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Status Updates posted by Hawkz

  1. Hey, I saw you on Borgtrek's thread, and I had a question. Do you make skins, or is that just a one time thing? You see, I'm in dire need of a skin and no skin makers have arisen!

  2. Hi do you know who banned me?

  3. I am no longer Fresh Blood! Huzzah!

    1. JtPv


      But you still have no rep...


      Good job!

  4. Should I make a High Elf?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Aiden


      If you become any subrace of elf, perhaps you should check out this guide so that you more familiar with elves, eh? http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/78795-information-on-elves/

    3. Mithradites


      make a wood elf! We need more tree-huggers! :D

    4. Skippy
  5. Well, this sure stinks. I forgot the password to my MC account and I forgot the password to my MC account's email.

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