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Posts posted by ClassyDryad

  1. If someone had your Minecraft wolf hostage and was threatening to drop it into a vat of high elven acid unless you told them what your favorite type of tree is, what would you say?

  2. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Dal'lisse Oussana


    Character's Age:



    Character's Race:

             Dark Elf


    Link to your accepted MA:



    What magic(s) will you be teaching?

             Witch Doctor


    Describe this magic or a creature as a whole:


    Witch Doctor is one of the two primary branches of shamanism, being the magic which comes from casting spiritual malice in the form of various 'curses.' These curses can vary wildly depending on the spirit that is called upon in the ritual, doing anything from sapping someone's strength to causing corruption to someone's memories. These spells require rituals, a universal 5 emote process which requires chanting in old blah, the language of the spirits, as well as movements and material offerings which must be kept on the shaman. Each ritual has a random chance to fail, dependent on the tier of the witch doctor (succeeds on a 2 or higher out of 6 for a tier 5 witch doctor.) Each ritual also pulls from a communal number of uses dependent on the witch doctor's tier, reaching 7 at tier 5. Witch doctors also possess general shaman abilities, able to sense things with spiritual mana within them, cleanse voidal taint temporarily, and take themselves and others onto spiritwalks to visit different spiritual realms. Witch doctor is compatible with all other shamanic forms besides it's opposition, Farseer. Failing a spell causes a unique effect to afflict the witch doctor, usually rather wacky in nature.


    Are there different sections or subsections of magic? Can those be elaborated upon?


    Witch doctor spells are broken up into a rather odd structure, so I'll try to break it up into a structure.

    General Abilities
    Spirit Walk: The witch doctor takes themselves and others into a spirit's realm, leaving their body behind in a defenseless state.

    Cleanse Void: The witch doctor removes voidal taint from an area, though it reverts back after a set number of days.

    Spiritual Sense: The witch doctor can tell if something is spiritual in nature.

    Witch Doctor Abilities
    Ritual: The means of casting a curse, it involves chanting, using reagents, and movements.
    Practical Application: The ability of a witch doctor to turn a bottled hex into a paste they can apply to sharp weapons. This paste must be formed out of combat, and being interrupted while applying it results in the witch doctor being cursed instead. The paste loses potency two irl hours after being applied to a weapon.


    Types of Rituals
    Malediction: Various spells which produce different material or direct curse effects.
    Cursed Healing: The ability of a farseer to heal another through a ritual. It is potent enough to produce new limbs though it requires sometimes multiple rituals over the course of a two irl week period, and afflicts the healed person with a negative effect which persists until the cursed flesh is literally removed from their body.

    Types of Maledictions

    Curse: A direct curse against a person done in the moment. Curses draw from a singular effect from the options listed under a spirit for up to three targets within range. The chosen effect is worked out between the witch doctor and their target. These curses can be applied to individual flora or fauna.

    Bottled Hexes: Curses which have their effect determined, but are constrained to a physical potion like bottle. These can be poured into foods or ingested to afflict the curse onto someone, applied to land to curse it, applied to produce weird cursed orchards, or turned into a paste to apply to weapons.
    Elixirs: Curses made with the assistance of another, these are similar to bottled hexes but they possess a boon in addition to their curse (usually hallucinations of the chosen spirit.)


    Can you give an example of a casting emote, of a spell of your choice?


    Bottled Hex of Neizdark


    [1] Dal'lisse Oussana would raise her hands up like talons, pointing them down towards the cauldron in front of her. She'd raise a basin filled with rainwater collected before it hit the ground, pouring it through her hair and squeezing it into the mixture as grey mana billows and swirls around her.

    [2] [!] The dark elf would dance back and forth in a sort of rain dance, hands raised to the sky above as she chants in an ancient tongue, "Niezdarkdushzaakrum nûrzumgothrilab!"


    [3] [!] he shaman collects various shards of glass formed from lighting striking sand, doing a tempest-like twirl before casting each into the caldron one by one. With each shard, the gray mana billows and swirls higher, as if in the mock form of storm clouds.


    [4] Dal'lisse Oussana lowers herself to bring her eyes level with the pot, slowly rising as the mana swirls and rises with her. She'd direct her hand down, letting out a continued chant upon the brew, "Bugdlatneizdark Dushgaakhriinkolkûrz!"

    ((Rolls a 2 or higher out of 6.))

