arts within Nor’asath.

    No use of voidal magic near religious sites.

    Handling of incurable vampires

    Handling of Irrational Faiths
    Clarified the nature of the rules in general



    I feel compelled to reflect upon the purpose behind these newly established laws. They are not crafted with the aim of colluding with voidal mages, enabling the proliferation of their arcane arts. No, their true purpose is far nobler. We seek to provide a sanctuary, a cherished abode, where these mages may glimpse the radiant glow of our ancestral spirits. Our deepest aspiration is to guide all who lend an ear, to lead them down the path of Stargush, where they may find tranquility in the embrace of our revered ancestors.


    It is crucial to emphasize that violence plays no part in our endeavors. Our mission relies instead on the power of spoken words and the genuine gestures of good faith. To my fellow spiritualists, the Urukim, I beseech you to comprehend our plight. Unlike your united front, our people have not savored such cohesion. Our views diverge, and we do not yet rally beneath a single banner. But fear not, for the unity we yearn for remains an ardent dream. We must rise above the lure of bloodshed, for it cannot be the means by which we achieve our aspirations. Alas, such is the curse we, the children of Malin, bear.



    Dal’lisse Oussana, High Priestess of the Maehr, Vulyzaana of Nor’asath, Chieftess of Oussana


  2. SsMAUm19fCRsczwtjSpRByXddq0A34oXGtFMlMhEIgoBEBE_5s4dRu_J13V0ZKCFqlp-AS_WZNJKnra0u-sZ6aeZ9qR7cm6TVCMOhnhZf1N-uIGC5Hlbe-HXZ6EYNKlCQVh9n_B2H34zrfqZJUDSfE4•────────────────⋆˖⁺‧₊☽◯☾₊‧⁺˖⋆────────────────•



    Let it be known that these laws exist as a means of assisting the dark elven afflicted to respectfully understand the maehr ways and someday rejoin their ancestors upon acceptance in their heart. Those who seek to violate, loop hole, or otherwise abuse these laws can and will have such liberties stripped from them. We further seek understanding of these ways beyond our walls, in accordance with the original purpose of the maehr since the wars of the betrayer, but those who act with insidious intentions will not be tolerated.






    1. Freedom of religious expression is protected, allowing individuals to practice non-spiritual based religions without discrimination.


    2. The construction of places of worship such as temples, churches, and other religious sites requires approval from the high priestess. The high priestess retains the authority to decline construction, but such decisions cannot be based on differing faiths. Instead, they are primarily focused on factors like location, size, or any potential impacts on the well-being of the city.


    3. While forms of xionism are prohibited from being practiced within the city, individuals identifying as Xionists will not face any punitive measures. Additionally, the Shorewalker ideology is permitted and can be freely practiced.


    4. The promotion, establishment, or active advocacy of faiths, belief systems, or religions that aim to propagate chaos, disorder, or destructive tendencies within society is strictly prohibited. This includes any doctrines, teachings, rituals, or practices that incite violence, harm, or widespread societal disruption. Individuals or organizations found in violation of this law will be sacrificed.


    5. Respecting the faith and deities of others is mandatory, and denouncing or debasing any religious beliefs, regardless of the religion or the individuals involved, is strictly prohibited.







    1. The usage of voidal and deity magic is permitted as long as it does not affect another citizen or their property without their explicit consent. For example, druids are not allowed to reshape people's house plants, and paladins must seek permission before purging a curse. This principle extends to blood magic as well.


    2. Unauthorized use of voidal magics and nonadjacent holy magics within the vicinity of temples and holy places of a religion is prohibited, unless explicit permission has been granted by the designated leader or authority of the respective religious establishment. 


    3. The act of instructing, training, or imparting knowledge of voidal magics to maehr and citizens within the jurisdiction of Nor'asath is strictly prohibited. Similar actions by druids and paladins require explicit permission from the High Priestess in order to determine the sanctity of the maehr in the matter. Outer shamans and blood mages may do so freely so long as they are not found to be spreading heresy.