    [5] [!] The shaman would raise a storm-scorched branch and drive it into the mixture, the mana which swirled about her spiraling in with her movement and settling into the brew. She'd tip this cauldron to the side, letting it poor down into a bottle which she seals.


    ((Based people can do chants during every emote, though to be as straight and narrow as possible I'm doing the minimum requirements for everything.))



    Can you give an example of a teaching-emote (interacting with another) of a spell of your choice?



    Curse of Ankrus

    Dal'lisse Oussana brings her prospective student to the edge of the water, setting various reagents down as she looks to him. "Take one of these and pretend to use it." A poor, poor fish swims around in circles under the water, blissfully unaware of what was coming to it.

    Banditer would take a rope from the reagents, looking out to a fish in the water as he pulls it taught, winding it down along his hand as if tending to a sail. Once coiled he tosses it forward into the water, green mana slowing from him to fill the air.

    [!] The dark elf does a slow nod, "Now, chant in the old tongue asking for Ankrus's attention to your cause. The fish goes blub blub.

    Banditer raises his hands up and does a sort of sailor's dance, his voice deepening as he chants the unfamiliar tongue, "Ankrusbugddushlab shumbolkniinlab!"


    Dal'lisse Oussana would tap her foot against the ground, bringing her hands to her sides, "Good, now make another offering."

    [!] The human would grab a shard of some sea shell, raising it over his head and doing an undulating motion like a descending wave, casting it to the water as his green mana grows brighter.

    "Now ask what you want him to do to your target."

    Banditer would move to a squat, shifting back and forth as his voice escapes in a low rumble, "Ankrusshagnûrzumlab gaakhzaniinfarmakufumniin!"

    ((Rolls a 5 or higher and works out the curse's effects with the controller of the fish (the witch doctor teacher in this case))

    [!] The shaman smiles as she witnesses the curse start to take form, "One last offering, cast it towards your target."

    [!] The human would take up a shard taken from an anchor and raise it high, his mana taking the form of a green trident of sorts. As she throws it, the trident flies towards the fish, seeking to afflict it!

    [!] The trident appears to absorb into the fish, and all at once it's fishy eyes widen. The fish suddenly Feared the water it lived in, swimming off with frenzied jumps as it tried to keep itself as far out of the water as possible.


    Say your student powergames during or after teaching, how do you reprimand that?


    Witch doctor is an obtusely written magic which would be really easy to accidentally powergame, so I would be lenient and explain the issues on their first instance. If the same aspect of the lore was powergamed again however I would give them a warning, and drop them if it happened a third time.


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep the ST updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Have you applied to teach this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app.


  3. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Dal'lisse Oussana


    Character's Age:



    What feat(s) will you be learning?



    Teacher's MC Name:

             Self Teach


    Teacher's RP Name:

             Self Teach


    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your feat app?:



    Have you applied for this feat on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:



    Are you aware that if this feat is shelved, it will be unavailable to use?



  4. - Oussana -


    - The Fury of the Dark Elves -

    - Clan Colors: Red and Purple -


    According to Oussana folklore, the first Oussana was created by Malin himself, born of light taken from the night sky and his own blood poured into the roots of an oak tree. The Oussana hold themselves as his greatest warriors against the Betrayer, the first true vindicators under his first born daughter. The Oussana were still one of the prominent clans until the splintering of the ancient city, though after that point much of their history remains obscured.


    According to accounts of the ancestors, many Oussana lived amongst the deep caverns and expansive forests of the north, a time in which many of their values and cultural traits manifested themselves. Eventually it is known that Khel Oussana came into being, the first true dark elven leader after the splintering. After his death, the Oussana of his bloodline fell into a state of depravity and weakness which inspired him to manifest upon the mortal realm to cleanse them himself. Only those of Rathina’s favored line, or those not of his bloodline, survived.


    The Oussana have since undergone another splintering, cast far and wide until ancient days. Though despite the turning of five centuries they have survived and upheld their values.


    -The Path of Z’ress -



    Named by Khel Oussana to define the philosophy of Oussana, the Path of Z’ress describes the belief in the inherent superiority of the elder clan over others through their progression of strength and rejection of weakness. Weakness is the domain of lesser elves and races, not the maehr. What exactly strength and weakness are is an expansive topic.


    Strength is defined as a combination of skills and capabilities of the user. It is a combination of physical strength, magical ability, verbal eloquence, mental cunning, and honed skill all to utmost perfection. Strength itself in the context of the path is more of a synonym of perfection in itself.


    Weakness, on the other hand, is defined as sloth, lack of character, faithlessness, frailty, reliance on disdained magics and deities, or any general imperfection. Those Oussana who are determined ‘weak’ have been historically cast out to live among neighboring wood elves instead.


    -The Elder Rites -



    As the centuries have passed, the strive for perfection among Oussana has caused various cultural skills and traits to develop, each respected within the clan to an almost zealous degree. Oussana have been known to even put their lives at risk to adhere to these cultural norms, a trait which often attracts confusion among the younger clans.


    - Weaving -



    Oussana fervently claims to have been the ones who first discovered the means to weave silk, using the threads of giant spiders to weave armor in ancient times. Regardless of the truth of this, weaving of all kinds is perhaps the most prevalent artisanal craft among Oussana. Uniquely, Oussana record their history and stories in things which they weave, storing information in long banners, nets, knots, and clothes rather than in books or scrolls as others might. Priestesses of the elder clan will even weave their own long hair temporarily as a way of amplifying stories they tell to others.


    - Language -



    The ancient tongue of the dark elves, known as Vel’luah, is considered sacred to the elder clan. Oussana use the language not only in religious iconography, weaves, and for religious rites, they even use it in daily speech to an extent. Oussana are expected to be fluent in both the common tongue and in grayspeech to be a fully eloquent adult. Additionally, Oussana have special names and association with each letter of the language, four letter markings in a + shape being used to gather luck, cast spells, invoke rituals, or other such folk effects.





    Means: Safe passage into dreams to learn of making something


    ɱ: Mark of Air

    չ: Mark of Memory

    ȶ: Mark of Creation

    ʊ: Mark of Dreams

    ɮ: Mark of Weakness

    ɠ: Mark of Earth

    ɛ: Mark of Life

    ʅ: Mark of Passage

    ӄ: Mark of Ancestry

    ð: Mark of Fire

     ש: Mark of Weather

    ℜ: Mark of Magic

    α: Mark of Water

    א: Mark of Dominion

    ʋ: Mark of Moon

    ɦ: Mark of Wild

    ¤: Mark of Strength

    ռ: Mark of Sight

    ʂ: Mark of Destruction


    - Display -



    Superiority is everything to the Oussana, and so giving off this image to others is of vital importance. This most often comes through showing their natural form, with their strength, beauty, and tattoos apparent to others, though this also manifests in opulent clothing to show off wealth, armor to show off martial ability, and other aesthetic choices which inform the viewer of the skills and history of the dark elf in question. Oussana who do not put work into their appearance are considered weak and slothful.


    Material wise, Oussana use mostly silks, furs, leathers, and other materials taken from creatures. For jewelry Oussana prefer things of bone, feathers, or shells if possible, though they will not abstain from gemstones or metals of value or symbolic importance.


     - Martial Tradition -



    To fight without one’s full capacity is a dishonor among Oussana, an ‘honest fight’ being only given on request by the other party, or when offered as a courtesy. In battle, the dark elves of the elder clan fight with ferocity and disdain, mixing chants of grayspeech, boasts, and mockery into their combat. Oussana revel in what others may consider dirty tactics, exploiting their opponents weakness by any means possible.


    As far as weapons go, Oussana prefer weapons which display their martial abilities to others. Things such as swords and flails are highly regarded, while spears and polearms are considered crude weapons to use against other descendants. Oussana will still use throwing spears, and the occasional spear in hunts, as well as the occasional other weapon when need arises. There are several unique weapons the clan has cultivated through its history which best suit the needs of the elves.



    Magaraxul: Sometimes called a cavern sword, or an oussanic silidan, the most notable weapon of Oussana bears a hilt similar to a rapier and a long blade akin to either a broadsword or flamberge for dangerous chopping and stabbing attacks. The weapon is particularly prized for requiring equal parts finesse and braun to use effectively in combat.


    Ulakrouh: Known as a wolf flail or a rider’s flail, the ulakrouh is essentially a long mace head on the end of a long length of rope, primarily woven with spider’s silk. On the other end the rope is coiled together to act similar to a lasso. The weapon is intended to be used while riding a direwolf, spinning the flail up to further magnify the impact of a charging attack.


    Yeonahk: A seax of Oussana design, this small dagger bears a single edge which leads down to a hook designed to catch blades. These weapons are not used in true conflict that often, instead being used as an offhand weapon with the magaraxul in duels.