    4. Items enchanted by paladins, voidal mages, and blood mages are allowed within the city. However, spiritualists are not to make use of them, due to their offensive nature to the spirits with the exception of blood magic enchantments.


    5. The employment of Greater Magic, which includes constructs like paladin chanceries and voidal obelisks, requires the approval of the high priestess.


    6. The use of Highest Magic, which has the potential to cause large-scale environmental changes (such as Voidal tears or paladin sunbreaks), is strictly prohibited. Violators of this rule may face exile or even sacrifice as a consequence.


    7. Dark magic is banned entirely within the city. Openly practicing dark magic, regardless of the reason, is punishable by death.


    8. Shamans outside of the Maehr Clergy do not possess any specific rank or authority. Thus, they are not allowed to enforce temple law.


    9. Shamanism performed by individuals who are not members of the clergy will be treated in a similar manner to voidal, deity, or blood magic, adhering to the same regulations and restrictions.


    10. Ghosts should not be dispersed but instead handled by a lutaumancer from the Maehr clergy, who can guide them to the afterlife in a proper manner. Any attempts to violently contain or harm ghosts may result in them becoming irreversibly corrupted and turning into malevolent spirits. It is imperative to provide shelter and protection to ghosts from dark mystics or other entities that may pose a threat to their well-being.


    11. Undead and dark beings are to be confronted and eliminated immediately upon sight.


    12. Azdrazi are disbarred from the city  and are to be banished if identified. 


    13. Vampires are not allowed in the city unless to seek a cure for their ailment. Those incapable of being cured are to be banished from the city or killed, at the afflicted’s discretion.


  3. 17 hours ago, RaiderBlue said:

    I can make the change although I think it is unneeded for a Soul Tree considering they have their own form of Ungrowth within the current lore. On the matter of Fae plants I find it strange that they don't have a means to move their plant on their own aswell. I'm not well versed in the lore for epiphytes but the way its being spoken about it appears there isnt one.


    I am fairly sure the ungrowth in soul tree lore is the same ungrowth in communion and control. It's just stating the interactions of soul trees with that spell not a spell soul trees have innately.


    Fae plants can be moved easily if they are small enough, which is one of the few advantages of choosing a vulnerable small plant over a large, hard to destroy one. If you don't have access to a druid it's technically possible to make a new plant but this is a strenuous process so epiphytes only do it if they are saving their plant from corruption essentially, so they still need ungrowing if they want to move their plant from place to place otherwise.

  4. I will give more detailed thoughts on it when I can, though my immediate thoughts:


    Ungrowing can and should work on fae plants/soul trees as it's the primary way of moving these things around.


    Why are there so many spells listed as passive when they aren't? Passive implies it's always active without the need for emotes.

  5. Velûlakeeyt


    Spirit of the Eternal Moon

    Look upon that which is still, child of strife.

     Let the tide of thought turn to mirrored glass.

    Spread it out like wings of flame, let all understand.

    Welcome the gaze of all things, and be one


    Spirit pact for Dal'lisse Oussana. Velûlakeeyt, spirit of the eternal moon under Luara. Appears as a formless draconic horror of luminous rock and moonlight.


  6. Yzedalr


    Spirit of Rainstorms

    Look upon the rains, child of light.

    Feel it's breath, feel it's connection.

    From fingers high to winding roots below.

    Welcome the heart of all things, and be one.



    Spirit pact for Dal'lisse Oussana. Yzeldalr, spirit of Rainstorms under Neizdark. Appears as a gryphon made of rainwater and fog. (Totally haven't procrastinated doing this one for a few months.)


  7. Reading through it more, limiting farseers to just those who can use blessings of Scorthuz and also requiring twice the number of people to purge it as those who made it is literally a basically a nearly impossible task for current shamans, let alone when spirit pacting gets fully implemented. I struggled to gather even five farseers of the right tier in the past to close one, so I'm not sure how anyone would expect to close one if you needed 8-10.

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