    Morxul: An ‘ill sword.’ The morxul is a large headed weapon with an axe blade on one side and a hammer head on the other, affixed to a moderately long handle. The blade of the axe curves up further than normal, giving it a long heavy edge. The weapon is designed to rely on physical might as much as possible, as a way for more muscular Oussana to display their strength.


     - Tattoos -



    Since the first city of the dark elves, Oussana have used a tattooing method which best tests the resolve of those receiving it, using a tool akin to a small toothed hammer and hammer to essentially pierce into the skin to paint it over in ink. This can result in many ornate tattoo designs which bear an interweaving knotlike appearance. Inks used are almost exclusively black, silvery, white, brown, purple, blue, or red. Oussana often come up with their own designs, though there are a set of tattoos with special significance to the clan.



    Oussana Mark: The first tattoo and Oussana should get, the Oussana mark is a series of interweaving lines behind a crescent moon of no particular phase. This tattoo is given upon completion of a new clan member’s trials to designate their membership.


    Oaken Mark: A tattoo of a large oak tree with a symbol of blood within. The mark is used to signify marriage, in which the couple decides where to place each other’s tattoo. Those who bear the oaken mark are considered to be Oussana, required to take the name and perform trials if possible.


    Lunar and Stellar Marks: Marks in the shape of various phases of the moon are used to designate when an Oussana bears or adopts a child, while marks of stars are made whenever a descendant of the Oussana has a child of their own.


    Blade Mark: A tattoo in the likeness of a magaraxul is used to designate some sort of  political office achieved by the Oussana. Once this position is completed, an extra flourish is added to the mark.


    Witch Mark: A series of interweaving lines akin to a lotus falling from an elk’s head, the witch mark is used to designate an Oussana who has learned dreamwalking to become a priestess of the clan. Additional flourishes are added should they achieve some form of shamanism, as well as additional customized designs for the spirits they pact themselves to.


    Eye Mark: A tattoo which honors Rathina, one of the daughters of Khel Oussana. The tattoo is used to designate mastery in some form of non-shamanic magic praised by the clan (Kani, Bardomancy, Blood Magic, NOT Housemagery.)


    Silken Mark: A spider of silk like design, this tattoo symbolizes the absolute mastery of some skill or art. To receive, the Oussana must offer up a masterwork or performance to the chieftess/chieftan themselves.


    Lurker Mark: A tattoo of the chitinous menace known as a lurker. This tattoo is received upon victory in at least five major confrontations. These can be political or martial in nature, though they should be something greater than a mere duel or hunt.


    Wolf Mark: A mark of a wolf before an interweaving set of bands. This symbol is used to designate an Oussana who has risen to lead the clan itself, either as chieftess/chieftan or in some other role during a time of strife. An extra flourish is added for those who did so as chieftess/chieftan, and an additional few are added for those who have retired from the position.


    Passage Mark: The most complex of Oussana tattoos, the mark appears as an interweaving forest like design, used to designate when an Oussana has risen to become primarch of their people, or the highest priestess of their faith. This symbol needs a lot of space, often placed on the stomach, back, or across an entire limb.


    Pine Mark: A reflection of the oaken mark, this mark is received upon an Oussana reaching the age of one and a half centuries. An additional flourish is added should the Oussana reach the age of five centuries.


     - Wolf Keeping -



    To exemplify the mastery over nature held by the clan, each and every Oussana has been known to keep and train their own wolves of varying forms. Dire wolves are particularly prized among members of the clan as battle and hunting mounts, though smaller wolves are often used as a human might use a hound. Oussana are expected to keep a bone of each wolf they have raised around their neck or leg after it’s death, with the wolf’s name inscribed in greyspeech upon the surface. As such, Oussana of age and experience may have up to a dozen bones across their body.


    -The Blood of Khel -



    It is only expected that Oussana consider themselves the fairest among all kinds, dark elven or otherwise. The centuries have gathered a unique set of visual features which make those of the elder clan very distinct from other maehr clans.


    Eyes: Oussana are known to have eyes exclusively in shades of purple, red, or silver. Those Oussana of Rathina’s line have been known to experience each color in their lifetime, being born with red eyes which slowly turn purple and finally silver by their second decade. These eyes are also known to come with an unfortunate level of light sensitivity however.


    Hair: The hair of an Oussana is their most prized feature. It is notably hardy, rarely if ever splitting even at great lengths, nor does it break off easily. Their hair similarly has absurdly long terminal lengths, almost always able to reach down from their legs to even their ankles. Oussana hair almost exclusively comes in snowy white, raven black, icy blue, pastel blue, royal blue, or navy blue. The blue tint which sometimes appears in hair of the elder clan is a notably unique trait to the clan.


    Skin: Similarly unique to the clan, Oussanic dark elves bear skin of a very light gray, similar to the palest fog of mountaintops or temperate woods. In very rare cases this can extend to an utmost stark white brought by albinism, or bear a light bluish tint to it.


    Skin Examples






    -Elder Ancestralism -



    Often considered zealots by the weak, those of the elder clan bear an intense fervent worship of their ancestors and the spirits. They possess specific practices and beliefs unique to their own view of spiritualism however, relying on their traditions to perform worship and rites.


    Witch Priestesses: Those among the Oussana who cultivate the culture of the clan and perform religious activities are known as ‘Haeuze’, which translates roughly to ‘long hair’ in Vel’luah. While spiritualist in nature, the only form of magic a haeuze must be able to perform is dreamwalking. Haeuze are traditionally female and abstain from cutting their hair short through their whole life, though both of these traditions have exceptions. Priestesses will bear special headdresses of faunal materials which they wear during religious events, in addition to marking their bodies with the appropriate letters. In terms of shamanic magic, the priestesses are particularly advised towards that of witchcraft, haruspexy, or lutamancy.


    The Wood of the Ancestors: What Oussana call the spirit realm, the wood is an expansive realm which acts as the soul of the world itself. This reflection of reality bears a slice in each person’s body, their soul, which can be accessed through dreamwalking. In truth spirits are simply reflections of the world, the soul which every body possesses. When a shaman pacts with a spirit, they become one with its embodiment and form a cycle which makes them one and the same. There is no service, there is no domination, there is only oneness. Spirit walks form Oussana shamans often involve far more caverns and coniferous forests than normal, as they view this as the connection between realms. Prayer for Oussana is a partially verbal, partially physical process, often involving the marking of letters in specific patterns on surfaces or their body.


    The Totem Spirits: Spirits of the twelve moons, the yearly cycle of Oussana. Each spirit adhered to by Oussana is done so less on their own merit and more due to ancient pacts made by the priestess of yore to these particular spirits. Each one is associated with a different time of year, and different activities are performed to give praise up to these spirits.


     - Khel Oussana -


    Dm7fR.jpg (849×600)

    Greater Ancestral Spirit of the Mali’ker

    Lesser of None

    Patron of the Zealot’s Moon [December]


    The first true leader of the dark elves after their splintering, Khel was notable for nearly eradicating the entire mori race during the time of Asulon. He is known for his wrath, zealotry, and principles which inform much of modern Oussana belief. Khel similarly holds the distinction of the only ancestral spirit to manifest physically upon the mortal plane by his own force, doing so to eradicate the weak members of his bloodline. Oussana revere him with equal parts respect and fear, as it is certain the same fate could befall them should they stray from his vision.


    During the Zealot’s Moon, Khel and other ancestors of Oussana are honored through the ‘gray parade’, a celebratory rite in which the Oussana don masks and reenact the war against the deep elves in whatever settlement they reside. This often involves random acts of vandalism and mock spars in the streets.



     - Ousalyyom -



    Spirit of Chronicling with Thread and Skin

    Lesser Spirit of Kotrestruu

    Patron of the Silk Moon [January]


    It is said the Oussana gained the favor of the fickle Ulldero when they first invented silk weaving in the ancient days. The spirit is certainly known for being rather selective of those it allows to seek it out, finding amusement in confusing and frightening those who seek her out. She takes the appearance of a dark elven woman with the lower body of a massive spider, her hair made of thick threads of silk.


    During the Silk Moon, Oussana will weave banners and works out of spider’s silk and other organic materials such as bark and feathers, chronicling the events of the clan and themselves over the last lunar year, before letting their minds wander with ritualistic substances to weave new designs to predict the fortune of the next year. These silks are woven to the Oussana and each other, so they may then dance in unison.



     - Ulldero -



    Spirit of Ritualistic Alcohol

    Lesser Spirit of Betharas

    Patron of the Wine Moon [February]


    A persuasive spirit, Ulldero appears as an oddly gloomy looking elk despite the nature of his kindred spirits of celebration, shrouded in ghostly wisps, though sometimes he will take the form of an equally gloomy dark elven man. He is seen as rather bitter and secluded, enjoying only the misdirection and influence he has over those with warped minds. He scorns those who cannot drink responsibly.


    During his moon, the members of the elder clan will prepare a cast of communal wine, each Oussana adding their own ingredients or work until letting it age for the rest of the lunar month. At its end, the communal wine is poured out and shared, before beginning a spiritual walk.



     - Kuanax -



    Spirit of Fury

    Lesser Spirit of Enhrok

    Patron of the Dark Moon [March]


    Appearing as a dark elven witch who sometimes takes the form of an immense shadowy lurker, the spirit Kuanax is known for her intense and vengeful personality. Oussana praise her for inspiration in battle and for rage against those who have wronged them, seeing her as the embodiment of Khel’s own wrath. The spirit is known to bluntly display her power upon all who come to visit her, showing the mortals their own weakness and frailty.


    During the Dark Moon Oussana are known to venture down beneath the earth in search of a lurker broodmother to hunt and slay, sacrificing most of it in Kuanax’s honor before they begin a great feast.



     - Vraluuah -



    Spirit of Eloquence

    Lesser Spirit of Âmul

    Patron of the Song Moon [April]


    A spirit which takes the form of a horned elfess, though she can sometimes also take the form of a wispy beast known for its songs or vocalizations. She is known as an oddly kind and patient spirit, seeking to spread her gift to all she can through guidance. Oussana will often pray to her before giving a speech or entering into diplomacy to attract her blessing.


    The song moon is considered a month of rest among Oussana, a time in which they work together to hone their own skills and presence.



    - The Spirits of Connection -



    Spirits of Lakes and Streams in Forests and Caverns, Spirits of Rainstorms

    Lesser Spirits of Akathro and Neizdark

    Patron of the Rain Moon [May]


    The myriad of elemental spirits which the Oussana choose to pay heed to are an aloof sort. Among the water spirits, the prime is Amumaoa, the spirit of lakes and streams in forests and caverns, who appears as a masked woman in ornate but tattered robes or some pallid monstrosity. Opposite to her is Yzedalr, spirit of rainstorms, who appears as a gryphon made of rain water and very rarely a dark elven woman who wears mists and fogs like opulent clothes.


    During the rain moon, Oussana will go out during rainstorms blindfolded, carrying vessels to catch the water within as they celebrate and praise the spirit. Storm chasing, naval voyages, and other water related activities are also common. Should the clan possess a storm animist, clan members will also consume luminous blood like storm within the rain to feel at one with it.



    - Luara -



    Spirit of the Moon

    Lesser of None

    Patron of the White Moon [June]


    The patron spirit of all dark elves, Oussana hold their own special reverence to the spirit of the Moon, for it is under her serene light in which they ride and hunt and offer praise to the spirits. Luara, the spirit who blessed the dark elves in ancient times, bears the appearance of a wolf of shining moonlight, though she will appear as a dark elf among her people.


    During the white moon the clan is called to perform three hunts with the people they live amongst, gathering spoils of each hunt for a grand spire to sacrifice to Luara beneath her shining moon. Should war occur at the same time, the spoils of battle serve as apt replacements.



    - Vrazayr -



    Spirit of Superiority

    Lesser Spirit of Leyd

    Patron of the Cruel Moon [July]


    To many she appears as a large scorpion covered in onyx plates or an immense stygian serpent, though to the Oussana she appears as them, wearing chitinous armor with a series of cruel looking weapons. She is known for her prideful mocking demeanor and seemingly unbeatable martial skill, often asking those to visit to spar against her strength only to inevitably fall. Oussana pray to her before conflict to inspire crushing victory over a weaker opponent, or when they seek to perform at their utmost peak in some skill.


    Under the cruel moon, the Oussana will meet, or gather allies to split into two groups, vowing victory against the other. They will meet in some form of mock battle to seek victory against the other, often some form of physical conflict. 



    - Kasoakeet -



    Spirit of Enlightened Dreams

    Lesser Spirit of Drelthok

    Patron of the Hollow Moon [August]


    A serene, if ghostly spirit, Kasoakeet appears often either as a pale and heavily tattooed dark elf covered in silk or as a draconic gargoyle. Kasoakeet is considered the patron of dreamwalking, and she is one of the two spirits most often prayed to before such a rite begins. She is patient but cold, known to be a font of great wisdom to those who visit her.


    Under the Hollow Moon, those of the elder clan often gather together in celebratory feast in which they speak on the strengths of each other and the clan as a whole, finishing with a meditative prayer before rest. Dreamwalks are common during this moon.



    - Heruuna -



    Spirit of Wolf Riding

    Lesser Spirit of Vulka

    Patron of the Wolf Moon [September]


    He appears as an entire forest, filled with wolves of varying sizes, though only through the largest, most immense wolf does he speak. Cunning and observant, he has been known to guide his faithful to victory and perfection, as it was he who blessed Oussana with their affinity for wolves in ancient times. He is the fourth among spirits Oussana pray to before battle, done when the clan chooses to ride in on wolfback. 


    Under the wolf moon, Oussana will gather together to perform a race to determine who is the swiftest rider amongst them all. After this, a communal prayer is performed in which each member of the clan marks the body of the victor.



    - Teaummulla -



    Spirit of Bodily Art

    Lesser Spirit of Brimztra

    Patron of the Painted Moon [October]


    Teaummulla in herself is the manifestation of Oussana expression, her body constantly changing with different symbolic and sometimes outlandish outfits. Her personality and garb will often shift to complement those who visit her, guiding them towards the best way to express their identity on their forms.


    As a means of celebration, Oussana perform a ritual in which they mark their body with countless silken designs and body paints, performing a communal chant around the fire to praise the spirit.



    - Amuavula -



    Spirit of Coniferous Woodlands and Caverns

    Lesser Spirit of Freygoth

    Patron of the Forest Moon [November]


    Among the most important of the adhered spirits, Amuavula is credited as the source of Oussana understanding of spiritual matters, and the guide through the wood itself. She is an aloof, ethereal being akin to some sort of fae, appearing as a tattooed dark elf with antlers and cloven feet whose form changes with the seasons. She is the spirit Oussana pray to for safe passage.


    Under the forest moon, Oussana gather together to go out into the wilderness, or deep underground, to hunt something of notable scale and construct an effigy of bones from its remains in the spirit’s honor.  The quality of this effigy is said to inform the fortune of the clan for the coming year.



    -Clan Trials  -



    The Oussana do not take their name lightly, requiring strict adherence to the culture and notable accomplishments. Those not of the blood can undergo these trials should their deeds prove themselves to be among the greatest of maehr, or their kind, though this is a rather rare and momentous thing.


    The Wolf Trial: Before even entertaining the idea of marking an aspirant, the chieftess of the Oussana grants upon the individual a dire wolf pup. This beast is to be raised and trained by the aspirant until it is large enough to ride. The individual must prove this new mastery with the priestess. Trueblooded Oussana typically begin this trial from their sixteenth to thirtieth year.


    The Trial of Perfection: During the trial of perfection, the aspirant must undergo sessions to explain the full depth of the traditions and history of Oussana. After which, they pick a tradition or a particular spirit to newly devote themselves to. After enough time has passed, the aspirant must give to them some item devoted to the spirit to show their understanding, or their new found skill in a craft.


    The Trial of Fury: The most dangerous of the four primary trials, the aspirant is sent alone into the underground to survive for a lunar day on their own means. They are also hampered in multiple ways, with a curse or other factors placed upon them or planted in the caverns to force them to not rely on whatever the chieftess considers their crutch. This experience is intended to be highly traumatic in order to forge new strength in the individual.


    The Trial of Blood: The final trial is variable, the exact specifics up to the aspirant in question, though the entire clan is to be involved in this celebratory affair. It could be a group hunt, a feast, or other clan wide event. After the completion, the chieftess or chieftan shall mark the clan mark upon their flesh in a location of the aspirant’s choosing, mixing their own blood into the ink.

    Haeuze Creation: An additional trial for those who seek to become a priestess, an Oussana clan member must provide a substantial sacrifice to one of the adhered spirits in the presence of the chieftess and then display their understanding and mastery of all aspects of the clan. Should they be successful, the chieftess will use dreamwalking to perform one last ‘trial of the soul’ upon them. Those who succeed learn to dreamwalk themselves and become noted as a Haeuze.


    -OOC  -

    For people interested in playing an Oussana, or who simply want to talk about the culture or server cultures in general can contact @ClassyBells (me) at discord!

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